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String spacing in humbucker sets

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  • String spacing in humbucker sets

    Does the bridge pickup in a humbucker set always come with standard string spacing?
    Thinking of a 78 set but wanting a trembucker for the bridge and wondering if I can just buy a set or if I need to buy them separately.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum

    I think the set defaults to all humbucker spacing. You might be able to call Duncan and see if they can sell you a set with a Trembucker bridge. It might not be in a set because the Trembucker is more often bought for single pickup guitars.


    • #3
      My guess is all sets are regular humbucker spacing. You'd have to buy them separately. If you look on the product page for the 78, it says it comes with a standard bridge humbucker, not a Trembucker. What is the price difference between a set and individual pickups?
      Administrator of the SDUGF


      • #4
        ive special ordered a set with a trembucker bridge, cant remember if there was a cost difference but if there was it was minimal.


        • #5
          Thanks for the responses. I'm based in the UK so buying direct from SD isn't really an option for me with customs charges and shipping, and there was a place selling a set for about £70 less than buying individually. I've actually just seen on the SD website that the listed resistance for the bridge pickup in the set matches the standard spaced one (9k vs 9.1k for the trembucker), so that pretty much confirms that.


          • #6
            I would say that if your saving 70 Britainbucks don't let the string spacing bother you. I have no doubt picked up countless guitars with the wrong bridge pickup spacing and didn't notice the spacing was off. The only time you will have a problem is if the bridge pickup polepieces are so much wider than the strings that bending the note causes volume drop off, in which case a trembucker will actually make that worse.
            You will never understand How it feels to live your life With no meaning or control And with nowhere left to go You are amazed that they exist And they burn so bright
            Whilst you can only wonder why


            • #7
              You'll need Whitworth pickups for the UK :-)

