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Back after a forced tune/jam

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  • Back after a forced tune/jam

    Had to take a forced break from guitar playing for a few months due to some unforseen health issues.

    Apparently my BP was sky high ...had'nt any inkling about it, no symptoms, nothing. I actually went to the hospital for an orthopedics appointment to treat a hamstring injury (wrenched) that I got training for football (soccer), but then during routine tests they discovered the blood pressure/hypertension issue which was apparently dangerously high and I had to be admitted into emergency right away/treated for that..

    Anyway, that meant no guitar playing for the duration of the treatment. But I finally got out my purple Kramer Baretta Special over the weekend, d/l a couple backing tracks off YT & jammed some tunes. Here's one that came out nice...I'm rusty, but it felt good.. and with a bit of luck I should be up to speed again soon

    Yeah ..more oft he same (if it ain't broke..). Haters, as always can hate/ignore/jibe/insult or w/e. I'm just playing & having fun

    "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

    I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

    Originally posted by Rodney Gene
    If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.


  • #2
    Bro have been in the ER twice in the last 4 days for unexplained dangerously high BP issues. Strange that this was the first thing I saw when I logged on here today. My doc BTW told be TO pickup my guitar and play as a stress relief so?? Feel your pain profoundly so thoughts and prayers your way. Get better man!
    PS liked the clip.
    Last edited by Ascension; 02-21-2022, 08:41 PM.
    Kiesel DC 135, Carvin AE 185, DC 400, DC 127 KOA, DC 127 Quilt Purple, X220C, PRS Custom 24, Washburn USA MG 122 proto , MG 102, MG 120.
    Amps PRS Archon 50 head, MT 15, Mesa Subway Rocket, DC-5, Carvin X50B Hot Rod Mod head, Zinky 25watt Blue Velvet combo.


    • #3
      Glad you're doing well now. My brother had about the exact same scare a few years back. They made him go straight to the ER. They were going to call the ambulance but he pleaded to just let my sister drive the 20 minutes and take him to save the $.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ascension View Post
        Bro have been in the ER twice in the last 4 days for unexplained dangerously high BP issues. Strange that this was the first thing I saw when I logged on here today. My doc BTW told be TO pickup my guitar and play as a stress relief so?? Feel your pain profoundly so thoughts and prayers your way. Get better man!
        PS liked the clip.
        Sorry to hear that, and I do hope you're doing better yourself, but yeah quite a coincidence. I could'nt play because they had me in bed hooked up to all sorts of drips & monitors and stuff for a couple weeks. Apparently my pressure was refusing to come down for w/e reason. The only restrictions they put on me was coffee drinking (I have 8-10 large cups a day. That's been cut down to two ) & excercising w/ heavy weights. Though I only do freehand stuff nowadays anyway, and they've OK'd that.

        Things are better now. It's (BP) still on the high-ish side but I'm out of the danger zone now lol and on a bunch of medication so things are under control.....

        Glad you liked the tune
        "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

        I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

        Originally posted by Rodney Gene
        If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



        • #5
          Originally posted by dave74 View Post
          Glad you're doing well now. My brother had about the exact same scare a few years back. They made him go straight to the ER. They were going to call the ambulance but he pleaded to just let my sister drive the 20 minutes and take him to save the $.
          Wow. Weird. Hope he's doing well now. I actually drove myself to hospital 'cuz I had no inkling about the hypertension thing at all. Ended up being admitted and being in there for weeks. The funny thing is I actually felt completely "normal" right through everything. After it was brought down /under control the docs kept asking me if I was 'feeling better now' . And the truth was I felt exactly the way I've always felt (ie normal ) right through..
          "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

          I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

          Originally posted by Rodney Gene
          If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



          • #6
            What the hell. another tune..

            I'm always happy when I find a decent new neoclassical backing track to jam stuff over 'cuz they're usually best for covering all bases. Great for coming up with melodies on the fly, bends, feel & stuff but also for stretching the old digits, tapping, shredding and feeling all the nimbleness slowly return....

            "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

            I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

            Originally posted by Rodney Gene
            If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



            • #7
              Good stuff there - I hear a lot of soloing ideas/snippets you could use for a polished take.

              As a fellow "Speedy Gonzales", sometimes ya just gotta stop, slow down and smell the roses.

              And **** the haters - they B hatin' cuz they B jealous. Lots of "girlfriend social club" kvetching, very little actual meaningful contribution.


              • #8
                Thanks. Yeah, though I guess I tend to just jam all over the back-track & try to get it over with asap ^^ that's probably about as polished as it gets for me

                Must be ADHD or something lol. Though just for kicks I might check out your suggestion & try and build on that second tune/polish it up to see how that works out. Add harmony parts or something ..maybe redo some bits/work on the mix and see how that turns out. I don't have anywhere near your studio/tonal skills or recording/mixing setup though. Still I will give it a go to pass the time of day

                Eh, as for haters, never given a ear to any of that "critisism" tbh. When I'm told my stuff sounds noob/tuneless etc (& it's obviously neither) I 'get' that there's probably something else going on

                End of the day..I just enjoy shredding like a mofo & doing things how I want to's too short.

                And sure....nothing wrong with reigning things in a bit now and then. Relentless is fun but I always try and mix things up. W/o melody & feel you got nothing
                "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

                I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

                Originally posted by Rodney Gene
                If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



                • #9
                  Tried an intertwining "twin lead" version of the same tune (just the start) for a bigger more epic vibe,just to see how it works out. I think it turned out pretty nice/more "symphonic" sounding....maybe I'll continue with it tomorrow..

                  "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

                  I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

                  Originally posted by Rodney Gene
                  If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



                  • #10
                    Well....that was fun and a bit different for me. I should try a few more of these (cuz two solo's are better than one ) Here's the whole thing.

                    "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

                    I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

                    Originally posted by Rodney Gene
                    If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



                    • #11
                      Final mix. Pretty much the same as above but with the levels adjusted/balanced in some places where one guitar track was a bit too loud. Now the "intertwining" between both gtr tracks sounds more even throughout. Could'nt be happier w/ the way this one turned out

                      Just wondering whether it's worth getting it "proffessionally mastered" on for 5 bucks. Let's see...

                      Meanwhile, I recently came across another decent neoclassical backing track. Might give that one a whirl with the twin guitars as well.

                      So many options little time
                      Last edited by Phantasmagoria; 03-12-2022, 08:52 PM.
                      "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

                      I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

                      Originally posted by Rodney Gene
                      If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Phantasmagoria View Post
                        Final mix. Pretty much the same as above but with the levels adjusted/balanced in some places where one guitar track was a bit too loud. Now the "intertwining" between both gtr tracks sounds more even throughout. Could'nt be happier w/ the way this one turned out

                        Just wondering whether it's worth getting it "proffessionally mastered" on for 5 bucks. Let's see...

                        Meanwhile, I recently came across another decent neoclassical backing track. Might give that one a whirl with the twin guitars as well.

                        So many options little time
                        Getting it “professionally mastered” on 100% will be your track through Ozone. I wonder if there is a trial.
                        Oh no.....

                        Oh Yeah!


                        • #13
                          Yeah I was just joking about that (hence the inverted coma's). It's already been through an Ozone preset ("depth & clarity") anyway. Plus most of the dude's on charge way more than $5 per track these days and I'm happy with the way it sounds anyway. Not a huge tone freak. "Good enough" works fine for me
                          "Less is less, more is can less be more?" ~Yngwie J Malmsteen

                          I did it my way ~ Frank Sinatra

                          Originally posted by Rodney Gene
                          If you let your tone speak for itself you'll find alot less people join the conversation.


