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Science is Metal!

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  • Science is Metal!

    Finished that song about matter/antimatter collisions in a particle accelerator. Progressive black/death metal in the Opeth, Enslaved sorta vein.


    And my dumb lyrics to go with it:


    Magnetic constriction of subatomic particles
    Confined within beams
    Critical cooled superconductors accelerate
    To the speed of light.

    Opposing charge,
    Antiparticles careen towards oblivion
    Quantum effects predict destruction,
    Collision, conversion to pure energy.

    Five hundred eleven thousand
    Electron volts
    Gamma ray emission
    Violent outburst, deadly force

    Total annihilation
    If harnessed, could power flight to stars
    Saviour of humanity,
    Or the bringer of death.

  • #2
    Re: Science is Metal!

    Cool the style.

    As for mix critiques, I'm no pro but just a few first impressions:

    -Drum sound is killing it. I know they're programmed drums but some other program/ samples as well as some more time/ care into programming them (i.e. riding the crash during a clean part?) will go along way and start you off nicely. It is also causing...
    -Drums are being drowned out, which I am assuming is due to the point above.
    -Bass is nearly (?) inaudible
    -Vocals a little buried...seems like some eq/comp/verb etc would go a long way to bring them up a bit/ make them sit better in the mix. Can't say for certain what it needs and I'm assuming your going for a dryer sound like Enslaved does. Maybe mic choice is even a factor?
    -Guitar tone is wicked, just seems to be drowning everything out. Classic outcome when a guitarist mixes a track haha

    Don't mean to slam you here, it sounds good no doubt! And the tune (which is what really matters) is pretty sick...excited to hear more.

    Oh and just as a disclaimer, I'm listening to these on my Yamaha HS80's, not any laptop speakers or earbuds.


    • #3
      Re: Science is Metal!

      love the finished tune
      the guitars sound awesome, but they're drowning out your bass track/s


      • #4
        Re: Science is Metal!

        Originally posted by Kamanda~SD View Post
        Cool the style.

        As for mix critiques, I'm no pro but just a few first impressions:

        -Drum sound is killing it. I know they're programmed drums but some other program/ samples as well as some more time/ care into programming them (i.e. riding the crash during a clean part?) will go along way and start you off nicely. It is also causing...
        -Drums are being drowned out, which I am assuming is due to the point above.
        -Bass is nearly (?) inaudible
        -Vocals a little buried...seems like some eq/comp/verb etc would go a long way to bring them up a bit/ make them sit better in the mix. Can't say for certain what it needs and I'm assuming your going for a dryer sound like Enslaved does. Maybe mic choice is even a factor?
        -Guitar tone is wicked, just seems to be drowning everything out. Classic outcome when a guitarist mixes a track haha

        Don't mean to slam you here, it sounds good no doubt! And the tune (which is what really matters) is pretty sick...excited to hear more.

        Oh and just as a disclaimer, I'm listening to these on my Yamaha HS80's, not any laptop speakers or earbuds.
        sweet! thanks for the feedback dude.
        - when you say the drums are being drowned out...are you talking about the entire kit? or a specific part? Cuz I can hear everything quite well and clearly through my system though I'm not using a pro monitoring setup unfortunately. I just A/B between my Audio Technica monitoring headphones and whatever else I have on hand including altec lansing computer speakers, other headphones etc. Also that was a VERY open hi-hat during that clean part, not a crash I like the washy-ness of open hi hats.
        - I can definitely work on the bass, I felt it was a bit low at times as well.
        - The vocals I sorta intentionally mixed them a wee bit lower to cover up the fact that I'm not very good at growls/screeches. I can try fixing that though.
        - I suppose if I took the guitars down a bit that might open up the rest of the mix and let everything else not sound so buried eh? lol

        thanks again!


        • #5
          Re: Science is Metal!

          Don't get me wrong, the mix was not 'muddy'. In fact, I can hear everything clearly but the bass. I just feel the balance is off.

          -In terms of the drums, I mean the whole kit. Once again though I think it begins with the samples you are using. and yes, ignore anything I say about what should/ should not be played on the drums, its your tune!
          -I get that the vocals are supposed to be a bit back, I just felt that a little something would help it 'sit' in its place better.
          -pulling back the guitars a bit will certainly help it open up

          Overall it sounds good man!


          • #6
            Re: Science is Metal!

            Hopefully this is better. Play it loud!


            • #7
              Re: Science is Metal!

              Sounds great dude! I didn't know your growls were that good!
              My Blog:

              Originally posted by kevlar3000
              The smoker is great at adding a few decades, kinda like having Keith Richards breathe on yer guitar for a few hours...
              Originally posted by CTN
              I will kill you. Then I will resuscitate you, so you can watch me steal your new Tokai and play some horrible sounding ultra-dissonant death metal on it, then I will kill you again.


              • #8
                Re: Science is Metal!

                *approves of thread title*


                • #9
                  Re: Science is Metal!

                  cool - like all my favorite bands rolled into one snack-sized bar with nougat in the middle.


                  • #10
                    Re: Science is Metal!

                    Originally posted by youngthrasher9 View Post
                    Sounds great dude! I didn't know your growls were that good!
                    haha thanks bro! My anunciation isn't quite where I'd like it to be, and the actual low frequencies of the growl aren't quite as brutal as I hear in my head...I'm shooting for a Mike Akerfeldt early Bloodbath kinda sound but I'm not that good yet.

                    Originally posted by DankStar View Post
                    cool - like all my favorite bands rolled into one snack-sized bar with nougat in the middle.
                    That is so awesome


                    • #11
                      Re: Science is Metal!

                      I'd like to think of myself as an honest critic, so I will just give my 2 cents. The production of your song is pretty good, good arrangements, but honestly is sounds WAY too much like Enslaved. I don't hear what you as an artist can write. There's nothing different or original about it. I would comment and say, don't think about a band or vocalists style your are going for, just do what feels natural to you. I like to clear my mind of artists I've been listening to when I write and arrange. Or I end up playing a riff that sounds like I took it straight from somebody's own album. You are definitely a good musicians, but this track lacks originality. I know harsh, but I have to be honest.
                      "I've seen Rainier in the hands of people, and people in the hands of Rainier."


                      • #12
                        Re: Science is Metal!

                        I agree with you totally.

                        I was completely worshipping at the altar of enslaved and opeth with this song. But I wasn't really trying to make an artistic statement, I was just having fun with some stupid lyrics and creating an opportunity to practice my mixing skills. Thanks for the feedback!

