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Cubase SE Users/PODxt Users

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  • Cubase SE Users/PODxt Users

    I just bought a PODxt and the Cubase SE software for my computer and was wondering if you had any tips about recording with either?

    I know next to nothing about MIDI but I'd like to mess around with the VST instruments, so I'd appreciate any kind of help there as well.

  • #2
    Re: Cubase SE Users/PODxt Users

    i dont know!
    but tell me what you think of your POD xt?


    • #3
      Re: Cubase SE Users/PODxt Users

      It's friggin' awesome!

      I've only had a chance to mess around with it, but man, I can't wait to start recording!

      I'll try and post a clip when I get some time...


      • #4
        Re: Cubase SE Users/PODxt Users

        You don't use any MIDI to record with a POD.

        You'll simply want to go out of your line out 1/4" jacks on your pod, into your sound card for best results.

        Good luck!


        Chad Dyer
        Naturally Wired Designs


        • #5
          Re: Cubase SE Users/PODxt Users

          Holy Shizznit!

          This thing is friggin' awesome!

          I spent two hours setting my PODxt up via internet, downloading all kinds of user patches from the tone-zone, and just general messing around...and I'm not bored!

          I'm waiting for the initial euphoria to subside...but that doesn't mean I can't have loads of ignorant fun and fool myself into thinking this is the greatest invention made by human hands!

          Thank you Line 6!


          • #6
            Re: Cubase SE Users/PODxt Users

            have fun with the is the best money i have spent on any piece of guitar gear ever and that was back when they where $400 now there only $300 ...i have yet to
            buy the 3 expansion packs but i will be doing that soon. if you need some patches i have a lot just pm or e-mail me at [email protected]. enjoy. oh and use the
            pod xt's usb out for recording...there are drivers on the website.

            my .02 cents
            "Get a BIBLE: open it, read it, and believe it" - Me

