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Microphonic pickup - what can I do?

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  • #16
    I would think this pup was potted when it was made, it's kinda SOP for new pickups unless specifically stated otherwise if I'm not mistaken. Definitely try the blow dryer thing first.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Supernautilus View Post
      Oh wait, do you mean the bobbin screws? The 4 screws on the bottom of the baseplate? Is what you're saying to tighten aftewards?
      Yes the 4 bobbin screws. Don't loosen them first. Just warm the pickup up (you can even do it in your hand by holding it for a while), and when the pickup is warm, squeeze the bobbins down toward the baseplate, which should press the bobbins and magnets/spacers altogether with the base plate. Then just check the 4 bobbins screws on the bottom/baseplate and make sure they are tight after pressing everything together.


      • #18

        So I took the pup out again to take a close look at it and I noticed something weird. It looked slightly lopsided. One side was higher than the other by about 1/32 of an inch, when measured on opposite sides relative to the base plate. Being a curious guy, I unwrapped it and took the bobbin screws out so I could get a good look inside. I saw what looked like a black plastic spacer on the slug side opposite a metal spacer under the screw side. The black spacer seemed thicker than the metal spacer and this is what appeared to be causing the slight height difference. I'm not sure if this is normal or if it could cause any issues. I just wanted to point this out because it seemed odd.

        Anyways, I saw no way of easily addressing this so I put the pup back together and heated it up with a hair dryer. I gently placed it into a clamp which softly squeezed the bobbins to the baseplate. I waited for the pup to cool and checked the bobbin screws again. One in particular seemed looser than I remember. I think unscrewing it a bunch of times may have made it somewhat loose. Again, not seeing an instant solution to this, I screwed them all as tightly as I could and then rewrapped the coils with tape.

        Also, in the process of reinstalling the pickup, I noticed the mounting screw holes seemed a bit loose. Probably from wear. I ended up replacing the springs with rubber tubing, in the hopes this would cut down vibrations.

        So far it all of this seems to have worked fairly well. The worst of the "hollow sound" I heard before is gone. The pup does sound better. On a side note, the UOA5 mag I put in this Jazz sounds pretty damn good. Anyways, if anyone has any further comments about anything I've described here, feel free.


        • #19
          did you try flipping the spacer 90 degrees? its usually a rectangle so its possible the bobbin is sitting on the tall side, when it should be the short


          • #20
            Originally posted by jeremy View Post
            did you try flipping the spacer 90 degrees? its usually a rectangle so its possible the bobbin is sitting on the tall side, when it should be the short
            It was oriented correctly. The rectangle shape was very definite so it was easy to see. Thanks for the advice though.

            On a side note, I think I’m going to try a different pickup in this guitar. I never thought the Jazz was a very good match for the JB, despite its popularity. Currently looking at a Pearly Gates. I’m seen several mentions of the JB/PG combo here on the forums and I think I’d like that much better. I’d like to try it.

