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How happy are you with your gear?

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  • #31
    Re: How happy are you with your gear?

    Right now I kinda want a tele.. but considering I haven't had a single bout of GAS or tonal need in over a year I think that speaks volumes about my happiness with what I have. I love the acoustic sound of my guitar and I have an amp that sounds good for the times I gig (though I don't always love it on my own, its too thin for solo work)
    Originally posted by BigAlTheBird
    I just got oiixed in the mung by a Canadian.

    Timmy - 1
    Andrew - None


    • #32
      Re: How happy are you with your gear?

      Guitar gear wise, I'm in the middle.
      I'm not into having a big collection of guitars, and honestly don't get GAS often.
      Two 5 string basses, a 7 string tele, three 7 string super strat type guitars and honestly that would just about totally do it for me.
      I honestly would not have any use for 40 or 50 guitars. A few good tools at my disposable would be enough.
      As far as amps go, nowhere near what I'd like to own.

      Studio gear, now that's where I'm not even remotely close to what I want. Aside from actual skill and ability, this is the stuff that would have the most dramatic improvement on my tone I think


      • #33
        Re: How happy are you with your gear?

        Eh, 3 electrics, 1 acoustic and 2 good amps are more than enough for me. I've got a ton of different tones and textures from that mix. I could keep buying stuff, but why? The less I'm messing around with means the more playing I'm going to be doing.
        Originally posted by kevlar3000
        I learned a long time ago that the only thing that mattered regarding tone was what my ears thought.
        Originally posted by Zerberus
        Better is often the enemy of good
        Originally posted by ginormous
        Covers feed the body, originals feed the soul.


        • #34
          Re: How happy are you with your gear?

          Hmm . . . I have a couple electric guitars that sound/play great (and each do different things), a couple of tube amps that sound pretty decent, a whole bunch of awesome pedals and a bass that I really like. My acoustic guitar is horrible to play (getting very fretless), but it sounds good when I record it. All in all I'm pretty happy. I'll check out new stuff now and then, but it would take a pretty amazing guitar to get me to buy it.
          Last edited by GuitarStv; 08-26-2010, 08:52 AM.
          Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

          Originally posted by Douglas Adams
          This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


          • #35
            Re: How happy are you with your gear?

            2bhonest I wouldn't want to miss a single piece of my gear.
            Anyway I suffer from gas all year. Despite amp projects, there are some I'd
            like to buy assembled as well :-) and here and then nice guitars procude
            a wannahave feeling (the new 50ies lp studio eg, or the limited baja tele in blue)
            ~+~ tube afflicted, strat addicted ~+~


            • #36
              Re: How happy are you with your gear?

              I selected #5. I really do have all I need. that is not to say I won't add more. I probably will. I plan on adding a baritone Flatop acoustic at some point in the future. it is a matter of me finding a used one.

              I have a Strat project that I need to finish up. That will be Strat #5.

              I am having an acoustic custom made, but that has been in the works for a long time.

              As far as amps & pedals. I have all I want/need.
              "So you will never have to listen to Surf music again" James Marshall Hendrix
              "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace."-Jimi Hendrix


              • #37
                Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                I voted "2".

                I *was* OK with my amp setup for diddling around the house until I put the custom wound Rumpel BlackRopes in Captain Crunch (my tele)- they are AMAZING sounding pickups and unfortunately have really highlighted the limitations of the amp's tone.

                Love my Zvex Distortron as well. So just need a new amp.
                I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                • #38
                  Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                  if i never got another piece of gear id be more than happy and satisfied with what i have. i will get more gear anyway.


                  • #39
                    Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                    I'm happy with it. Needin' new stuff only when something becomes badly worn. That will take time considering that even my very first guitar (Hohner L75) is still in a great condition...
                    Diabolus in Musica
                    SIDrip Alliance
                    Book of Shadows


                    • #40
                      Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                      I sometimes think about another amp and would like to try a AER Cheeky D but for the most part I'm fine. In the future I might give up on amps
                      "If anyone at my funeral has a long face, I'll never speak to him again." ~ Stan Laurel


                      • #41
                        Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                        I voted 4 because there was no 4.5. I don't suffer the same gas attacks I used to go through, but I occasionally hear a piece of gear that makes my eyes roll back in my head. I have a lot of great amp choices now and I can pretty much get any tone I personally want at this point. I can't get every tone per se, but I can get the ones I like the best. Nothing is more inspiring than plugging into a cranked all tube amp with a few choice pedals and having a good time with them. I have the JTM-45, Modded JCM-800 sound, Vox AC-30 clean / semi dirty and Fender Blackface Bassman covered. I honestly can't think of any other amps that I want to own or play through. I have three strats (two modded and one that I'm bringing back to standard strat pickups), one Kramer and one Yamaha Weddington Classic.

                        Most of my gear needs a little "massaging" here and there before I'm completely done with them, but I could be entirely happy without modding them again. Mainly I'm talking about putting a smaller capacitor in the tone knobs of my guitars and my usual tinkering with the amps that will probably never stop entirely. No major overhauls are scheduled in the near future.


                        • #42
                          Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                          I've got 5 good electrics, a kick a** acoustic a good pedal boar that needs a distortion and a really crappy amp that needs replaced
                          I Build My own Guitars
                          know duncan...know tone
                          no tone
                          Originally posted by Warheart
                          First problem right there! letting drummers write lyrics!


                          • #43
                            Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                            I'm pretty content with my rig now. There's nothing I need to get. I have all that matters.
                            Originally posted by Pink Unicorn Horsey
                            Dumbness on massive idiocy with the stupid dumb-dumbnity of ridiculous WTFation in the dumbass of you-idiot.
                            Originally posted by Sosomething
                            "How do I improve the tone of my ThrasherKidzz-O-Blaster combo??"

                            The answer is always "burn it, dumbass."


                            • #44
                              Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                              Pretty content right now. As I mentioned in another thread, I don't usually lust for new gear when I'm gigging/practicing a lot.

                              Recently I needed a new overdrive so I got the Zvex Distortron. And I had to replace my tuner (Korg DT10 to Polytune) and power supply (DC Brick to TRex Fuel Tank) since they both died. The only thing I really want at this point is a new pedalboard.


                              • #45
                                Re: How happy are you with your gear?

                                I could use all kinds of nice guitars and amps and pedals and such, but I can also use just about any amp and sound like me, so what's the point?

                                I trade around on whatever whim strikes me when I can afford it.
                                - Tom

                                Originally posted by Frankly
                                Some people make the wine. Some people drink the wine. And some people sniff the cork and wonder what might have been.
                                The Eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the Crow.

