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'59/Custom Hybrid 7-string

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  • '59/Custom Hybrid 7-string

    Yup. I made one.

    Wanted this pickup for YEARS. The videos of it are really good.(I'm an EMG guy ay heart, really. The 57-7 and 66-7 are hands down the best pickups I've ever played. Got 'em in my 2 main axes.) But I have an Agile Strat partscaster 7-string I wanted to redo, and boy, do I mean REDO, and I wanted passives in it for something different - Duncan SSL-5 Custom neck (with a dummy coil) and an SSL-1 Vintage for the middle. Seemed like a 59/Custom hybrid would pair well, no?

    Love it. What a pickup. It really does have everything. Can't wait to jam it with my new Friedman JEL-20. (till assembling to pedal board system for that.) I wish Duncan would make a 7-string version, but oh well. It wasn't that hard to make. Put a brass cover on it, too. Purdy. And now I have an extra pickup... a Custom/59-7 Hybrid!

    ... now I just need another guitar to put it in.

  • #2
    The Hybrid is still one of my favorite bridge pickups. Share a pic of your creation when you get a chance.
    Administrator of the SDUGF


    • #3
      An SSL-5 with a dummy coil? How's that sound?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Demanic View Post
        An SSL-5 with a dummy coil? How's that sound?
        Sounds great! I have it wired parallel currently, but going to mess around with series the next couple of days. As quiet as a humbucker. And it's real clear, real chimey, and very glass-like.

        Here's a pic with the '59/Custom in the guitar.

