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Live Recordings

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  • Live Recordings

    Hey guys, i had i show yesturday, and i got recordings of our originals. they are much better quality then the ones i normally post and i really want your guys comments!

    all of the songs except "Traits of a Madman" are live recordings from yesturday, so please take a listen and tell me what you think. this was our 1st show playing originals, well at least good ones, we had played our 1st original before but these 4 songs are MUCH better so please tell me what you think

    thanx. Rob

  • #2
    Re: Live Recordings

    I liked "Take Me Now". I definately can hear the Metallica influence. Keep rockin.
    Gibson Les Paul R8 in Ebony
    Roland Cube 60
    Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier Head & Mesa Boogie 2x12 Horizontal Rectifier Cabinet
    BadCat Unleash V1 Attenuater/Re-amplifier
    LoopMaster Clean Dirty A/B Looper Switcher
    Mogami Cables
    Mooer Candy Toppers
    Pedals: Mad Professor Silver Spring Reverb, Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay, Neunaber Stereo WET Reverb, Keeley 30ms DoubleTracker, & TC Electronic Polytune.
    Extras: AmpWedge & Auralex Great Gramma ISO Platform


    • #3
      Re: Live Recordings

      Also, No offense, just trying to help you out, but "Empty" seems like 2 totally different songs when you go back and forth between the chorus and verse. The time signatures are totally different. The chorus and the verse just dont fit together right to make a one consistant sounding song because of the time signature differences between the verse and the chorus.
      Last edited by GuitarGuy503; 09-26-2004, 10:12 PM.
      Gibson Les Paul R8 in Ebony
      Roland Cube 60
      Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier Head & Mesa Boogie 2x12 Horizontal Rectifier Cabinet
      BadCat Unleash V1 Attenuater/Re-amplifier
      LoopMaster Clean Dirty A/B Looper Switcher
      Mogami Cables
      Mooer Candy Toppers
      Pedals: Mad Professor Silver Spring Reverb, Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay, Neunaber Stereo WET Reverb, Keeley 30ms DoubleTracker, & TC Electronic Polytune.
      Extras: AmpWedge & Auralex Great Gramma ISO Platform


      • #4
        Re: Live Recordings

        downloading them now


        • #5
          Re: Live Recordings

          Originally posted by GuitarGuy503
          Also, No offense, just trying to help you out, but "Empty" seems like 2 totally different songs when you go back and forth between the chorus and verse. The time signatures are totally different. The chorus and the verse just dont fit together right to make a one consistant sounding song because of the time signature differences between the verse and the chorus.
          well i can honestly say i never really thought about time signatures when writing the song, i didn't even notice they were different. obviousky i was going for something similar to "Fade to Black". oh and no offense was taken i wanted you comments and constructive critisism so i can work on my writing.

          so keep the replies coming, i wanna know what you guys think of the stuff.


          • #6
            Re: Live Recordings

            Take me now - Niiice groove .. man, your vocalist sounds like het.. a bit too much if you ask me LOL .. i said it before. if you dont say who it is, i would think it's tallicas new demo. ok, back to the song.. your drummer is a bit weak.. but he's got time to develop better technique. dont let him become the 2nd lars
            pure old trash, the way we like it!! and the people talking kind of fit the song too. i'm digging the riff more and more

            empty - i remember this song, but now it's in mucho better quality. it doesnt suit your vocalists singing style too much i can tell you that right now at least the slow parts. (tell the chicks to shut the **** up) i like the drum fill. if you ask me (sorry for the tallica comparison again) but this how st.anger should have sounded (the song) (at least the chicks aplauded now lol)

            red sea - sweet mother of mercyfull jesus. how old are you? thats a friggin kickass band you got there! keep it going man. oh.. constructive criticism .. i like what i hear. your vocalist overdoes het a tiny bit though. forget what i said about your drummer =) who's writing the songS? he should get a cookie =P

            into a void - pretty twin harmonies and a very nice riff, good playing but shoot the drummer.. god i hate that kind of drumming >.< no bass snare bass snare beats PLEASE! and definately not at that speed ... you really gotta work on the drums on some parts in this song dude. they're killing it entirely. sweet guitar riffs, the solo is so so.. focus more on the intro harmony and do a solo around that a bit. drums get mental at the ending. could be a song to but the drums kill it

            from all these i liked take me now the best


            • #7
              Re: Live Recordings

              well me and my other guitarist write the songs. Red Sea we have been working on the longest. it's a great song. I'm not a fan of the blast beats either, but i thought it fit the song, i really like the riff, and i thought the slayer type thing would work. but thanks for the comments. the songs we are writing are going to be better and better. this was basically our 1st set of real originals. the next ones will be awesome.


              • #8
                Re: Live Recordings

                I agree with Davey. I recall thinking "the drummer is ****ing up the works" while I was listening to your demos. Everyone elses playing seems to be pretty solid in my opinion but ya the drummer needs some work. Also, I respect the fact that your band has a strong Metallica feel to it, but I'd strongly encourage you to find your bands own signature tone and sound, rather than thinking of how your songs would sound if they were being performed by Metallica. Don't get me wrong, I think its pretty cool that your band has reached the Metallica feel in music, but I myself prefer bands that are unique and somewhat different from other bands. Your band, to me, has to close of a resemblance to Metallica, which isn't a horrible thing, but I just think you and your band should throw something into your music that isn't Metallica sounding so it makes your music a little more unique from Metallica. Id work on your own style of vocals for your band. Just a suggestion. Goodwork though so far though dude, and keep up the good work. Again, hopefully you don't find anything I have said offensive, Im just trying to throw ideas out there.
                Last edited by GuitarGuy503; 09-27-2004, 05:45 PM.
                Gibson Les Paul R8 in Ebony
                Roland Cube 60
                Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier Head & Mesa Boogie 2x12 Horizontal Rectifier Cabinet
                BadCat Unleash V1 Attenuater/Re-amplifier
                LoopMaster Clean Dirty A/B Looper Switcher
                Mogami Cables
                Mooer Candy Toppers
                Pedals: Mad Professor Silver Spring Reverb, Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay, Neunaber Stereo WET Reverb, Keeley 30ms DoubleTracker, & TC Electronic Polytune.
                Extras: AmpWedge & Auralex Great Gramma ISO Platform


                • #9
                  Re: Live Recordings

                  yeah, i am trying to get away from the whole metallica thing, Into a Void was the newest song, which is why it's got more of a Slayer feel to it. i am trying to get my own kinda thing. and the new songs are getting away from the Metallica thing, right now what's holding the band back i think is my vocals. i think if we got a singer, who didn't sound like hetfield, we would sound a lot less like metallica....we are alos out a bassist i mean im sure you could tell there was no bass in any songs. so im hoping once we get all the proper components the band will be on it's way. we have only been a band for about a year, and we've only been really drilling originals since like June. but now we are constantly working on originals so i hope everything goes well


                  • #10
                    Re: Live Recordings

                    lol.. in trash theer usually is no bass.. or is drowned in effects so much you cant hear it.. plus the scooped rythm tones give it enough whomp LOL

                    well, if you had a diferent singer it'd definately sound diferent.

