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3 different overdrives

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  • 3 different overdrives

    Just a quick run on a lounge backer

    1. Engl Screamer (put a JJ in V1, much better..thought I hate JJs d'oh)
    2. MI Audio Tube Zone
    3. Carl Martin Hot Driven'n'Boost (modded and as Rid told me it's designed to be used loud where it sounds best I can assure you, this here was bedroom volume, so...)

    There are always some empty seconds where the change happens, I felt most comfortable with the amp OD..makes me play more risky and clean. That's why the amp part is the longest..ehehehe

    Also, the waves of the amp and Carl Martin pedal track are quite even, the MI Audio is designed somehow differently, the lower the notes get the bigger the wave becomes, high notes are quite low...but it compresses a lot.

    Anyway here the file, used the Yamaha SA2200

    Originally posted by Guitarist
    Honestly, I like Scott's words. "There is a rhythm to life. Ride the waves."

    And keep in mind that while nothing lasts forever, nothing is lost.

  • #2
    Re: 3 different overdrives

    I like the one you started with and then one you ended with. First one was clear and articulate. The last was warmer. Great clips bro!


    • #3
      Re: 3 different overdrives

      Dig the tone and dig your new lady friend in your avatar.

