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Help me choose the final guitar tone for my clips!

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  • Help me choose the final guitar tone for my clips!

    Alright, so I've got a week before I'm back in school and want to finish some songs before that happens. I have a lot of pretty good sounding patches on the podxt now, some of which I made myself and some from other peeps but just slightly tweaked. I honestly couldn't decide just from playing them which would sound the "best" so I recorded a short clip with ALL of them and mixed and matched. After listening back and forth for the last few hours I think I know which ones I like best of the bunch but I need some fresh ears. Some of the differences in tone are very subtle and with others it's quite noticeable. There were like five patches total that i recorded but some with both guitars.

    "FS" stands for fullshred and means I used the schecter. "81" is the emg81 in my epi sg. "triple" is a triple rectifier patch based on diabolic5150's live tone from the sneap forum, "deity" is a diezel patch I made, "engl" is a powerball patch by TheStoryTeller on the sneap forum, BigBottom is Kazrogs patch with and without the tubescreamer engaged(done only with the schecter), and the 5150 patch was also made by the StoryTeller and was meant to be blended with the Engl patch.

    I'll tell you guys what my favorites are after I get some of your opinions. Let me know!!!

    Schecter C-1 elite(alt-5, Fullshred)
    Fender Strat (Jb jr, ssl-2)
    Mesa Boogie Rectoverb
    Marshall 1960a
    Fender Hot Rod Deluxe

  • #2
    Re: Help me choose the final guitar tone for my clips!

    bigbottomnoscreamer deityFS is the best one for my ears.right amount of Character ,presence ,balls and tightness are in that clip!.The 81 is tighter but lacks on low midds and balls ,the 5150 sounds too throaty for me...if yo like to ,i can send some patches for you!


    • #3
      Re: Help me choose the final guitar tone for my clips!

      Yeah, a lot of people like the 85 in the bridge better specifically because the 81 lacks a bit in the low end. I had it that way for a while but I really prefer the clarity of the 81. Plus the FS is tighter than the 85 and something about having the emg equipped guitar being worse for playing metal never felt right

      I think I agree with on that tone. It and the bigbottomnoscreamer triple81 and engl triple 81 were the three most usuable tones to my ears last night. I really like the dryness and honk in that engl patch but as you said the deity FS clip has more balls to it.

      And yeah you can totally send me some patches! The more options the better right? Thanks for listening bro!

      anyone else wanna give their opinion please? I'd like to get a start on this today.
      Schecter C-1 elite(alt-5, Fullshred)
      Fender Strat (Jb jr, ssl-2)
      Mesa Boogie Rectoverb
      Marshall 1960a
      Fender Hot Rod Deluxe

