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Studio Monitors - your recording setup..

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  • #16
    Re: Studio Monitors - your recording setup..

    I have the M Audio Pro 3's. I think they were 100$. Cheap but decent. They are realtively flat as far as tone goes. I have them hooked up to an Mbox Mini and riht into my Mac. Works great sounds great.
    "So you will never have to listen to Surf music again" James Marshall Hendrix
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace."-Jimi Hendrix


    • #17
      Re: Studio Monitors - your recording setup..

      Originally posted by DesertRat View Post
      I've found that the trick to getting better mixes is to really know your monitors, whatever they are, rather than having something really expensive. I always check everything through my old boom box before deciding it's done.
      +1 on a good pair of headphones too.

      The monitors are nothing more then a lens, and I'd argue... probably the most important piece of gear in a recording envorinment. If you can't trust what the monitors tell you it's all for naught... you'll be chasing your tail around.

      I rely on two sets if not three or four to be sure things translate from the mix room to the rest of the world. The Dyn's are frightening... very revealing and full spectrum. I also use the Tannoys, a little 4" mono speaker and sometimes headphones... was Sennheiser HD25's for a long long time but they finally blew apart and I'm looking for a new set...

      That said though...

      Room treatment is the single most important thing!!!

      I do a fair amount of consulting for guys with home studios... maybe a half-dozen setups a year and all too commonly I see people throw $1000's at new speakers & amps... cables... say they're stuff is bunk and they need new gear when the stuff they have is fine, even great!

      With proper orientation in the room and some nods to physics & basic treatment they're amazed at how much BETTER things sound and how the translation is more 'true'.

      Not that I recommend Auralex, but the Acoustics 101 paper on their site is filled with useful info...
      J. 'Moose' Kahrs

      Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
      All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...


      • #18
        Re: Studio Monitors - your recording setup..

        I'm no expert by any means, but what I do is mix everything using my monitors, then burn a copy and listen to it on my car stereo. If it sounds good ther, it should sound good anywhere else as well.
        "So you will never have to listen to Surf music again" James Marshall Hendrix
        "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace."-Jimi Hendrix

