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Song for my parents

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  • Song for my parents

    Hello Again,

    Its wierd the way i come to this forum mainly with some recording and not much otherwise but this time im devastated. Four years ago my Father passed away off a heart failiure which was the first hit and just a few weeks ago my Mother, who i was extremely close to and was my reason to live and who was the most beautiful person i have ever known passed away from a multiple organ failiure as she had chronic hepatitis. For me its like ive been knocked into the ground a few levels. But i still survive alone.

    They liked this so i got some time and recorded it. Hope you like it and make sure that you all see a doctorand get a shot for that killing disease. Peace. - Rehan

    Fender Sunn Mustang - highly rayz'd!
    Laney LX35R Combo
    ToneWorks AX10
    ...wish there was more but thats it

  • #2
    Re: Song for my parents

    Man, I'm sorry to hear! I wish you a lot of strength and all the best.

    Indeed beautiful song, I love the melody, very touching!

    Keep it up Rayz! Thanks for sharing.

    btw. I like the chord turn around 1:41, really nice!
    Originally posted by Guitarist
    Honestly, I like Scott's words. "There is a rhythm to life. Ride the waves."

    And keep in mind that while nothing lasts forever, nothing is lost.


    • #3
      Re: Song for my parents

      Nice work!

      I feel you on this. I lost my parents when I was pretty young too. Both within six months of each other. Hang in there.

      You're never alone.


      • #4
        Re: Song for my parents

        thanks for your kind words guys, love you all
        Fender Sunn Mustang - highly rayz'd!
        Laney LX35R Combo
        ToneWorks AX10
        ...wish there was more but thats it


        • #5
          Re: Song for my parents

          Sorry to hear that
          That song's got very beautiful melody.


          • #6
            Re: Song for my parents

            thanks bro, it took a while to record it, but everytime i listen to it, it reminds me of them. After i die my only wish is to be with them in th hereafter always.
            Fender Sunn Mustang - highly rayz'd!
            Laney LX35R Combo
            ToneWorks AX10
            ...wish there was more but thats it

