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Just an observation...

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  • Just an observation...

    I notice an awful lot of people post their songs on here, hoping for and expecting comments from other members, yet they never comment on other songs themselves.

    I just think, if you're going to post a song and look for feedback - do the same for everyone else who contributes their music in here.
    Listen to some stuff, and comment, don't just post your own stuff and expect everyone to tell you how great you are while ignoring everyone else's contribution.

    It's a two way thing, let's try and be fair. Personally, I've started completely ignoring those guys that ONLY post their stuff and never comment, that's just me.

  • #2
    Re: Just an observation...

    There are certainly some awesome musicians that post comments and music in this forum. The more you interact whether it be posting music, or responding to any thread, the better you get for sure. I hope more people listen and post, keep this room alive cause recording is becoming much more crucial now that the technology is affordable and here for the average user.


    • #3
      Re: Just an observation...

      I try and post comments when I have something to say. Speaking strictly for myself I'm not looking for praise just constructive comments. I find if you're looking for praise from other musicians you won't get it much!!! LOL That's what fans are for.
      Last edited by; 02-21-2009, 07:59 PM.
      Pulse 2AM - YouTube
      Pulse 2AM - iTunes


      • #4
        Re: Just an observation...

        Originally posted by View Post
        I try and post comments when I have something to say. Speaking strictly for myself I'm not looking for praise just constructive comments. I find if you're looking for praise from other musicians you won't get it much!!! LOL That's what fans are for.
        Originally posted by kilphody
        There is no such thing as useless knowledge.


        • #5
          Re: Just an observation...

          I typically only comment on metal stuff cause that's what I listen to. Some days I'll listen to 5 things and not say anything, sometimes I'll go overboard leaving comments. Not sure why.


          • #6
            Re: Just an observation...

            I just stop by every now and then and say something if I feel like saying something. I don't listen to everything ... it's more by chance. There are a few players that I listen to everything they post if I see it because they are that good. If I post I might get a few comments but I just like the idea that somebody might be hearing it. But I would not worry about it if they didn't respond ... a few people heard it.


            • #7
              Re: Just an observation...

              Originally posted by Diocletian View Post
              I notice an awful lot of people post their songs on here, hoping for and expecting comments from other members, yet they never comment on other songs themselves.
              I have seen that too, and it is a little strange..
              My Soundclick


              • #8
                Re: Just an observation...

                I am gonna 'take off the velvet gloves' and unleash my constructive criticism for the 2cents that its worth, I think it may help the off topic for people to do this more. Its an art form to give an artist that little nudge but in a friendly way to better the art, right? Not that Im the culprit that does not do this. But I would want the same constructive criticism over fan type 'pat on the back' I suppose.


                • #9
                  Re: Just an observation...

                  I just think it's out of order to post your song and expect people to give you feedback, yet not bother your arse to extend the same courtesy to other people who have contributed to this section.
                  If you want feedback, at least have the courtesy to leave some for other people.



                  • #10
                    Re: Just an observation...

                    Originally posted by Diocletian View Post
                    I just think it's out of order to post your song and expect people to give you feedback, yet not bother your arse to extend the same courtesy to other people who have contributed to this section.
                    If you want feedback, at least have the courtesy to leave some for other people.
                    I think it's best not expect anything then you're pleasantly surprised when someone gives a rats arse! LOL In all seriousness there are professional forums that are geared towards feedback to help you improve, or at least there use to be. The SD tips and clips forum though a good addition to the site probably isn't geared toward that kind of thing. But, because you brought it up I'm going to try and adhere to a 3 to 1 ratio when I post something, 3 feedbacks for every post.
                    Pulse 2AM - YouTube
                    Pulse 2AM - iTunes


                    • #11
                      Re: Just an observation...

                      Originally posted by View Post
                      I think it's best not expect anything then you're pleasantly surprised when someone gives a rats arse! LOL In all seriousness there are professional forums that are geared towards feedback to help you improve, or at least there use to be. The SD tips and clips forum though a good addition to the site probably isn't geared toward that kind of thing. But, because you brought it up I'm going to try and adhere to a 3 to 1 ratio when I post something, 3 feedbacks for every post.

                      It wasn't aimed at you, nor was it about me. I've hardly posted anything here!
                      It just annoys me that people post their stuff here, clearly wanting feedback, yet won't bother to listen to the other stuff and comment.
                      Fair's fair.



                      • #12
                        Re: Just an observation...

                        You have a valid point.
                        Pulse 2AM - YouTube
                        Pulse 2AM - iTunes


                        • #13
                          Re: Just an observation...

                          Originally posted by everdrone View Post
                          I am gonna 'take off the velvet gloves' and unleash my constructive criticism for the 2cents that its worth, I think it may help the off topic for people to do this more. Its an art form to give an artist that little nudge but in a friendly way to better the art, right? Not that Im the culprit that does not do this. But I would want the same constructive criticism over fan type 'pat on the back' I suppose.
                          this is best.

