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Need To Host Your Clips Online?

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  • Need To Host Your Clips Online?

    This is only partial spam.

    I know you know the situation... you click on a thread title thinking "oh cool, I'll listen to this guys clip!" only to be met with the dreaded mediafire, yousendit, megaupload download or the less-dreaded but still annoying Soundclick page.

    The solution? Dropbox. It's a free (up to 2GB) hosting service that syncs with a folder on your computer. You copy files you want hosted into the folder, and they automatically upload. You then right click the file, select the dropbox menu option, click on the 'copy public link' option, and paste it into your thread. Now you can directly like to .mp3, .wav, .jpg, etm... files right from the threads, and avoid having to send people to random other sites just to listen to a quick clip of you new JB installation or whatever.

    You can get it at the above link,, or by clicking the link below:

    Dropbox helps you simplify your workflow. So you can spend more time in your flow.

    With both the hyperlinked one and the referral link above, when you register, you'll give me an extra 250mb of storage. If you think I'm a ******, just go t the normal website - if not (doubtful ), just go to the plain link.

  • #2
    Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

    Does it stay hosted indefinitely or does the link become broken after a while?
    The opinions expressed above do not necessarily represent those of the poster and are to be considered suspect at best.

    Lead guitarist and vocalist of...

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    • #3
      Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

      Originally posted by Beer$ View Post
      Does it stay hosted indefinitely or does the link become broken after a while?
      Indefinitely - I've never had a link lost or any downtime incurred in the year or so I've been using DropBox. It's not as fast as my dedicated FTP server, but it's still really fast on the upload/download side!


      • #4
        Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

        LoL we broke it already... hahaha. .. error error
        my youtubes Instagram Medium blog
        A few original tunes: "The Grand Eclipse" and "Timeless Moments"


        • #5
          Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

          Dropbox was exactly what I was going to suggest in the other thread.

          My band uses it all the time. We share demos and rehearsal recordings with each other. I've also used it to post pics and mp3's on the web.

          I got the paid 50 GB account so I can use it as a backup service.

          Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts


          • #6
            Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

            ahh, so that's how it works. thanks!


            • #7
              Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

              We've been using dropbox for a about year to share school documents, etc. Good stuff.
              "The amp has been making a lot of noise and acting funky, perhaps it may be aware of the amount of rock it's about to be punished with" ~GearMannDude
              "30 days of dating doesn't seem like cheating. It seems like legitimate playing the field, and you happened to catch a pop fly..." ~Aceman
              "If all else fails, wank, fall asleep, come back to it the next day." ~GuitarStv
              "The crowd has no perception of tone...only timing and flow." ~Glassman


              • #8
                Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

                I used dropbox for work, it really gets the job done, I would definitely recommend it for many uses, but I prefer for posting clips.


                • #9
                  Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

                  Gotta get more guys using this.
                  So much better than all the other solutions


                  • #10
                    Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

                    I'm not seeing how peeps would be able to download the clip if they want to - can you only let "friends you share with" download 'em?
                    Last edited by DankStar; 12-16-2010, 11:11 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

                      Nope, you just post the .mp3 and people can right click/download if they so choose, or just listen within the browser.


                      • #12
                        Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

                        Originally posted by Virtual Kevorkian View Post
                        Nope, you just post the .mp3 and people can right click/download if they so choose, or just listen within the browser.
                        cool. seems to work pretty well. with soundclick's headaches (today they were down entirely), I've switched over.

                        looks like I got an extra 250 mb extra for signing up through your link too!
                        Last edited by DankStar; 12-16-2010, 07:58 PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

                          I tried to get this to work for a reunion of a band i was in a few years ago.

                          I tried uploading all the mp3s I had and it would have taken a full 24 hours to upload ~1gig.

                          Then when I went to my friends house to show him all the stuff I posted online and how to download it, all the folders were empty except two.

                          I dunno, I don't forsee myself giving it another shot!

                          Actually, if so many of you guys are find this working for you, I'm gonna try it again!
                          Last edited by Warheart; 12-20-2010, 12:13 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Need To Host Your Clips Online?

                            Dropbox works great. Another service I've been enjoying is Soundcloud. Very simple and straightforward. Instead of limiting the length of tracks you can upload, they give you X number of minutes... it can be one long track or twenty short ones, at any resolution.

