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EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

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  • EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

    Basically I want a delay with tap tempo and I'm finding it hard to choose between either of these as they are both in my price range (about 200-250 US). They both sound good (according to clips). I don't need a looping function although it would be fun to have.

    TC Nova Pros
    Has modulation on any setting (three too choose from).
    Has tone knob going from digital to analog to tape.

    EHX SMMH Pros
    Has more extreme modulation.
    Has decay control and high pass filter as well as low pass (not together though because they are on the same knob).

    What would you choose and why?
    Gondola Kid

  • #2
    Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

    Have you seen this?

    It looks like the EHX unit is possibly the most versatile, but it's a tough decision. I am also considering adding a delay and am agonizing over it. I have no experience with either of these, and they both get mixed reviews on Harmony_ Central. You could always buy both of them and then sell me the one you don't like for half price. I'm here to help.
    I am so close to retirement that I could play in a band full time. All I have to do is figure out what to use instead of money, improve my playing, learn some songs, and find some other musicians more talented than me who will do exactly as they're told. .


    • #3
      Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay


      I bought the TC Nova, but i know nothing about the Memory Man.

      The Nova is brilliant. The core sound is great, and i have become very critical about how pedals can rob precious guitar tone, either when operating or bypassed. As you mention, James Rock, there is a knob that can dial from digital through analogue to tape, and that in itself is an incredible feature. The tape sounds are fantastic, particularly when used with a touch of modulation. ( I sold my Roland Space Echo to buy this thing, and i haven't regretted it one bit).

      It sounds like the Memory Man *might* have more control features, but the TC has sound quality that would be difficult to beat. It's like a studio quality rack unit in a pedal. Any time i have encountered TC owners, they love their pedals and will never part with them, often they have owned them for years and years and they still work as well as the day they were purchased. I expect to be using this thing for the remainder of my days, and i feel certain it is not going to disappoint fact, i feel that it will still be thrilling me many years from now. The modulation may be subtle, but with sound quality as good as this, 'subtle' equates to pure class.

      I am not connected in any way with the TC organisation, i simply don't have anything but praise for this product because it does what it should do at an extremely high quality level, probably as high as it can get.

      but that's my humble opinion. I recommend going to hear one for yourself. It will not be wasted time, even if you buy something else. Maybe play through it with whatever guitar you are most intimately familiar, sound-wise, play clean and listen for the subtleties and the purity with which your guitar comes through. If it makes you smile, go have a beer for me.

      cheers, neiL.
      Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)



      • #4
        Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

        Originally posted by crusty philtrum View Post

        I bought the TC Nova, but i know nothing about the Memory Man.
        I am the opposite; I bought the Memory Man, but have not tried the Nova.

        I can say that I am very happy with the EHX. I was looking primarily for a good delay in a pedal format with a really nice modulation and good bypass for the loop of my Stiletto (loop is not switchable). The EHX delay sounds very nice...comparable to the delay on my G-Major, but a little warmer/analog sounding. Of course, I love the modulation on the EHX, you can just swim in the ambience. I can't say I really like one better than the other (EHX vs. TC G-Major) - they are slightly different, but both are excellent. I would expect the Nova to compare with the G-Major in sound quality (outstanding!).

        I think the deciding factor will be how important the modulation is to you. Try both and see what works best for you.
        Last edited by Binnerscot; 06-15-2008, 04:59 PM.
        Originally posted by LesStrat
        Of course, I lack the requisite intellectual capacity to engage in a theoretical discourse regarding the sociological and ethical implications of the absurd and incongruous concept of personal ownership of firearms and the ridiculous supposition that humans are capable of responsibly using said weapons.


        • #5
          Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

          Is there subdivision capability on the EHX?
          I looked at the 11 page manual online and thought that it might be too much for my little brain
          I am so close to retirement that I could play in a band full time. All I have to do is figure out what to use instead of money, improve my playing, learn some songs, and find some other musicians more talented than me who will do exactly as they're told. .


          • #6
            Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

            Originally posted by crusty philtrum View Post

            I bought the TC Nova, but i know nothing about the Memory Man.

            The Nova is brilliant. The core sound is great, and i have become very critical about how pedals can rob precious guitar tone, either when operating or bypassed. As you mention, James Rock, there is a knob that can dial from digital through analogue to tape, and that in itself is an incredible feature.

            cheers, neiL.
            Yeah, I like the fact that you can dial in the tone on the repeats vs a "brown" switch on the T-Rex.

            ....... so you're saying the original tone is preserved fairly accurately? Where do you place it in your chain?
            I am so close to retirement that I could play in a band full time. All I have to do is figure out what to use instead of money, improve my playing, learn some songs, and find some other musicians more talented than me who will do exactly as they're told. .


            • #7
              Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay


              At the moment I use the Nova right before the amp input, i.e. after anything else ( I really only use overdrives, and occasionally chorus), because although my main amp is now built, I haven't got around to wiring up the effects loop yet. When the loop circuit is built, I plan to run the delay there (this particular loop is an all-tube affair that can be run in either series or parallel). The Nova has an adjustable input level so you can match it to guitars and/or loop levels.
              Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)

              STALKER NO STALKING !


              • #8
                Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                Originally posted by James Rock View Post

                TC Nova Pros
                Has modulation on any setting (three too choose from).
                Is there a way to adjust the parameters of the modulations or do you only select? I really have all the modulation I need on my DMM but I am just curious.
                I am so close to retirement that I could play in a band full time. All I have to do is figure out what to use instead of money, improve my playing, learn some songs, and find some other musicians more talented than me who will do exactly as they're told. .


                • #9
                  Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                  i have the hazarai and i like it.. doesnt feel like the ultimate delay pedal, but it has a lot of features, modulation is nice (dont expect a flanger pedal thou), you get a nice reverb sound out of it... and i happen to love that low-hi pass knob (i think its what broke the deal with me)

                  one thing i dont like about the pedal is that it feels fragile. i dont know exactly why but something inside me tells me to treat it with extra care.

                  havent tried the tc, but looking at the pictures it makes the smm look like a toy.....
                  Last edited by LukeGilmour; 06-15-2008, 09:14 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                    Ha! Don't be decieved decieved by the pics, the TC weighs heaps for it's size and is built like a tank.
                    Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)

                    STALKER NO STALKING !


                    • #11
                      Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                      thats exactly what im saying, the tc seems like a high end electronic...

                      the smm is a nice painted toy.

                      (aestethically speaking in any case.)


                      • #12
                        Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                        Ah, mistake, sorry.....
                        Lumbering dinosaur (what's a master volume control?)

                        STALKER NO STALKING !


                        • #13
                          Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                          Hmm thanks for the help still not sure either way. But I'm slightly tipping towards NOVA at the moment.
                          Gondola Kid


                          • #14
                            Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                            Well, James ..... I just ordered a Nova today. I had a 15% coupon from Music 123 and have been trying to decide between about 6 units for a couple of weeks.

                            There are only two very low ratings for the TC unit on Harmony Central and it's possible, if not likely, that those two reviewers didn't read the manual.

                            Apparently there is a switch or switches so that you can select between guitar level for running in front of the amp and line level for running in an effects loop.

                            My budget with the coupon was a little higher than yours so I even considered the Eventide Time Factor and the T-Rex Replica, but the evidence was not convincing that either is worth the price they command.

                            If you like, I'll give you a full review in a week or so. Then you'll have a second opinion to compare to Crusty's.
                            I am so close to retirement that I could play in a band full time. All I have to do is figure out what to use instead of money, improve my playing, learn some songs, and find some other musicians more talented than me who will do exactly as they're told. .


                            • #15
                              Re: EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai vs The TC Electronic Nova Delay

                              Originally posted by LukeGilmour View Post
                              thats exactly what im saying, the tc seems like a high end electronic...

                              the smm is a nice painted toy.

                              (aestethically speaking in any case.)
                              Yeah, I am not a fan of the paint job either (on the SMM). Its good thing that the only thing looking at it is the bottom of my shoe.
                              Originally posted by LesStrat
                              Of course, I lack the requisite intellectual capacity to engage in a theoretical discourse regarding the sociological and ethical implications of the absurd and incongruous concept of personal ownership of firearms and the ridiculous supposition that humans are capable of responsibly using said weapons.

