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Seymour Duncan Liberator-loaded pickguard

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  • Seymour Duncan Liberator-loaded pickguard

    I just dropped a Seymour Duncan-loaded pickguard into my Strat. The pickguard has a push/pull Tone knob. I understand that the knob is supposed to activate the Bridge and Middle pickups when the selector switch is in position #4, and all three pickups when the selector switch is in position #5. However, when I pull the knob with the selector switch in either of those two positions, nothing happens. Zip. Nada. Ideas? Anyone?

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!
    First, we have to establish what pickups are in there and if it is wired correctly. When you say 'nothing happens', do you mean no sound? Or is it not turning the bridge pickup on in combo with the neck and middle?
    Administrator of the SDUGF


    • #3
      The loaded LIberator guard with a push pull only puts the pickups into single-coil mode. That's the one that has the Classic-Stacks. I've never heard of a Seymour Duncan loaded guard that puts all three pickups on. Where did you buy this?


      • #4
        Everything that I've read, including on the SD website, say that when the knob is pulled up in selector #4, the bridge and middle pickup are activated, and when the selector is in position #5, the bride, middle and neck are activated. I purchased it new from a registered dealer.


        • #5
          Classic guard only has splitting for single-coil or full-stack
          "There is also coil-splitting option that lets you choose between hum-cancelling Stack mode and traditional single-coil operation."
          Loaded with a versatile combination of our Stack Plus pickups, and features a push/pull pot for splitting the pickups into true single coils.

          No push-pull on the Everything Axe loaded guard
          The Everything Axe set for Strat and Liberator system, pre-loaded into either a white or black, three-ply pickguard that will add a ton of versatility to your guitar.

          No push-pull on the Yngwie loaded guard
          This fully loaded pickguard was specd out by Yngwie himself to ensure that with this setup your Strat will deliver The Fury.

          No push-pull on the Jimi Hendrix loaded guard
          In 1968 Jimi Hendrix played a Strat loaded with pickups hand-wound by Seymour. Fifty years later we are proud to share a piece of that history with you.

          No push-pull on the Dave Murray loaded guard
          The Dave Murray Loaded Pickguard captures the iconic rhythmic crunch and bubbly lead trills that have influenced guitarists worldwide for decades.

          No push-pull on the California-50s guard
          A set of the Vintage Staggered for Strat pickups (SSL-1), pre-loaded into a pickguard ready to drop into your Stratocaster guitar for pure vintage tone.

          No push-pull on the Triple Rails guard
          With three ferocious Hot Rails pickups and the Liberator system, this prewired Stratocaster pickguard turns any Strat guitar into a fire-breathing beast.

          No push-pull on the Antiquity Texas Hot guard
          Install our Fully Loaded Antiquity Texas Hot Pickguard to give your Stratocaster a vintage sound and vibe.

 what exact guard do you have and where are you reading this on the Seymour Duncan web site? Can you post a link, please?


          • #6
            My bad. In looking at the box, it states "Get hum-cancelling stack mode or traditional single-coil tone with a push/pull pot." So, what exactly will I notice? This is new to me. I appreciate your time and apologize for me not reading the flipping box! Thanks.


            • #7
              The difference would be minimal because the Stacks have pretty good Strat tones in hum-cancelling mode. You would notice the difference more with a really snappy tube amp like an old Fender Twin, or SuperReverb or Deluxe or Tweed Twin or Bassman, etc. Traditional Single Coil would be a touch brighter and snappier and twangy, but could also have a bit of hum/noise.


              • #8
                Thanks! Yeah, I noticed a huge difference when I installed the SD's. It's an MIM Strat that had a HSS configuration. The guitar plays beautifully, but I Knew that the PUPs were inferior. Very twangy and much too bright. The SD's are smooth in contrast. Thanks again for your help!


                • #9
                  One more thing, is the hum-cancelling mode when the knob is pulled up, or when it's in the normal position?


                  • #10
                    When the knob is down, the hum-cancelling is active.
                    Administrator of the SDUGF


                    • #11
                      Thank you, and have a great day!

