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testing an amp in a parking lot

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  • testing an amp in a parking lot


    any issues with using a power converter, my car's battery, a small cab, and a guitar to test an amp in a parking lot? craigslist deal, I wanna be sure it works.


  • #2
    Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

    It should be ok. I tested a tweaker from the back of a Toyota Tocoma that had a 120v outlet built in.

    Make sure you take some form of defense.


    • #3
      Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

      will do, thanks


      • #4
        Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

        this is probably OK just to see if it works, but the sound might be off if it is not getting enough juice.
        Originally posted by Zhangliqun
        If I thought it would make it sound better, I'd dunk a Burst in the toilet.
        Originally posted by ImmortalSix
        But nowadays, everyone has to have a pedalboard that looks like the bridge of the starship enterprise to play Amazing Grace at church.


        • #5
          Re: testing an amp in a parking lot



          • #6
            Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

            Make sure your convertor/invertor has enough watts on the output for the amp or you'll fry it.

            - -
            - -

            Warning: May contain traces of NUTS


            • #7
              Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

              i duno if it's too far of a drive or not but we encourage musicians do to craig's list deals in our air conditioned store...

              you know where i work man...come in and plug that thing in.
              green globe burned black by sunn


              • #8
                Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                You may have issues with there being no ground. And yeah, make sure your converter can handle the current draw of the amp.
                My Rolling Stones tribute band: The Main Street Exiles

                At the battle of the bands, the loser is always the audience. -Demitri Martin


                • #9
                  Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                  I was actually thinking about this today. Would seem as if it's possible as long as the converter has the specs to be able to handle the amp.
                  "The amp has been making a lot of noise and acting funky, perhaps it may be aware of the amount of rock it's about to be punished with" ~GearMannDude
                  "30 days of dating doesn't seem like cheating. It seems like legitimate playing the field, and you happened to catch a pop fly..." ~Aceman
                  "If all else fails, wank, fall asleep, come back to it the next day." ~GuitarStv
                  "The crowd has no perception of tone...only timing and flow." ~Glassman


                  • #10
                    Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                    Originally posted by Warheart View Post
                    the electronics part or meeting in a parking lot? I figure a highly populated public place at high noon is fairly safe. not like my house has booby traps in the event of a hostile takeover. thanks xander, but dude will be right near my neck of the woods, but cool for future deals maybe.

                    the no ground thing is kind of scaring me though.

                    some parks have exterior outlets here and there I guess.

                    maybe I can drag bones with me as a bodyguard, lol!
                    Last edited by DankStar; 08-20-2011, 01:43 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                      a bit of both really.

                      I have no experience running amps on batteries, so it seems like not a good idea to me.

                      Also, I have never seen someone playing guitar with an amp plugged into their car in the middle of the parking lot.

                      No slight intended!


                      • #12
                        Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                        Come test it out at my place... no one would be able to hear you for miles and miles.... I mean.... crank it and no one would hear your screams I mean.......


                        • #13
                          Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                          Originally posted by SteveAlysis View Post
                          Come test it out at my place... no one would be able to hear you for miles and miles.... I mean.... crank it and no one would hear your screams I mean.......


                          • #14
                            Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                            Good luck! Looking forward to a possible NAD post!


                            • #15
                              Re: testing an amp in a parking lot

                              If I were you, I'd meet at a place like Sonic or other drive in fast food joint. They usually have outlets outside and won't mind you using them after you ask. Another great thing about trying out amps at Sonic would be the young tail that usually works there. Try to impress them with your guitar wanking skills. Young chicks dig guys who play the guitar. Turn the amp up as loud as it will go, turn loose of an E power chord then do a couple of weedily weedily weedily dees and thrust your pelvis at the cutest one. Works everytime, at least for me. If they are too busy to pay attention to you, press the red botton on the menu and sing to them while you play through the intercom. Make sure it's a bad ass song that will make thier coozes moisten up. Something like Damn Yankees, Take Me Higher usually works. If that doesn't do it, follow it up by a raging solo done in fast pentatonic scales and lots of midway wah. Make sure you do some divebombs too so it vibrates them where it counts. If the guitar doesn't have a trem, just hit the bass string and quickly use the tuner to detune. If all of that fails, just show em' your dick. If that still doesn't get results, tell the seller that it's just not the amp for you and thank him for his time.

                              Hope this helps.

