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New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

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  • #76
    Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

    Got the white one today to go with it's inverted color brother. Since I'm all sorts of detail obsessed I swapped the LEDs to match the screen printing on them. I also set the switches in opposite directions after flipping them over on the board so they can be accessed by just removing the back cover.

    I like the GT-OD/Classic setting a bit better but it's nice to have the option.


    • #77
      Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

      Gibson175 ( presumably named cause he was born in Jan. 1975) wrote me a good description on the GT-od ( edited for content);

      The GTOD is really a tubescreamer type pedal. Actually, having a tubescreamer, a boss and a heap of other od pedals, i susupect actually that the GTOD is some kind of clone of the fulltone fulldrive running in MOSFET mode with the boost engaged. It sounds eerily close to that.

      WHy do i likr the GT?
      Cos it complements my marshall better than any other pedal. Maybe its the thick mids that match the marshalls eq range, maybe that being a tube screamer type pedal it drives the amp and adds only a little grit of its own.

      My ocd has been replaced with a GT500 in a dual drive setup with a fulltone, but the ocd does work really well being driven by a TS type pedal. Its kind of like adding another channel to your amp.

      GTOD: ts on steroids for driving a preamp.
      Apparently this pedal really like Marshall MV amps.
      Last edited by MetalManiac; 08-11-2011, 03:00 PM.
      "Anyone who understands Jazz knows that you can't understand it. It's too complicated. That's what's so simple about it." - Yogi Berra


      • #78
        Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

        Originally posted by XSSIVE View Post
        Since I'm all sorts of detail obsessed I swapped the LEDs to match the screen printing on them. I also set the switches in opposite directions after flipping them over on the board so they can be accessed by just removing the back cover.
        You think?

        Good idea with moving the switch, I still want it on top. I need to do that.


        • #79
          Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

          Originally posted by PVFan View Post
          not sure if that was more therapeutic for you to write, or for me to read!

          At first I thought it was a poem from the way it was organized into lines of three, but then realized it was an epic.

          Thanks for that.
          "The amp has been making a lot of noise and acting funky, perhaps it may be aware of the amount of rock it's about to be punished with" ~GearMannDude
          "30 days of dating doesn't seem like cheating. It seems like legitimate playing the field, and you happened to catch a pop fly..." ~Aceman
          "If all else fails, wank, fall asleep, come back to it the next day." ~GuitarStv
          "The crowd has no perception of tone...only timing and flow." ~Glassman


          • #80
            Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

            I picked up up a white w/ green script Classic OD today. My GC only has one left. I've wanted this pedal for a while based on recommendations. I tried it with my JCM 900 MkIII 50w and while that amp is pretty high gain, no matter the setting, the OD added just that nice little oomph, making the amp come more alive. I run a KFK 10 band in the loop, and with that engaged and the OD engaged, it was all out war! So far, I like the output maxed, the tone at noon and the gain all the way down, or all the way up with the amp turned down a bit.

            I'm gona try the pedal now with my 1968 Sears 40xl to see how it works with a more vintage clean sounding amp.

            Edit: This pedal works amazingly well with my old cleaner sounding amp. I'm sure its because its not so gainy right off the get go. In other words theres much more of a difference in tone when the pedal is engaged on my Sears than on my Marshall. I really like the pedal overall, and am glad I purchased it.

            Double Edit: Since the pedal worked so well on the cleaner tones of my old amp, I turned on my Marshall and tried to get the cleanest sound possible out of it. I usually have my preamp dimed, so I turned it all the way down and turned my master all the way up, and then tweaked the preamp up, (only at about 1) until I got a nice loud clean tone, then engaged the Classic OD. All I can say is wow! That isn't how I usually have my amp set, but it is freakn awesome with that pedal on those settings! Dayam!
            Last edited by donahue; 08-16-2011, 01:39 PM.
            Originally posted by Jessie Sammler
            I don't have an ignore list. I'm not arrogant enough to think I can't learn something from people who annoy me.
            Originally posted by JOLLY
            This is the dumbest thread that's ever been on this forum. It makes this place look like a bunch of damn idiots. Just run this place into the ground why don't you. You're like a bunch of 12 year olds. This thread is sooooooo DLT'ish that it's pathetic.


            • #81
              Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

              I have read on a few sites now that the latest Cream/Green version of this comes in the ZW mode by default, not the TS808 side like the green version. I hope thats true because the default side was a little disappointing to be honest.


              • #82
                Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

                Mine was default to the GT? side. My first inclination was that I liked the ZW side better, after wiring in a switch and switching back and forth on the fly my first inclination was confirmed. Both sides are good, but the ZW side, better harmonics, tighter, quieter, not as bassy, it just suits me better.

                I love it.


                • #83
                  Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

                  Originally posted by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon View Post
                  All pedals....are pedal like in matter what anyone says or do!!
                  Cannot be helped, where ever they are tube or solidstate, no matter the voltage, hype, or lack of...

                  Sometimes it is ok, other times is makes you feel slightly disconnected and having that thing of going through an extra amount of attempts it cannot be undone!

                  They may call them transparent and all that rubbish!
                  But they can't remove that feel, it is better with fuzz and such, as they are more of a generator than shaping thing!

                  Most of all that boutique stuff are just old circuits with some different parts, it only makes them different, but they cannot run from being what they are!

                  I have used pedals for many many years, and I know what they do, how they make you play, and what they feel like....
                  At the end of the day, it is still your amp that decides if it is anything good!
                  Pedals are very much amp dependant, plus speakers, cabs, tubes and all that!

                  Trouble has always been loudness, especially in these anti volume times....
                  Pedals, especially overdrives where made to emulate an amp clipping more or less!
                  And no matter how you cut your cheese, it is extra circuitry with a switch, it can never be as pure as your amp on its own!
                  It is simply not possible!

                  But it is the fashion right now with pedals all over the place!
                  It has gone way overboard the last couple of years imho!

                  And as a long time user, I see nothing new in what is out now, maybe new diguises, and smaller more convinient stuff, alot more of the emulation part is also present.
                  And stuff that normally only was possible in the studios, can now be in everymans possesion...

                  It is fun and interesting for sure, but it also waters the whole deal out some!
                  After I got my Super Sonic I could finally put the overdrives to rest, as I have felt rather disconnected as time went by, and I knew why, so it was great to find an amp that just did it, the things I crave the most...connection..........

                  While I love my big old amps with pedals, they simply just pushes too much, and fatigues my ears, and in general makes me feel uninspired, and always makes me speculate if a mod or a different layout may do the trick....
                  Now I just sit and play, all my guitars feels well now, I'm connected in a different manner!

                  Not that others cannot get the connection with pedals and an amp....
                  There are just alot of traps that way, that you can drop into.....
                  Maybe this drive will get the tone, maybe this compressor will squish just right, maybe this will do this and is an easy trap to fall into!

                  Guitar players are easily distracted with gear!
                  Then they become guitar tweakers instead!
                  That is just the way it is, and just look at all the talk about all kinds of things, blocks, frets, neckshapes, wood types, laquer, blocked or not blocked, brass, steel, zinc etc etc!

                  It is crazy to be honest!
                  And when you work with all this on a daily basis, you have it close up all the time!
                  It will drive you crazy from time to time, you're thinking: what the hell are they doing???
                  Certanly not playing much!!!!!
                  Forgetting why they like music/ is a feel thing, but more speculate in getting a certain sound/tone, otherwise they cannot do what they belive is correct!

                  Most are forgetting that exhilleration music gives you, the sounds are a product of someone digging in, it is not the gear or all is the moment of letting it out!!
                  Yeah some are soundbased...but they are still a product of someone doing her/his thing!
                  And we are back to the emulation part again, dig in to yourself, and some old Boss thing can help if you like it to!

                  Well that was alot of crap being let out.....
                  Just some random thoughts from an old geezer who just have been around for too long!
                  Don't care if you guys disagree, or just flat out don't get it, but it never hurts to think just alittle

                  While I am not the most clever guy, I do try to think just alittle...and this life is absurd enough on its own, so I do not need to pile upon it

                  Oh well enough chit chat and odd thoughts....

                  Play and have fun, it is no use taking it all that serious anyways!
                  i agree with all of that stuff 100%.
                  But pedals are a fact of life and a tool of the trade so i guess we gotta make the best of what we can.
                  "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                  Yehudi Menuhin


                  • #84
                    Re: New tan/green logo MXR Classic Overdrive

                    the mxr pedals have micro components in them rather than regular full sized 1/4 watt resitors etc, but maybe some experts can chime in....
                    to me the zakk side sounds like a boss sd1/tube screamer.
                    the gt side sounds like when you flip the mosfet switch in a fulldrive.
                    ANyone know anything about the actual circuit changes?
                    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                    Yehudi Menuhin

