Back in the mid-80's a pal of mine and I recorded a short song for fun in a 16 track studio. The resulting 2 minute 22 second tune actually got 2 weeks of radio play on 2 local radio stations. Dr. Demento even played it once or twice on his radio show. The studio gave us some cassette copies to give to local bands, radio stations, and for family and friends. Eventually, the tapes wore out or got lost. Sometime in the mid-90's my pal recorded a CD of the tune by using a copy of a copy of an original cassette. The sound had degraded quite a bit. My guitar parts were buried in the kick drum and keyboard parts, and the whole thing sounded pretty lower midrangey. Many of the sound effects were gone, too - but the vocals were still understandable,
Should I upload FOOD BUDDY to YouTube?
Should I upload FOOD BUDDY to YouTube?