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How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

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  • #31
    Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

    2. An SD-1 and a Big Muff.

    Originally posted by rhymes with metalchurch79
    I take peoples advice after i do some quick math to determine if the lie detector test determines they are full of sh**. Take their post count x 5minutes per post = how much time they didnt spend playing or working on their guitars. The Pros will be spotted right away.


    • #32
      Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

      Two. A modified Metal Zone and a Keeley Boss Blues Driver.

      I've done some heavy mods to the Metal Zone and I'm using it, believe it or not, as a clean-ish boost. Modded, it's good as a distortion pedal but now it excels at this.
      I'll try and record some clips of this because it's uncanny to see a box used by Dimebag fans to try to get his sound being used at this.

      It lifts the Strat signal for matching volumes with my other guitars, and with humbuckers it gets in the Tubescreamer ballpark, smooth and round OD, so I'm feeding the Keeley with it.

      Takes the Keeley from it's AC/DC realm and sends it straight into the 90s.
      Having all sorts of fun just with these two.
      Now I just need a really modern, distorted sound from another box and I'll be set.
      Last edited by Diego; 01-20-2011, 07:29 PM.
      Epiphone LP Standard PlusTop Pro
      Ibanez SZ320 / A8 DD103 bridge.
      Ibanez RG270 / Screamin' Demon bridge.

      Egnater Tweaker 15 Head / Laney Cub 8 / 2x12 - Celestion V30+K100
      Line 6 M13 and plenty of stompboxes I rarely use!


      • #33
        Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

        Dunlop handwired Jimi Hendrix Fuzzface, T Rex Mudhoney, Way Huge Green Rhino, and Klon Centaur.

        I like all 4, but there's so little said online about the Mudhoney, yet it's such a cool pedal. It literally lives up to it's description Mud and Honey....thick sweet sustaining river of gain. On an amp with gain, it's thick endless sustain. On a clean amp, it sounds like you turned everything to 10 and the amp is ready to explode. It's unique, and I saw that T Rex has now introduced the Mudhoney II.

        Also, I have those $30 Guitar Center special MXR's...The Classic Overdrive and Zakk Wylde OD. I actually mounted them on a small black plywood mini board with a power supply. Like something I could bring with a guitar to a jam. They'll do the job to push the front end of any amp since they both sound a little different. Both are the best $30 I've spent.
        Last edited by Gearjoneser; 09-19-2011, 09:51 PM.
        Originally posted by Boogie Bill
        I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


        • #34
          Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

          I don't have a board but I like to have some around.

          For fuzz/over the top sounds I have a Lovetone Big Cheese-esque pedal handmade by a local guy. It gives me everything up to Dopethrone from EW. I also have a TC Electronic Vintage Distortion which is the T-Rex Mudhoney actually, the one GJ already spoke of well. I also have a Roger Mayer Mongoose Fuzz when I'm in for more sputtery stuff.

          I also have a HBE Paradrive I use for od from clean boost to tubescreamer like to a little Neil Yung type drive. The first mode of the TC is also good for od sounds but I prefer it set for heavier which is its specialty.
          There are two kinds of people in this world that go around beardless—boys and women, and I am neither one


          • #35
            Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

            What's a good distortion pedal which can get you in the vecinity of Deftones or A perfect circle playing through a vox tube amp?


            • #36
              Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

              Use the dirt pedals to color the clean channel...Amp 50, Timmy and Sparkle main gain tone is the Orange amp into a compressor.

              Gibson KS 336, LP Standard, Special and Customs
              Bogner, Orange, Tech 21 and Fender amps
              Celestion speakers
              Duncan, Bare Knuckle, WCR and Gibson pups
              Too many pedals....


              • #37
                Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                I am still composing my pedalboard (after all who is not , it seems always a work in progress with most people).
                At this time, if we do not count Fuzz pedals, I got the following on my board(OD/Dist):
                - Vintage Marshall BluesBreaker Clone (GeneralGuitarGadgets=GGG)
                - ITS8 (GGG's TS808 clone, with "expensive boutique" mods and clipping selector)
                - DOD YJM308 (modded to "Analog Man" specs with input cap selector switch to go between YJM308 and DOD250)
                - Eagletone Hell Dude (great metal distortion imho with great options!)
                - Eagletone LeadSled (12AX7 driven OD/light distortion)

                I guess that brings the number at 5...
                Don't know if the DOD YJM308 will stay on the board, more excessive testing needs to bring that to light
                I am also planning to build a couple of new pedals this year, so there could be some newcommers as well haha
                "You can buy muscles (steroïds), but you can't buy "cojones". (quoted: Bas Rutten)


                • #38
                  Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                  After doing some searching, a lot of listening through my stereo(the Klipsch's really make a difference!), and moonman constantly shoving new pedals at me through links, I've decided that every monkey with an iron and screwdriver is making pedals these days!

                  In all seriousness though, there are some really killer pedals out there these days for not a lot of money. Which is awesome, but it makes choosing that much more difficult!

                  As time progresses, I'll probably end up in the same school of thought as the guys that are running 2 separate boards. It's really going to boil down to what sounds good with what amps.

                  The Plexitone is still a definite for me. I had Neils' prototype, and like a jack wagon, I sold it to a forum bro cuz I was hard up for cash. The name on that pedal is really deceiving, it does do a good Marshall tone, but the boost and how it works along with your amp is, to me, really great. The MXR Distortion+ will still find it's way on to any of my boards. I'm a huge Rhoads fan, I have to have one.

                  The MXR Distortion III also sounds really good to me, as well as the EH Micro Metal Muff for heavy gain. I think those 2 will probably trump out the Jemini. There's a lot more versatility between the 2 of them than the Jemini for less money.

                  There's still a ton more out there to go through too! I've spent hours on!

                  Same goes for Wah's and Fuzz's. Lots of good options out there. For reverb, delay, etc..., I don't use a lot of that stuff, so I'll probably try to find a decent all in one package. The line6 M9 looks promising in that department.

                  The one thing I don't is something that I'm going to spend more time tweaking than playing. Modeling and processors have come a long way in the last few years and are cool for someone that's wanting a lot of "variety" without the heavy price tag, but I'm just not into it anymore.
                  Gear: More junk than I know what to do with


                  • #39
                    Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                    10 stomps :

                    Arbiter Fuzz Face

                    Boss DS-1 Distortion

                    Boss MT-2 Metal Zone

                    DigiTech Grunge

                    DOD 250 Overdrive/Preamp

                    EH Big Muff

                    Guyatone Overdrive OD-2

                    Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer

                    ProCo Rat

                    Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive.

                    It started for me with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in 54 on a Blues Harp and progressed , then life .....some death ....Evolving as I went like a small rock in a stream rounding out as I went with the flow as I go through the white waters and waterfalls of life . Life has always been interesting to me


                    • #40
                      Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                      I am down to 2, the Boss HM2 and my MXR Classic OD, I will be purchasing an 8 bit fuzz box soon and that will be all the dirt I need.....

                      I used to have a dirt only pedal board when I was doing my old doom metal project; Les Paul - Dirt Board - 50 wtt bassman with a Mesa 2x12.......


                      • #41
                        Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                        All i've got now is a Boss SD-1, which I love, going into a Swollen Pickle. I really want another overdrive to place after the fuzz. I've got one of those cheap FAB Od's by Danelectro sitting in that place and I reallized I really wan't something decent to put there. I've been thinking of just getting one of those MXR classic ODs from GC. I work there and can probably pick one up for 20 bucks.

                        Fender '03 CIJ Antigua Strat
                        Epi Dot Natural
                        Partscaster blackie
                        Breedlove Passport Mahogany
                        VOX V845 -> MXR Blue Box -> Boss CS-3 -> MXR Phase 90 -> Paul C. Tim OD -> Fulltone Plimsoul -> Boss CE-3 -> EHX Memory Toy -> SD Deja Vu Delay >
                        Marshall Artist 30 4202 or Bugera V5

                        I WORK FOR GC, IF YOU NEED A DEAL PM ME!!!


                        • #42
                          Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                          It changes pretty constantly, depending on what songs are being played at the next gig, but for now I'm using the following. If it has an asterisk*, that means it is currently on my board:

                          Thundertomate Phil Hilborne boost*
                          Nick Greer Sweetback Driver*
                          z.vex SHO

                          Xotic BB Preamp*
                          Way Huge Green Rhino

                          Hip Kitty Oxblood

                          Death By Audio Fuzz War*
                          Fulltone Ultimate Octave*
                          Hartman Electronics Tommy Bolin fuzz*

                          I use a Heavy Electronics Descend* to clean up the tone in an overdriven single channel amp instead of rolling back the volume ...
                          Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
                          My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.


                          • #43
                            Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                            VS Jeckyl/Hyde and Barber Direct Drive. Wampler Triple Wreck & Foxrox Octron 2 coming soon (ok, octron is more fuzz, and not just octaver, right, wrong?)

                            Recently discovered the schizo switch on my 2002 hellhound and, because of where I'm set for the US setting, switching to the british setting adds a bit of a volume boost and nice breakup. pushed by the jeckyl it sounds even better. I will mod it soon to replace the swicth with a plug and a foot switch. I am an idiot for not embracing that setting way back then; really only liked fender voicings back then.

                            2002 Metal Zone 2 been sitting on my board unpluugged was fun the first few months back then...and then...and now I can't even sell the thing. tried it last month for the first time since 2002 and ....disconnected Not my sound.

                            Diego - I thought you just got a metal muff and love it? And did you note your metal zone mods? If so, would you care to share? I might as well hack it everything else I


                            • #44
                              Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                              Dist/OD's: Catalinbread WIIO > Hermida Audio Zendrive > Subdecay Super Nova Drive > Wampler Leviathan fuzz.


                              • #45
                                Re: How many different Dist/OD pedals do you have on your board?

                                i used to have a bunch of dirt boxes. now i have a big muff
                                Originally posted by Lewguitar
                                It is a blast to plug into a full Marshall stack, crank it up to patent applied for and wail though. Makes you feel like you have a penis so big you have to tuck it into your sock.
                                Originally posted by JOLLY
                                I totally forgot how totally awesome it sounds to have a killer tube amp cranked. I'm not sure if I'm gonna watch some porn at the moment or just crank my amp again and bust one on it.

