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Is Made In The USA always better?

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  • #16
    Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

    Originally posted by sosomething View Post
    The best gear is designed by the best engineers, made using the best materials, by the best craftsmen, employing the highest attention to detail.

    That can happen anywhere.
    Indeed. Although, it is more likely to happen in a first world country.

    My best guitars were made in Japan. My best pedal was made in Canada.

    Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts


    • #17
      Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

      Originally posted by Powdered Toast Man View Post
      I'm not in the USA, but I'm speaking from the O/P's point of view. I always look to support local businesses before I will support those with foreign interests.

      Here's what happened: China can make stuff way cheaper due to their labor costs (when you pay someone $2 a day and have no environmental or labor laws then sure you can make it cheap). Corporations realized they can get a factory in China to make their product for pennies on the dollar. So, they closed their North American/England/wherever facilities and contracted production to Chinese factories. BUT, they still charge the same prices for the stuff! So now, that pair of $100 jeans that used to have an overhead cost of $60 per unit now has a cost of $10 per unit. They still retail them for $100, massively increasing their margin. And the consumers don't know the difference (or care).

      The fact is that most companies these days don't make anything. They're brands. They don't even own a factory or employ any workers that make their products - it's all contracted to third party facilities in Southeast Asia. So you think Wrangler Jeans - they make jeans, right? No, they don't make jeans. They manage the Wrangler brand which they apply to goods manufactured by a third party for pennies on the dollar.

      This is why America is no longer produces anything. They're a nation of consumers. This is why when people say, "Well, it's just as good no matter where it was made." Well, not really when you think about it.
      This. All of it...even though the public's shortsightedness is sad, alarming, and infuriating, all at the same time. China already owns us, which is why there's only one choice for everything from a plastic playground for my kid to a new tv. Even 2k+ Gibsons are made of mostly imported parts: Indian rosewood, Ping bridges, cheap pots...but at least Americans put them together and contribute to our economy.

      For all the good it does.


      • #18
        Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

        Originally posted by formula73 View Post
        His argument isn't that made in USA is ALWAYS better (unlike the OP's intent), but that it's better for Americans. This is absolutely true.
        Originally posted by Powdered Toast Man View Post
        I'm not in the USA, but I'm speaking from the O/P's point of view. I always look to support local businesses before I will support those with foreign interests.
        Does the premise in the OP assume equal quality at all times, or just at the present time (future being unknown)?

        If future is unknown (but quality is equal today), I maintain my previous post. I can also add that not only would a decreased competitiveness from an American business point of view be a possible pitfall when it comes to domestic sales. Perhaps much more relevant would be the severely decreased exports as the American businesses get desensitized to external impulses and incentives.

        If the qualities of the products are equal also in the future (and the cost is 20% above world cost, assuming that the price set takes this into account), then yes, it may be worthwhile to buy American if you feel it has a value (like privatized socialism without the govt), but you'll still support something that gets increasingly out of touch with the rest of the world, so the US producers become more dependent on domestic sales.
        Last edited by Tor; 02-14-2012, 01:22 PM.
        My Soundclick


        • #19
          Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

          Intent doesn't necessarily mean point of view. I actually assumed the OP wasn't American.

          No-our stuff is so much more expensive, as is pretty much EVERYTHING made in most 1st world countries, because of our labor laws and environmental regulations. How long has it been since you priced a brand new, first quality Japanese guitar like a History or Bacchus? Ever priced a Maton? Were I an Aussie, I'd absolutely be playing Matons, if I could afford it. They're fantastic guitars. As a matter of fact, I want one, regardless, just because it's weird and cool and top shelf. Expensive as hell, but super, super nice. That said, it doesn't do anything my US stuff won't do (at least, not for my limited skillset) and I get that pride knowing that I do my part for my own economy.

          I don't know where else to go without getting into politics.


          • #20
            Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

            Originally posted by sosomething View Post
            The US doesn't even make the best Americans.
            "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
            "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
            "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


            • #21
              Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

              Not always

              Some of the newer Gibsons (which are my favorite brand BTW) have soured me on believing that US made products are always better.

              My 1998 Gretsch is made much nicer than my 1966 and it is an import from Japan.

              At the same time, my US Washburns are custom shop quality. I doubt the Chinese versions that sell for $100 brand new as good.

              I think it comes down to HOW the product is made and not WHERE the product is made.
              There is a craft that some companies employ which results in good products. Those that are well made and when they do have a problem can be fixed.

              Mass produced products are better suited for the cheapest labor which is outside the US, Europe, and Japan. They can produce some nice products but not all of them will be as good.

              But I've heard that an import Squire holds its own with much more expensive guitars.


              • #22
                Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                Originally posted by brunogio View Post
                But I've heard that an import Squire holds its own with much more expensive guitars.
                That is absolutely true-a LOT of Squiers I've played recently have flat-out ripped-but you're not just buying the guitar. You're supporting the entire process that produced the guitar, from tree to stringed instrument, because it's that very process that dictates the cost to the end user.


                • #23
                  Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                  Originally posted by Andrew Lamprecht View Post
                  Nope... any quality product is a quality product no matter where it's made.

                  One of the best playing guitars I have ever played came from Japan.

                  I think buying USA built products is usually for different reasons these days. It usually costs more because we have higher standards all across the board and it costs more to pay for US labor.

                  Most people buy US made products because there is a reputation for high quality parts/labor and because many US people want to support their own economy rather than a global economy.

                  I buy products that were made all over the place and location is really secondary to the QC, materials used, etc.
                  Last edited by PRSfan nym 1985; 02-14-2012, 02:38 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                    Made in California, USA is actually the best IMHO :-)

                    Local pride aside, for atleast in Guitars and Amplifiers, California made guitars and amplifiers are fantastic in quality and craftsmanship, such as Fender, Rivera, Charvel, Carvin, & Mesa Boogie for a start. As far as "materials and craftsmanship", made in Japan in case of few years in the '80s and, especially Tokai and Fender were unbelievably beautiful in material and quality.

                    Unfortunately, try selling a MIJ 1970's Strat vs. MIA 1970's Strat, USA made will retain value and most likely double and triple the price.

                    Heck, beat the crap out of these USA Fender guitars and call them "Relics" and get 3 to 5x the value, LOL.

                    Korean made stuff are beautifully crafted but some of the material (except for the wood) are of not so good quality IMO, especially the generic pick ups and you can really see the mass-production at play when you see the Indonesia and China stuff now.

                    But then again, some of the more finer Acoustic stuff from China are exceptional and they are getting better and more affordable, such as Kenny Hill Classical Guitars made under close scrutiny, Thomas Whitechapel guitars, and especially Egnater amps which are every bit as good as some of the USA/England made amps costing 2x more. Actually go out and try a Egnager Renegage 212 Combo, you will be amazed at the sound and quality, with features designed by Bruce Egnater, carried over from his Randall amp building days.

                    When in doubt but want to invest in stuff that will go up in value, go USA.
                    When in low funds but need equipment you can really gig without too much care, seek IMPORTS.

                    When in a FUNK mood, go SUBDECAY PROMETHEUS !!! (BTW, Australian made, hehehe)
                    Last edited by Curbfeeler; 02-14-2012, 04:11 PM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Is Made In The USA always better?



                      • #26
                        Re: Is Made In The USA always better?


                        Good is good. It knows no borders.
                        Originally posted by Bad City
                        He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                        • #27
                          Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                          Nope, most Americans don't give a chit about quality. Getting it out the door is good enough. Look at the paint jobs on most American made cars, there orange peeled.
                          "Believe the word, I will unlock my door and pass the cemetery gates"


                          • #28
                            Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                            i agree with most comments... sometimes "made in the usa" is just an expression and sometimes is really worth it...
                            And Heavy Metal For All...


                            • #29
                              Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                              Although it should be noted - and maybe it has already - that despite the country of origin, you typically still get what you pay for.

                              Matt mentioned that the gear made from the best stuff by the most skilled people tends to come from first world countries, which is definitely true.

                              Whether you're buying a top-shelf guitar made in the US, Japan, Western Europe, Canada, or Australia, it's gonna cost you.

                              Hear or Follow my music:


                              • #30
                                Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                                If they truly are identical, and by "better" you mean in the sense of quality alone, then by definition one is not any better or worse than the other.

                                But this is a hypothetical question, because things are not made identically in any two different factories in two different countries.

                                As far as whether or not I would pay the extra 20 percent, that will get into politics, so I will pass. Suffice it to say, it depends.
                                Originally posted by LesStrat
                                Yogi Berra was correct.
                                Originally posted by JOLLY
                                I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.

