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Line6 Toneport UX-2

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  • Line6 Toneport UX-2

    Anyone had their mitts on one yet? Looks cool as hell for desktop recording. Pod/Bass Pod/Vocal POD all in one with PC interface for tweaking the programs, assignments etc. it also looks to have digital and analog outs. Looks like it is designed for PC recording mostly but I am thinking that is a pretty hot setup to have with a laptop and a portable DAW.
    My Bands -

    Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time

  • #2
    Re: Line6 Toneport UX-2

    I've got my eye on this unit to. I already have a Guitar port and that's and amazing Lil' unit. I'm thinking I could ebay my current setup and have a much neater flexable setup. One piece or gear to replace 4 and the price is right. The Tone port will be at the top of my Christmas list this year. It would look much neater than this mess of wires and cables.


    • #3
      Re: Line6 Toneport UX-2

      I saw the ad for the UX-1 and UX-2 on Saturday ... they do, indeed look really cool!!!
      Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
      My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


      • #4
        Re: Line6 Toneport UX-2

        You know I really like the Vocal Pod idea they have set up with it. The Antares unit is pretty cool and I have looked at it but $$$ always stops me but if I could consolidate that all into one it is a done deal.
        My Bands -

        Just some fun guitar stuff from time to time


        • #5
          Re: Line6 Toneport UX-2

          For home PC recordists, this is a great product, I think. My setup at the moment involves alternately hooking up my V-Amp and my Mic Preamp to my Roland UA-30 which is then hooked to my computer and my monitors. I'd love to streamline that and not have to go pulling wires everytime I wanted to switch from vocals to guitar and back.

          I'm holding on the the V-Amp, though. Both because extra flavor options are always a nice thing adn because I really DON'T like the idea of being completely tied to my PC for all my modelling options.
          The most popular thread I've ever made was 1) a joke and 2) based around literally the most inane/mundane question I could think of. That says something about me, or all of you, or both.


          • #6
            Re: Line6 Toneport UX-2

            I have been looking at it as well. I'm getting a laptop for Christmas so I think this will fit very well with it. I like the vocal stuff on their also since I'm a better singer than guitar player. Seems like a good deal at $200.


            • #7
              Re: Line6 Toneport UX-2

              Looks pretty cool...Definately cool for 200 bucks. Not enough on the models end to make me want to trade in my XT, plus I'd still like to have the capability of footswitching between channels...

              I'd buy the UX-1 just for the vocal and bass modeling abilities...I had been considering pickin up a bass POD...but this might be a much better solution.

