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I can't mic a guitar anymore

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  • I can't mic a guitar anymore

    Maybe I never could, but just thought it was working (or didn't have the tools to do otherwise back then with usable results).

    No matter how I try to mic my guitar cab these days, it doesn't sound as good as running out of my amp's line out into a hardware cab sim, or recording clean and then applying a digital amp sim.

    I guess it works to my advantage to be able to record at odd hours (I work better at night), but a part of me is like, "no, it should sound better mic'ed!").

    Anyone else having this issue? I think technology finally caught up to those of us that can't mic very well (or don't want to/don't have the time to mess with finding the exact thweet thpot) or don't have really nice mics and preamps.
    Last edited by DankStar; 02-20-2009, 09:04 AM.

  • #2
    Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

    Are you putting a compressor on them when you mix? I would if you're not.
    Pulse 2AM - YouTube
    Pulse 2AM - iTunes


    • #3
      Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

      Here's a good place to start -- a recent thread
      my vinyl record collection | updated 11 August 2015


      • #4
        Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

        Originally posted by View Post
        Are you putting a compressor on them when you mix? I would if you're not.
        sometimes, sometimes not depending on how much it sounds squashed by the amp's settings. sometimes when I put a compressor on really distorted guitars they don't sound better to me and I'll leave it off.

        I think I need to do the dreaded shoot-out. I'll do some test runs and won't tell people what's what, and let the people decide. It's brilliant!
        Last edited by DankStar; 02-20-2009, 09:36 AM.


        • #5
          Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

          Originally posted by ImmortalSix View Post
          Here's a good place to start -- a recent thread
          cool stuff, thanks.


          • #6
            Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

            You sound like you suffer from over analyzing - the old I love it today hate it tomorrow! Welcome to recording. LOL

            I can listen to a record today and think it's brilliant then hear another record and think that's brilliant and hate the first one...and so it goes.
            Pulse 2AM - YouTube
            Pulse 2AM - iTunes


            • #7
              Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

              Originally posted by View Post
              You sound like you suffer from over analyzing - the old I love it today hate it tomorrow! Welcome to recording. LOL

              I can listen to a record today and think it's brilliant then hear another record and think that's brilliant and hate the first one...and so it goes.
              I always say I'm a Keep It Simple Stupid kind of guy, but when it comes down to it I wig out on stuff pretty hard.
              Last edited by DankStar; 02-20-2009, 09:54 AM.


              • #9
                Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

                Originally posted by DankStar View Post
                I always say I'm a Keep It Simple Stupid kind of guy, but when it comes down to it I wig out on stuff pretty hard.
                You know what? The average listener could give a rats ass. Does the song move you or not, that should be the focus.
                Pulse 2AM - YouTube
                Pulse 2AM - iTunes


                • #10
                  Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore



                  • #11
                    Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

                    Originally posted by View Post
                    You know what? The average listener could give a rats ass. Does the song move you or not, that should be the focus.
                    good point. it's the last song on the EP so it's turning into a head game, but yeah, I just need to get my punk attitude back and stop worrying about crap. thanks!


                    • #12
                      Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

                      Originally posted by DankStar View Post
                      good point. it's the last song on the EP so it's turning into a head game, but yeah, I just need to get my punk attitude back and stop worrying about crap. thanks!
                      I am never satisfied listening back, especially the longer it is from having recorded it. That's cool though, you move forward and get better hopefully. Think of how many cool sounding records the artist and producers probably wish they could have done better.
                      Last edited by; 02-20-2009, 01:14 PM.
                      Pulse 2AM - YouTube
                      Pulse 2AM - iTunes


                      • #13
                        Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

                        Originally posted by View Post
                        I am never satisfied listening back, especially the longer it is from having recorded it.
                        hehe, I'm kind of opposite in that respect - the more time goes by, the more I like my crappy 4 track tape deck recordings from 20 years ago and the less I like what I'm doing right now!


                        • #14
                          Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

                          What kind of mic are you using? With what kind of preamp?

                          What software are u using? What effects are you applying on top and in what order?

                          This is how i mic an amp.

                          SM57 micing a blues junior amp.
                          The way i set the mic is in between the center of the speaker, and the cone. So it is actually covering both the center of the speaker and the cone (not too trebly , not too bassy). And it is angled towards the cone, and away from the center.

                          My preamp is an ART Tube MP. I set the level to where it is a little bit under max level. I try hitting the strings loudest and hardest, and make sure there is no clipping occurring.

                          I record into cakewalk 3.0 and add in the following order:
                          Surround (Sonitus) with 7 DB boost - gives it a more 3D sound, and makes it stereo.
                          COMPRESSOR - vintage dbx style (Sonitus). I try to make it as gentle as possible. With a very smooth curve, and slight boost. I make the attack around 50 ms and release about 200 ms or higher. So it is not a rip-your-face-off compression. But just a little smoothness to the quiet parts, and calming of the loud parts.
                          Multiband EQ (Sonitus). I make sure the highs and mids are present. I bump mids until the sound is full bodied, but not too middy. And i bump the highs so the roundness of the strat comes out, but without being icepicky.
                          Then comes delays (Sonitus). I love friggin delays!
                          Then reverb (Sonitus).

                          Check out my video of lenny in the Tips and Clips, to see a demo. Its mostly clean sound though, no distortion.

                          take it easy.
                          Last edited by Frantic_Rock; 02-20-2009, 03:29 PM.
                          my youtubes Instagram Medium blog
                          A few original tunes: "The Grand Eclipse" and "Timeless Moments"


                          • #15
                            Re: I can't mic a guitar anymore

                            Good reads here;

                            Here's the one!

                            Last edited by J Moose; 02-20-2009, 03:51 PM.
                            J. 'Moose' Kahrs

                            Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
                            All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...

