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Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

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  • #46
    Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

    Originally posted by gibson175 View Post
    yeh there is a difference between analog and digital. I get that.
    But delays and stuff are just tools.
    And musicians are artists.
    Ok...I don't like digital delays and even more than that I don't like digital delays that are supposed to sound like analog delays or tape delays...

    I don't want to use tools I don't like to make my art.
    If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


    • #47
      Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

      Originally posted by gibson175 View Post
      Its good to keep an open mind thats all.
      Maybe it was your wording that made me quote you.
      I have all the open mind I need and more than I want sometimes...

      I know what I like and thats what I use.
      If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


      • #48
        Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

        I will have to say, I believe that the folks that claim.. and I mean claim to hear a difference only know it..... when they see the specifications and not before. I have seen and experienced too many listening tests and auditions where the testing panel plays the effect.... AND ASKS.... is it real or Memorex..(most of you younger folks will not get that) and its 50/50. Sorry dudes..... I now believe that digital is so damm close to the analog sound and tone...... that self professed tone snobs will, even themselves, have a hard time telling the difference.


        • #49
          Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

          its odd. I love analog technology as much as anyone....but most everything ends up being digitally recorded anyway.
          "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
          Yehudi Menuhin


          • #50
            Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

            ^Well let's not go I seriously dislike the recorded sounds we have today....
            Analouge, tape or BBD's behave and feels differently...
            Not going to explain alot of stuff on this, as it would just be words.


            • #51
              Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

              yes Niels, i know it sounds and feels different. I wasnt born yesterday. I was recording stuff back in the days of two inch tape and it was good. I love using roland space echos and echoplexes and i miss my old pink ibanez analog delay. Ive even used leslie cabinets instead of chorus pedals. I love valve mics too.. I love all that old stuff.
              I can also see the benefits of using pro tools and other digital mediums - it gives us options that just were not possible back in the day. Everyone knows that.
              There are obviously benefits and shortfalls of any piece of gear or technology we use.
              Even Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin have been digitally remastered. Its did not worry Jimmy Page when he was in the studio working on doing that. He was very enthusiastic about what he was able to achieve. Whether you love it or hate it is not the point...what is important is that Jimmy Page saw potential and explored it with an open mind.
              Or take the foo fighters latest album...Dave Grohl said hed sack his engineer if he saw a computer in the studio...thats great and i totally get where he was coming from with that approach...but sooner or later those fabulous recordings end up as a .wav file or .mp3. and get played back to us on our ipods etc.

              Im just saying that none of this stuff is black and white.

              If nooone embraced change and development we would all still be using gut string guitars.
              Its great to be aware of the old gear, the development of tones and ways of getting certain timbral textures. Its great to use it too. I love how it can sound. But its counterproductive to just write off any digital medium just because of some self imposed belief system about digital versus analog. Especially if we have not even tried out the piece of gear in question.

              Its not the gear we use or how vintage, boutique or tone snob worthy it is (and im guilty of being a tone snob as well often enough). Whats important is our imagination, what notes we play, and how we play them i.e: with expression and emotion.
              The rest is just dogma.
              Last edited by Chickenwings; 01-12-2012, 02:49 AM.
              "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
              Yehudi Menuhin


              • #52
                Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                Well it is not about being conservative.
                It all just went the most convinient way, instead of good sounds.
                So you're old??!!


                • #53
                  Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                  Mike's thread is getting way off point so I'm gonna stop posting after this unless it is about the Supa Puss or Red Llama.

                  The bottom line is this, digital is great for what it does and is a great tool for some people.

                  If you guys will go back and read my posts I was actually saying if it is another analog voiced digital delay I am not interested...why? Because I don't like 'em and have yet to try one that really feels and sounds like analog or tape or whatever.

                  If you can't tell a difference that's fine but don't tell me that I can't.

                  While we're at it just because most music is recorded and or listened to in the digital world doesn't mean that I should just give up and give in and use things I don't like the sound of to make my music.

                  If you like digital or analog or tape or analog voiced digital or whatever that's great, use it, love it and enjoy it, I do not enjoy most digital and no analog or tape voiced digital so I don't use it.

                  There is no need to try and change my mind, it's been made up...
                  If you just read a post by The Guy Who Invented Fire please understand that opinions change, mind sets change and as players our ears mature...not to mention our needs grow and change. With that in mind, today I may or may not agree with the post you just read!


                  • #54
                    Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                    Originally posted by Vasshu the humanoid typhoon View Post
                    So you're old??!!
                    Yes dammit. Can't fight it. Grow old disgracefully i say!
                    "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
                    Yehudi Menuhin


                    • #55
                      Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                      This is why we can't have anything nice. You kids always break it.


                      • #56
                        Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                        I know this, if that thing sounds like an Aqua Puss with a full second, I'm gonna be sick if it's 4 bills or something. I suppose in that case I'll be sticking with a CC.


                        • #57
                          Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                          Grow old disgracefully i say!
                          Gonna look forward to this one....
                          Too few long repeats analouge delays out there!


                          • #58
                            Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                            Honestly, if I could realistically use bucket brigade (analog) or tape delay for everything, I definitely would do so without hesitation.

                            Unfortunately those technologies pretty much can't give me what I want in terms of delay time, tweak-ability, or tap tempo ... at least not at an affordable price. With tape there are also logistical/practical issues.

                            As much as I love the sound of tape and bucket brigade ... honestly in a live situation with my guitar tucked into the mix, I can barely tell the difference between the real thing and a digital simulation, especially with a really nice digital delay like the TC Electronic stuff. Combine that with the fact that I can easily get a nice digital delay for around $200 and it seems like the best option for me.

                            If I were a studio musician I'd definitely look into getting an RE-201 and/or a nice bucket brigade delay. For my current situation, digital is just the only thing that makes sense, and I'm totally happy with that.

                            Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts


                            • #59
                              Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                              Hey! I didn't wanna start a new thread and find out there already was one, so I did a search. Found this one, but it appears to have wandered from the topic.
                              Nonetheless, guess what was in my new Sweetwater catalog??
                              Red Llama in stock at Sweetwater!
                              So I checked it out:

                              I think I need one!
                              "Just like bad gas, they (metal riffs) sneak out every once in a while."
                              Jah Paul Jo - Dread Zeppelin
                              guitar pic site
                              Original prog rock on soundcloud
                              Original ambient guitar pieces on soundcloud
                              Original blues on


                              • #60
                                Re: Something wicked this way comes...and repeats

                                Originally posted by gibson175 View Post
                                Yes dammit. Can't fight it. Grow old disgracefully i say!
                                Amen! Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse!
                                Why don't you take your little Cobra Kais and get outta here?!
                                My collaborative PROGRESSIVE ROCK PROJECT, As Follows.

