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Is there something wrong with this diagram?

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  • Is there something wrong with this diagram?

    Hello everybody,

    I reproduced this diagram on my guitar and it's not working, there is no sound at all.

    Should the switch wire be connected to the "in" of the tone pot and then it goes from the "out" of the tone pot to the "in" of the volume pot?

    Thank you,
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  • #2
    I’m not seeing anything wrong with the diagram. You have all the grounds wired together right? They have to be connected to complete the path.

    the tip is hot and the sleeve is ground so make sure you know which is which.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ThomasP View Post
      Should the switch wire be connected to the "in" of the tone pot and then it goes from the "out" of the tone pot to the "in" of the volume pot?
      Absolutely not.

      That diagram is correct.

      But, as Bowtomecha said, all of the grounds need to be connected. Ground wires from pups, ground lug on switch, back of pots, and sleeve lug at the jack all need to be connected or it won't work.

      Originally Posted by IanBallard
      Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.

