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What does your playing LOOK like?

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  • #16
    Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

    i dont really care what my playing looks like. i move however the music makes me want to move, its fun as ****
    Originally posted by Lewguitar
    It is a blast to plug into a full Marshall stack, crank it up to patent applied for and wail though. Makes you feel like you have a penis so big you have to tuck it into your sock.
    Originally posted by JOLLY
    I totally forgot how totally awesome it sounds to have a killer tube amp cranked. I'm not sure if I'm gonna watch some porn at the moment or just crank my amp again and bust one on it.


    • #17
      Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

      Originally posted by Zerberus View Post
      Vai is an outstanding guitarist, but I´d personally rather listen to EVH or Satch or some other guy that sounds like he´s about to lose control
      Then you should LOVE my music!
      Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; 10:9-10

      Teknon Theou
      Complaining that there are hypocrites in church is like complaining that fat people use the gym. Where else would you have them be?


      • #18
        Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

        Hmmm....I can put this a couple different ways.

        One is, it all comes from LISTENING. You listen to the music as you play it, and you suddenly find it's not just your hands and fingers moving anymore. With me it's so unconscious. It just happens. Okay, I admit it, I have a couple "stage moves" but for the most part, it feels like either my guitar comes alive or I do, and the guitar comes along for the ride.

        The other way to put it is how my girlfriend so eloquently described from an outsider's point of view...

        "I like it when you **** your guitar".
        Originally posted by Pink Unicorn Horsey
        Dumbness on massive idiocy with the stupid dumb-dumbnity of ridiculous WTFation in the dumbass of you-idiot.
        Originally posted by Sosomething
        "How do I improve the tone of my ThrasherKidzz-O-Blaster combo??"

        The answer is always "burn it, dumbass."


        • #19
          Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

          Showmanship in a live band is definitely an asset. If you're an orchestra in a pit and you're just providing atmosphere or the soundtrack to what's going on onstage, then it doesn't matter.

          If you're on the stage, it matters. People should be there to see you, not just hear you, and you should give them something to see. You don't need to set your pants on fire or climb your amp, but play the music like it means something to you. Rock out like you did when you used to play air guitar to everything.

          Otherwise you're a human jukebox, just with fewer songs and less flash.
          Originally posted by Brown Note
          I'm soooooo jealous about the WR-1. It's the perfect guitar; fantastic to play, balances well even when seated and *great* reach for the upper frets. The sound is bright tight and very articulate. In summary it could only be more awesome if it had b00bs and was on fire!
          My Blog


          • #20
            Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

            I always try to play like my favorite guitarists. That way I feel very cool and it make me smile to think I could be playing in front of thousands of people. I'm more in to this kind of music and guitar playing I think is cool looks like this:

            For me, it's more in the attitude than anything else.
            - PRS SE Custom (Jazz/JB)
            - Ibanez RGD7421 (D-Activator)
            - Tanglewood TW170AS-CE

            Traynor YCS100 through Marshall 1960 lead (4x12)
            Originally posted by Curt
            Whatever you do, remember to play in the crabcore position, it helps with the tone.


            • #21
              Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

              I don't if that is a serious post or well exucuted
              Originally posted by kilphody
              There is no such thing as useless knowledge.


              • #22
                Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                One word: Slick B-)
                Originally posted by Guitarist
                Honestly, I like Scott's words. "There is a rhythm to life. Ride the waves."

                And keep in mind that while nothing lasts forever, nothing is lost.


                • #23
                  Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                  Perhaps I'll post a vid up later.


                  • #24
                    Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                    If I'd post one, it would be X-rated.

                    That has nothing to do with clothing, BTW.


                    • #25
                      Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                      summat leik this:

                      though I gowts help as well
                      Last edited by sosomething; 08-24-2009, 05:33 AM.

                      Hear or Follow my music:


                      • #26
                        Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                        Originally posted by sosomething View Post
                        summat leik this:
                        Cell phone bulge FTW!


                        • #27
                          Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                          That's my flat, wide, rectangular penis.

                          Hear or Follow my music:


                          • #28
                            Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                            Originally posted by sosomething View Post
                            That's my flat, wide, rectangular penis.

                            My vibe is pretty close to how Marc Ford is.
                            Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                            I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


                            • #29
                              Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                              when i practice, i go for elegant hand / arm motion ... good positioning and technique ... posture, etc ... all the mechanics ...

                              then, when i perform ... i try not to think too hard about that stuff ... just like my note choice, i try to let the good stuff i practice seep in without forcing it ...

                              i know i play way better when i am more elegant ... i get better control of my vibrato that way (instead of spastic strangling) .. my sweeps are more clean and clear ... my legato has more dynamics and my up strokes are not weak ... also, i can more effortlessly go back and forth between chord (fragments) and single notes ...

                              when i am sloppy, i suppose i could kid myself into believing i am getting more 'vibe' but if i am being self honest, it seriously reduces my creative dynamic range ... i can do gritty rock blues riffage, but nothing very expansive
                              gear list in profile

                              "no seymour - no tone ... know seymour - know tone!"

                              Is it not the glory of the people of America that, whilst they have paid a decent regard to the opinions of former times and other nations, they have not suffered a blind veneration for antiquity, for custom, or for names, to overrule the suggestions of their own good sense, the knowledge of their own situation, and the lessons of their own experience?" - James Madison - Federalist #14


                              • #30
                                Re: What does your playing LOOK like?

                                Hard to really look cool when ducking cue balls and plastic cup hockey pucks but I'd like to look like Johnny Ramone if I could.
                                My Bands -

                                Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time
                                GUITAR KULTURE

