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DFH or Metalheadz

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  • DFH or Metalheadz

    I have leaned both ways on which to buy.
    I started to really go for metalheadz. Until everything BUT metalheadz went on sale. Half off until the end of march.

    Experienced users please help a guy.

  • #2
    Re: DFH or Metalheadz

    are you talking about drum sequencing?


    • #3
      Re: DFH or Metalheadz

      Yes, well I should say I currently use ezdrummer and use flstudio to sequence.


      • #4
        Re: DFH or Metalheadz

        ok, so what is metalheadz?

        I've used EZ drummer/DFH for a while, and while it's good for demos and whatnot, I find that the drum sounds are not that great and don't work too well in full mixes (hence the only good for demos)


        • #5
          Re: DFH or Metalheadz

          I have learned to get ez drummer sounding pretty tight with the use of flstudio and some parallel compression on the overall.
          Metalheads is another kit expansion just like DFH.

          I posed the question because i have seen folks using both.
          I guess the only two questions are:
          Is DFH worth 40 bucks. and
          Is Metalheads worth twice that.


          • #6
            Re: DFH or Metalheadz

            DFH is pretty good, but pretty basic, if all you're going for is the programmed loops.

            not a whole lot of versatility in the playing on those loops.

            there was another expansion called library of the extreme (or something along those lines) which featured a whole bunch of blasts, grooves and fills played by Dirk Verbeuren from Scarve, Soilwork, Yyrkoon etc etc.

            That was pretty ripping, and had a whole bunch of really cool things.

            I've never seen the metalheads expansion though...


            • #7
              Re: DFH or Metalheadz

              I can't speak for Metalheadz, but I really like DFH. Seems to have just about everything you'd need. Get Devin Townsend's Ziltoid The Omniscient to hear what it's truly capable of.


              • #8
                Re: DFH or Metalheadz

                Awesome thanks guys
                I don't use any of the programmed beats btw.
                Living dead ill def check that out.

                Open to hear from anyone with metalheadz experience as well

