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Rhythmic tips

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  • Rhythmic tips

    To cut a long story short, my sense of rhythm sucks bad

    Mechanically, I do really well... but keeping perfect time to a metronome is something I only dream about. I've practiced at this a lot, too, but I just don't seem to get it.

    Basically, all and any tips for developing rhythmic sense would be appreciated.

    (one thing that I do know is the obvious one - playing along to recordings - in particular I play along to the songs in the Troy Stetina books I have; that works, until the lead guitar kicks in. It's louder, and immediately kills my sense of rhythm)
    Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

  • #2
    Re: Rhythmic tips

    Start with very slow tempos and work your way up. Also, we use to use a drum book and clap the rhythm's out when I was in school, good practice.
    Pulse 2AM - YouTube
    Pulse 2AM - iTunes

