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Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

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  • Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

    Got some new tubes today to beef up my amp in the gain departement.

    Tung-sol 12ax7 'high gain' selected. This is supposed to be the best modern day produced pre-amp tube. I love stuff that's got a good reputation! Put this one in V1.

    Shuguang 'chinese' 12ax7B 'high gain' selected. Bogner himself recommends this tubes in the Ecstasy so I got one for V2. Put a regular chinese in the V3 to cover all the gain stages.

    Sovtek LPS. This one is highly recommended for the phase inverter position, the most mysterious tube slot in amps. Should give the amp the best 'feel'.

    I had all JJ's in my amp and they sounded amazing. Very smooth and thick with plenty of bottom but sometimes I felt that the amp was lacking gain for fluid leads or heavy chug stuff. Also the seem a little loose in the low departement. This qualifies it for a great clean slot tube hence it stays in V6.

    I've been playing for a couple of hours now and I am stoked about these tubes! I've never found myself dialing in more treble, the sound is FAT! Also very tight and responsive with plenty of gain. I'm a big fan of tube screamers but I've found myself playing the last few hours without it, there's no need!

    For everyone who has a EL34 'british' voiced amp and V30 speakers, this is a great pre-amp tube combination. I was afraid it would get mushy or noisy but not at all, in fact the amp is really quiet!
    Soundclips are on the way!

  • #2
    Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

    Great summary!

    For new production tubes, I like the Tung Sol best for tone, but I have had way too many noisy ones, even from reputable dealers. I eliminated all other possibilities (tried them in other slots, other amps etc) and it's the tubes.... Then of course, there is the whole issue of not using them in Cathode Follower positions....yikes.

    The so called Russian Mullard is a pretty good tube too.



    • #3
      Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

      This is one of the cheapest and funnest ways to mess with the sound of your amp. Try as many different tubes as you can in every position. Just start with one at a time and see what sounds best where. In an afternoon you can make a huge difference in your amp. If you get really funky, try some NOS if you can afford a couple at $60-$100 each. A couple of those WILL rock your world, especially in V1 and V2.

      Glad you found something that works for you. It's a ton of fun!
      My Sound Clips


      • #4
        Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

        If I have 3 12ax7s & 2 el84s in a bugera v22, does that mean I have one for phase inverter? How cd I apply yr advice? Btw I love, nay was bornagain when I put the jj in my ib tubeking pdl.


        • #5
          Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

          I like the Tung-Sol for a little extra bite, and the Mullard for its smooth, high-gain structure. I've got an Electro-Harmonix in V2 at the moment, and I think it ups the crunch a little bit. I don't jive well with JJs, and I don't even mind the Sovtek LPS in V1. It's interesting to see what a little bit of tube rolling will do.

          I'm surprised to see you like the Chinese tube, honestly. I've heard good things about them from several people, but they're way too fizzy on the top end for my tastes. I think the Electro-Harmonix is what the Chinese tubes should be.


          • #6
            Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

            I've tried many tubes, and liking many tubes for different reasons or certain sounds but those chinese are always good. Good one on the Electro-Harmonix. I'll get one of those the next time I feel like getting some tubes.

            Yes I'd love to try some NOS tubes. But not yet. I'll probably get those when I go into the studio to record my long awaited album . Not so soon I guess, but eventually. Am really curious though, those tung sol's are supposed to be the modern equivalent of the old Mullards. I've read something about reverse engineering. Is this the russian mullard?

            Khriss: try and find information on the V positions on your amp. Maybe the official bugera/behringer website has some info?

            The Phase Inverter has always been a weird one for me, but the Sovtek LPS seems to give me the feel I wanted! Dynamic and responsive. I'm pretty percussive in my playing so i need those dynamics!
            Now I have to wait and see how long these tubes will last.
            Last edited by Nightburst; 09-11-2010, 11:16 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

              Lot's of folks swear by the LPS for the phase inverter. I've heard that due to the spiral filiment, they shouldn't be used in the cathode follower/tone stack position.
              On the Chinese tubes- they sound great in my Laney LC-30, ok in my Fenders, and awful in my Marshall-
              Luckly, there was a guy close to me, selling 3 nos Raytheon 12ax7, for like $8.00US! (he wanted to get some "high gain" tubes.) now, both Fenders, and my Marshall have those in V1.
              The JJ's are good in a cathode follower position,or tone stack because they have good gain and current specs, but, I find myself only using them in those positions these days.
              The JJ 803s is a pretty sweet tube, not so good for combo's because its a long plate.
              " Rock and Roll IS a contact sport!"


              • #8
                Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

                We're talking about an Ecstacy right?

                In my XTC I'm using:
                V-1 TungSol HG
                V-2 JJ HG
                V-3 Sino
                V-4 Sino (loop driver)
                V-5 EH (for the PI)
                V-6 Mullard RI (for clean)
                Only you can decide what "good" sounds like!
                "I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will whip the guy with twenty quick notes." ~Les Paul


                • #9
                  Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

                  Originally posted by metlking View Post
                  We're talking about an Ecstacy right?

                  In my XTC I'm using:
                  V-1 TungSol HG
                  V-2 JJ HG
                  V-3 Sino
                  V-4 Sino (loop driver)
                  V-5 EH (for the PI)
                  V-6 Mullard RI (for clean)
                  I was talking about my Ecstasy 101B yes. I have a 1994 one so it's got less gain on tap than the more modern types. Nice to see someone else is using a similar set-up with 'high gain' tubes for V1 and 2.
                  How do you like the Mullard for the cleans? I feel that the JJ I have now is great but could be better.


                  • #10
                    Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

                    Originally posted by marvar View Post
                    Lot's of folks swear by the LPS for the phase inverter. I've heard that due to the spiral filiment, they shouldn't be used in the cathode follower/tone stack position.
                    On the Chinese tubes- they sound great in my Laney LC-30, ok in my Fenders, and awful in my Marshall-
                    Luckly, there was a guy close to me, selling 3 nos Raytheon 12ax7, for like $8.00US! (he wanted to get some "high gain" tubes.) now, both Fenders, and my Marshall have those in V1.
                    The JJ's are good in a cathode follower position,or tone stack because they have good gain and current specs, but, I find myself only using them in those positions these days.
                    The JJ 803s is a pretty sweet tube, not so good for combo's because its a long plate.
                    I've heard the same thing, it's either hit or miss. I hope it's not damaging to the amp if the LPS starts to fail?
                    I have no experience with the JJ 803 yet! Just the regular 83s. have you compared them? Long plate tubes are more likely to fail vs short plate? This is also one of those tube myths that have different stories.


                    • #11
                      Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

                      Originally posted by Nightburst View Post
                      I was talking about my Ecstasy 101B yes. I have a 1994 one so it's got less gain on tap than the more modern types. Nice to see someone else is using a similar set-up with 'high gain' tubes for V1 and 2.
                      How do you like the Mullard for the cleans? I feel that the JJ I have now is great but could be better.

                      The verdict is still out on the Mullard. I bought a pair to try in V-1 and V-2 but ended up back with the TS and JJ. I experiment with a Sovtek LPS once in a while too. I had some NOS (labled Baldwin) I stuck in 1 & 2 and they sounded fantastic for about 6 months, then they went microphinic to the point of being unusable. I'm afriad to spend the money on any NOS anymore. I still have another pair. Saving them for if I ever hit the studio........

                      I don't use all that much gain, though it's there if I want it. My main channel is the red with the gain straight up at noon or less. I've got the "Marvel Mod" on there too. It's a switch to go from "post 2004, pre 2004, Cameron Mod" I use the Cameron setting.....Medium to high gain.
                      Last edited by metlking; 09-11-2010, 01:35 PM.
                      Only you can decide what "good" sounds like!
                      "I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will whip the guy with twenty quick notes." ~Les Paul


                      • #12
                        Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

                        I'm definately not modding my amp! Every gear I have is modded one way or another but the's perfect, very versatile and wide open sound. I'm afraid that modding it will create more compression. I can always add that and gain with a pedal if I want to, not the other way around.

                        I've got a 'balanced' Sovtek LPS for the phase inverter. I assumed it was the right one but I'm not shure why? The label says: I: 1.3 mA, II: 1,3 mA. Is that good?


                        • #13
                          Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

                          It's been awhile since I messed with pre tubes, because once I had them dialed in, I just left it that way.

                          I think it's this...
                          V1 - Tungsol
                          V2 - Shuguang
                          V3 - Shuguang
                          V4 - Shuguang
                          V5 PI - balanced Sovtek LPS
                          V6 Clean - NOS Jan Phillips
                          JJ EL-34

                          Marshall Jubilee 2550
                          (3) Sovtek LPS
                          (2) JJ E-34L

                          Matchless Chieftain
                          V1 - NOS Telefunken
                          V2 - NOS Mullard
                          V3 PI - JJ ECC83
                          V4 Reverb - JJ ECC83
                          (2) JJ E-34L

                          Gibson Goldtone GA-30RVS
                          V1 - Tungsol
                          V2 - Tungsol
                          (4) JJ EL-84
                          Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                          I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


                          • #14
                            Re: Pre-amp tube first impressions: Tung-sol, shuguang, Sovtek LPS.

                            I really liked the Tung-Sol and Mullard re-issues in my amp until I heard NOS Raytheon Black plate in V1 and Phillips EH in V2. My god it's like someone entered my mind and revoiced my Marshall to extend and de-box the bass while rounding off the treble and boosting useable high mid.

