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Acid Syre....

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  • Acid Syre....

    Here I went with my Guv'nor, slightly modded with all new caps(orangedrops) and some other LED's for the clipping, 12 v instead of 9v.....only thing I forgot to set the cut on mic proper, so some of the bottom is gone.
    Hiwatt and Peavey 4x12 cab, Kramer Pacer with the hybrid and my Delayla XL.
    Acid trip on a sunday like backing track.

    Last edited by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon; 07-30-2004, 12:04 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Acid Syre....

    Whow, Rid!! Very impresive as ussual. I love the tone of your guitars... You allways make me consider of making a hybrid pickup myself...


    • #3
      Re: Acid Syre....

      Thanks Mongrollo, yeah that old Kramer sounds about good with anything, I got my hands on a CC that I will install, all A2 magnets then on that one


      • #4
        Re: Acid Syre....

        Awesome playing as usual Rid... you are the living proof that you don't have to be a shredder to be a great player. As much impressed as I am by fast players, it's your type of playing I'm aiming for. Textures.

        I think I prefered the tone of your last clip though. It was crisper, less muffled. The Guv'Nor seems to color the sound a lot. I prefer more transparent OD pedals. But this is just me. Your tone is still better than most of what we hear in the forum because you can't replace a real tube amp and a mic.

        Gibson Les Paul Traditional
        Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


        • #5
          Re: Acid Syre....

          Thanks Sly...yeah the encoding killed some of the crispy sound, it sounds better on my cd I have with the clip.
          But yes there is a huge difference from my normal overdrive and this one, but I love different drives
          And I am not done modding it


          • #6
            Re: Acid Syre....

            Are these mods hard to do? I have a Boss SuperOverdrive that I could mod with a kit. I'm tempted to do that. The mod version is richer, creamier. Where did you get your kit?

            Gibson Les Paul Traditional
            Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


            • #7
              Re: Acid Syre....

              Ah one of the benefits of working where I do, we have plenty of parts, I Carl Martin'ed it
              But I forgot to take the schematic to work, and I was too lazy to figure out what did what, so I just changed the caps to better ones, same values, and the clipping LED's are the same that I used for the Plexitone.


              • #8
                Re: Acid Syre....

                I know zip about this stuff... looking at the mod kits, I think I'd be better off buying another pedal and combine it with the SD-1. It's very transparent, and I heard it does wonders with a TS-808 type pedal, gives it more edge.

                I'm practicing my new scale knowledge on your Help the poor track... pretty cool actually, the new scales seems to fit in easily in my play, much to my surprise. Good enough to post a sample soon. I begin to really like the Pearly Gates.

                Gibson Les Paul Traditional
                Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


                • #9
                  Re: Acid Syre....

                  John...StratDeluxe mods pedals, he has a very good rep and is extremely nice.
                  You could talk to him about it.
                  He yeah scales...I just see them as one big thing divided on two's.
                  Major and minor....the rest is just where you start from, but that is just me I always go for the simple thinking...makes my mind concentrate on what I want to play, but it is always a very good idea to learn those basic things, it will make alot of sense when you play.
                  I had classes while I was in highschool, we had the whole basic thing down there, everything from writing notations to singing after a sheat...shudders.
                  Lol These days I just play and solely go for what I like, but that was a hard earned freedom getting to here.


                  • #10
                    Re: Acid Syre....

                    Well I agree... I think that the fact that modes are more of a slide up and down the neck helped me a lot make order in the scales in my head. I don't worry too much. And don't really care what there are called.

                    But I was missing an important principal that was holding me back I think. I think I had a major lack of the different variations of the scales on the neck. It just clicked in my head, as if someone suddenly turned on the light

                    Thanks for John, I read that somewhere, maybe I should touch base with him.

                    Gibson Les Paul Traditional
                    Norman B50 Acoustic Guitar


                    • #11
                      Re: Acid Syre....

                      Heh yeah sometimes it is just small things that clicks in and makes you go beyond
                      Yep get a hold of John, he knows his stuff and has good taste


                      • #12
                        Re: Acid Syre....

               as usual too nonshreddy and acid for the rest of you guys??

                        43 views and two replies about the I get the picture.


                        • #13
                          Re: Acid Syre....

                          Lee man don't take it soo serious
                          It is pure fun and it is perhaps just too dirty for you I guees
                          You sound like my boss...hehe no acid for him as well
                          Anyways clips will be on the low side for some time now, too damm busy to have any fun.


                          • #14
                            Re: Acid Syre....

                            Well so much for that
                            Link updated.

