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My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

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  • #16
    Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

    "Chaser" was DEFINATELY my favorite track out of the bunch (When I listen to it I hear ALOT of potential). It simply sounded the most "solid" and "complete" to me out of the other tracks. In regards to the other tracks, while I liked bits and pieces of them, I couldn't get into them. I also agree that you guys need to figure out something for the vocals (whether it be improving yourselves as vocalists or finding someone to fill it).
    Last edited by GuitarGuy503; 09-09-2010, 09:20 AM.
    Gibson Les Paul R8 in Ebony
    Roland Cube 60
    Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier Head & Mesa Boogie 2x12 Horizontal Rectifier Cabinet
    BadCat Unleash V1 Attenuater/Re-amplifier
    LoopMaster Clean Dirty A/B Looper Switcher
    Mogami Cables
    Mooer Candy Toppers
    Pedals: Mad Professor Silver Spring Reverb, Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay, Neunaber Stereo WET Reverb, Keeley 30ms DoubleTracker, & TC Electronic Polytune.
    Extras: AmpWedge & Auralex Great Gramma ISO Platform


    • #17
      Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

      posting here to subscribe so I can check this out from home

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      • #18
        Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

        Congratulations on the debut and best of luck with it!
        Pulse 2AM - YouTube
        Pulse 2AM - iTunes


        • #19
          My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

          Originally posted by GuitarGuy503 View Post
          also agree that you guys need to figure out something for the vocals (whether it be improving yourselves as vocalists or finding someone to fill it).
          Thanks for the input but I don't see that happening... I can think of many, many albums and bands who only have one guy doing vox. As I said I occasionally do a very minute bit of backing vox but we had insufficient time for me spend butchering take after take to get a good one.
          7 FREE TRACKS OF ROCK -

          PARTY -

          In mother Russia, pedal overdrives you.


          • #20
            Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

            Originally posted by joelap View Post

            In the end, time was really the overall factor. We did every solo in one day, and I think it was half the day. We maybe had time to do 5 maybe 6 takes of vocals / lead guitars per song and then it was pick the best one and move on. Which wa great because we wanted a raw record that sounded like us not something over produced with lots of wooga-wooga protools magic. One of our favorite bands is Clutch and we like to think of ourselves as a slightly more mainstream sounding clutch.
            Makin' a record there's always a trade-off & balance of time vs. desired output... what the 'finished' product should be.

            Regardless of budget it takes, what? A few hours at best to get a drum sound up? After that its ENTIRELY upto the musicians to deliver, and the producer to keep everyone on track and moving towards that desired output.

            Early on while talking about what the record should sound like, besides "good" someone... not mentioning who in the band, but we all know who it was (not joe!) said that it should sound "organic" like Metallicas Black record.

            Sorry man, but that ain't close to "organic" in the least! Drums NEVER sound like that in a room. Anyone ever stand next to an acoustic drum kit that sounds exactly like that record? Close to it? Thought not.

            So the flip side of that is Nirvana's In Utero... that sounds pretty organic and there's lots of middle ground between those two. Which is where we ended up. Nobody involved with the project wanted to do the whole midi-drum kit, paint by numbers, otto-tuned "modern record" thing.

            'Ya know... the comments about the "lack" of vocal production and layering etc. tell me that anyone who made those comments NEVER actually LISTENED to any of the songs.

            There might not be 20 tracks of vocals on each tune, but there are layers there... sometimes just for a line or two within a verse. Quite a few vocals besides the lead on Chaser were cut with a lo-fi mic through Joes battery amp. There's one song with at least a half-dozen voices layered in at the end in a VERY obvious way.

            Its funny but when I played the final, unmastered mixes for one of my musician buddies he had nothing but compliments on the vocal layering and production. Thought it made some nods to Janes Addiction.

            Go figure.
            J. 'Moose' Kahrs

            Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
            All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...


            • #21
              My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

              You can always buy the record for 5 bucks and listen to it in high quality through a better set of speakers lulz

              And for the record it was not me who made the organic black album comment. That narrows it down to three people.
              7 FREE TRACKS OF ROCK -

              PARTY -

              In mother Russia, pedal overdrives you.


              • #22
                Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                Originally posted by joelap View Post
                And for the record it was not me who made the organic black album comment. That narrows it down to three people.
                Oh it was you... you love "teh metallikaz"! Don't try to hide it!
                Originally posted by kevlar3000
                I learned a long time ago that the only thing that mattered regarding tone was what my ears thought.
                Originally posted by Zerberus
                Better is often the enemy of good
                Originally posted by ginormous
                Covers feed the body, originals feed the soul.


                • #23
                  Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                  penny for my thoughts: u really shuld make a myspace...alot of people trust myspace as not a virus type site for whatever are familiar with myspace and check it when making a decision to come to shows.


                  • #24
                    Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                    Originally posted by joelap View Post
                    You can always buy the record for 5 bucks and listen to it in high quality through a better set of speakers lulz

                    Or just pickup one song! Get your favorite off bandcamp... its only a buck!!! How cheap can 'ya get? Put up or shut up!

                    Or don't do it at all. Whudda I care? Everyone in the artists camp was thrilled with the master, and my company got paid... makes no difference to me if anyone buys it or not.

                    Actually that's a bunch of BS.

                    These days I only get involved with projects and artists that resonate with me... I want every rekkid to do well. Doesn't do me any good to have the artist unhappy, or the release to fail entirely. What's the point in that?

                    And for the record it was not me who made the organic black album comment. That narrows it down to three people.

                    J. 'Moose' Kahrs

                    Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
                    All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...


                    • #25
                      Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                      First off good job and good luck with it!

                      The mix sounds very natural, obviously you can spend forever mixing but this sounds about right for a young band, it sounds honest.

                      I like most of the songs and the instruments all sound really strong but unfortunately the vocalist doesn't do it for me. In thinking about it I might like it better if the vocals sat back in the mix a bit, just would be a little more comfortable sounding to me.

                      All in all that is minor stuff, go out and work it to death and make something happen!
                      My Bands -

                      Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time
                      GUITAR KULTURE


                      • #26
                        Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                        [QUOTE=joelap;2615281]Main guitar sound was my Demeter tgp-3 into a gmajor2 for some reverb (ghast!! Digital??!!) and into my vht 2/50/2. Main cab was an avatar vintage 4x12 with g12h30 speakers. Most 2nd guitars were into an Orange AD0htc sometimes goosed with one of my custom booster pedals into a Madison Amps 2x12 (yes chris your old cabinet!!) with warehouse guitar speakers "veteren 30" v30 clones. Other amps used sporadically include a Valvetech Hayseed 30 with eminence red fang alnico speakers and my custom built 1Watt lantern battery powered russian subminiature tube amp with a 6 or 5 inch weber speaker, and we goosed that with the Seymour Duncan compressor pedal. All solos were the tgp-3 rig.

                        All main guitars for every song except rust are my Les Paul studio limited with ebony board, loaded with CC/A2pro hybrids. Most alternate guitars on the remaining tracks except Circus Massacre and chaser were my USA custom Jazzmaster into the orange rig with a SD custom shop jazzmaster pickup. Circus massacre 2nd guitar into the battery amp is a dead stock fender 60th anniversary hollow tele. Chaser has two tracks of the Les Paul/Demeter rig and one track of the Les Paul into my custom germanium booster into the orange/v30 rig. Bass is a blend of my Tube Instrument Preamp I designed and a Groove Tubes tube DI box."

                        Yeah, ditto, that's my rig too, kinda the trend this summer (well, not EXACTLY. My hollow body 60th ann. Tele has a few mods, not stock.)


                        • #27
                          Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                          This is cool - a nice, thick, raw sound. Good, tight performances as well. I'll keep any criticism I might have of the mix to myself. "Chaser" is a really cool track.

                          Originally posted by joelap View Post
                          One of our favorite bands is Clutch and we like to think of ourselves as a slightly more mainstream sounding clutch.
                          This is so funny... it just goes to show that we, as musicians, may have our influences but at the end of the day have no idea how we might perceived by an objective audience.

                          I've been on a huge Clutch kick for the last two weeks - everything from Elephant Riders and Pure Rock Fury to Strange Cousins... and when I listen to you guys, I don't hear Clutch at all. Like ZERO. If anything, I'd draw comparisons to early-90s alternative bands like Local H or Filter (but that one might just be due to the guitar sound).

                          Either way you should be proud of this. I hope it brings you lots of good attention!

                          Hear or Follow my music:


                          • #28
                            Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                            Originally posted by sosomething View Post
                            If anything, I'd draw comparisons to early-90s alternative bands like Local H or Filter (but that one might just be due to the guitar sound).
                            I'll take Local H and Filter! Its true though about never knowing how others perceive you. In the past two days, we've been likened to
                            - Jane's Addiction
                            - Social Distortion
                            - Local H
                            - Filter
                            - and oddly enough, "a cross between Judas Priest and Disturbed"
                            - others I can't remember.

                            Wattage, thanks for the good words man. That's cool if the vox doesn't do it for you... think about the smashing pumpkins and GnR... who ever thought their vocalists would take their bands to where they did?
                            7 FREE TRACKS OF ROCK -

                            PARTY -

                            In mother Russia, pedal overdrives you.


                            • #29
                              Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                              Oh please don't take it as a knock, you did an excellent job. Now it's time to work it, make us all proud.
                              My Bands -

                              Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time
                              GUITAR KULTURE


                              • #30
                                Re: My Band's Debut Album "Autonomy" - Now Online

                                Originally posted by Wattage View Post
                                Oh please don't take it as a knock, you did an excellent job. Now it's time to work it, make us all proud.
                                no no no no I didn't take it as a knock, I meant that seriously!

                                I'm not the least bit offended - really.
                                7 FREE TRACKS OF ROCK -

                                PARTY -

                                In mother Russia, pedal overdrives you.

