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What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

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  • #31
    Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

    Loudest I've ever gigged with is my Rivera R100 running through the internal pair of G12K-85's and a Marshall 2x12 loaded with EV 12L's. Clean and LOUD with tremendous focus and gobs of low end. Too much for me, to be honest.
    Ain't nothin' but a G thang, baby.


    • #32
      Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

      I came VERY close to buying a late 60's Marshall Major once, tried that with a pair of 4x12's and that was stupid loud but I have plugged into an Ampeg V9 with both cabs and that is way over the top!
      Last edited by the guy who invented fire; 08-23-2010, 03:57 AM.
      If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


      • #33
        Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

        My WEST FILLMORE head. Checks in at just under 200 watts.
        Last edited by kevlar3000; 05-01-2011, 07:19 PM.


        • #34
          Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

          These two being run together.

          I think I shook nails loose in my house.

          Last edited by JOLLY; 05-03-2011, 04:22 PM.


          • #35
            Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

            Originally posted by some_dude View Post
            Hahahahaha. You know what I'm talking about Some Dude.

            Originally posted by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon
            Let's see if I have any worth the while to say....pedals are never better than the amps they are used on
            But my guess will probally slanting towards a positive outcome!


            • #36
              Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

              Probably my buddies old Marshall Major which was run in tandem with another 100 watt head... I forget which, could've been a Marshall 30th Anniversary or maybe it was my old Recto solo head... but each head was driving a pair of 4x12s in his basement.

              Stupid loud and almost impossible to control, but really really fun! We had enough volume to play a small arena in a 20x30 room!!!


              Close seconds would be an Orange OD120 and my old Sound City pushing a pair of 4x12's.
              J. 'Moose' Kahrs

              Originally posted by the guy who invented fire
              All you need to make a record is a mic, some tape and maybe some bad reverb...


              • #37
                Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                I've heard the Marshall Majors are ungodly loud.
                Wish I could try one of those.
                Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
                Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
                Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

                Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
                Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


                • #38
                  Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                  It would be the Peavey Butcher 120w head turned up to 8 was about all I could stand through a Port City 2x12 cab loaded with Mojotone V30 clones. It was painful and dumb to turn the volume up that loud. It did do it's best to vibrate the head off the cabinet (had to keep a close eye on it). It was just monstrously loud and super painful.


                  • #39
                    Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                    The loudest single amp I've played though was a Ampeg V4 w/t Ampeg 4x12. The loudest multi amp set up was my UL 135w SF Twin, sitting on my Randall 2x12 w/t a Marshall VS100R 1x12 combo atop the Twin! That got the cops to my house faster than having 911 on speed dial!


                    • #40
                      Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                      Originally posted by ratherdashing View Post
                      It's a tie between a silverface Twin Reverb and a Music Man HD-130.
                      Two loud ones, there.

                      I got to play a SF Twin at a practice once, and nearly melted the bass player's head before I got it dialed in. hahaha

                      I have a MM HD-150 here for the out door gigs. It can get loud alright. Great for low gain guitar, and it's the best bass amp I've yet owned. That sucker can drive four 8 ohm 4x12 cabs.
                      Last edited by guitfiddle; 05-02-2011, 01:02 PM.
                      - Tom

                      Originally posted by Frankly
                      Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
                      The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.


                      • #41
                        Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                        I had my 5150 full stack cranked with a Bass PodXT in the FX loop. Used the crossover on that to send the highs to my 4x12s and the lows to my bass players 300 watt Ampeg head into his 4x10 and 2x10+ tweet cab. My nut hairs fell off.


                        • #42
                          Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                          Hard to say... it's a combination of the room and the amp. My Boogie sounds nice and ferocious in the garage, but kind of boxed in when I'm at the rehearsal studio, where I'm in a 10x15x8 room with foam all over the walls.

                          I think the loudest rig I've ever used was running my Bogner Ecstasy through a single 4x12 on about 6 or 7 in the studio... pretty nice room and it really gave the amp room to breathe. The engineer walked in there when I was jamming at full tilt and walked right back out. He said he'd been in front of several different 100W Marshalls flat out and the Bogner was much louder than any of them about halfway up.


                          • #43
                            Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                            Probably the loudest amp I've ever played through was a pair of silver-face Dual Showman Reverbs, daisy chained together, each running two 215 cabs with JBL D-130s. We were running both amps on about 6 on the gains and the MV. Very sweet tone, and still clean. This rig was provided for us at an outdoor festival. And I don't think they had to mic it, either!

                            One guy I used to know back in the day used an original SUNN 1200S with a 215 cab--that amp would have you running for shelter if he turned it over 2. I've felt SUNN bass amps that just felt like they were pulverizing your chest to the point of stopping your heart.

                            My Mesa Boogie Mark III 200-watt Coliseum head isn't so much loud, but it is EXTREMELY dynamic. On full power, the notes just explode out of the amp if the Master Volume is above 3. I picked up a second 412 Mesa Half-back cab loaded with EVMs all around. I haven't had the nerve to plug in both cabinets yet!

                            When you've had budget guitars for a number of years, you may find that your old instrument is holding you back. A quality guitar can inspire you to write great songs, improve your understanding of the Gdim chord while in the Lydian Mode, cure the heartbreak of cystic acne--and help you find true love in the process.


                            • #44
                              Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                              Forgot about this... it was pretty loud.

                              || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


                              • #45
                                Re: What's the loudest rig you've ever played?

                                Originally posted by Tom Huff View Post
                                Hahahahaha. You know what I'm talking about Some Dude.

                                Whats up with these AMP amps??

                                Loudest things Ive ever run thru are the half stacks Ive had. PV Ultra Plus, Splawn and Marshall JCM 800. All are ear wrecking loud! I did run the Splawn and the JCm together.. That was Unholy....
                                Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

                                Jol Dantzig

