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New buzz after swap

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  • New buzz after swap

    I swapped neck pickups in my Gibson SG. Now there’s a buzz whenever I lift my hands off the strings, in both bridge and neck positions. The buzz was not there before I swapped pick ups. Otherwise the sound seems fine. What did I do wrong and how should I fix it? This is a new one for me.

    I don’t know if this is related, but I’ll share it anyways. A few strands of new neck pick up ground wire came loose before the wires enter the baseplate so i soldered them to the baseplate. And the everything in the cavity is grounded to the back of a single pot and then to the jack. Also, the previous neck pickup had heat shrink around the exposed part of the bare ground wire, while the new pickup does not have that. Don’t know if any of this makes a difference but figured I’d share just in case! Thanks to anyone willing to help sleuth
    Originally posted by crusty philtrum
    Anyone who *sings* at me through their teeth deserves to have a bus drive through their face

  • #2
    It's a grounding issue


    • #3
      Originally posted by chadd View Post
      It's a grounding issue
      I figured. Not sure the fix. I resoldered the neck pickup ground wire directly to the back of the pot. As far as I can tell the rest of the ground wires haven’t shifted, they’re still all piled together.
      Originally posted by crusty philtrum
      Anyone who *sings* at me through their teeth deserves to have a bus drive through their face


      • #4
        I haven’t accounted for the bridge grounding wire (the guitar bridge, not the bridge pickup.). Where does the SG bridge ground run to? Tailpiece post?
        Originally posted by crusty philtrum
        Anyone who *sings* at me through their teeth deserves to have a bus drive through their face


        • #5
          Bridge ground is my suspect.
          Originally Posted by IanBallard
          Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.

