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Is Made In The USA always better?

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  • #31
    Re: Is Made In The USA always better?


    • #32
      Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

      Originally posted by crguti View Post
      "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
      Yehudi Menuhin


      • #33
        Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

        Is "made in the usa" always better?

        I assume you're talking about guitars.

        Short answer: I don't know. But my favorite electric and acoustic guitars were made in America. My favorite motorcycle was made in Japan.

        Tiny control group, but: There you go. I guess.

        Originally posted by nedcronin
        Pretty much what you suggested Ink.
        Originally posted by metalmachine
        dont worry about it bro. even if we dont like it...... were just internet ppl. not real ppl. more like a hulicination of a mythical forest creature.


        • #34
          Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

          There are two ways to look at this. First I will answer it from a purely economic standpoint. Amp A and amp B are identical in all way except where they are made. Amp A is made in USA and costs $1000. Amp B costs $800 and is made in China. The assumption is that buying USA means you're spurring local economy. This is a short sighted answer. If you are getting the identical product then you should choose the cheapest because that is the option that leaves you with the most money. Tell me how many people you're going to help by being $200 poorer. That's $200 you can use to buy food, gas, or other products.

          Again this is all under the assumption that both products are identical. There is no physical advantage of one over the other.

          In real world terms though, made in the USA does have advantages over made in china. It's easier for USA firms that manufacture in the US to have better Quality Control Management. There is also the issue of a rising china. As they grow they have a growing middle class. With a growing middle class the skilled workers will demand more pay, benefits, etc. Things that directly affect the bottom line. This means eventually there won't be an advantage to manufacturing in china. It costs more to manufacture today in China then it did 10 years ago. Much like what happened in manufacturing in Japan post WWII.
          Ibanez S520-> NS2->TS9 (Monte Allums Modded)->JCA100H->Emi Texas Heat 4x12


          • #35
            Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

            eventually it becomes more of a political discussion than a discussion about gear so it's probably best that we all end it here before arguments and such erupt.

            simple answer it really doesn't matter where something is made you can get quality products made anywhere in the world.


            • #36
              Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

              If the only people who bought guitars were those who could afford USA-built gear, then there would be a lot less people with guitars, and a lot less music being made.


              • #37
                Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                I don't think this has to get political at all. This is basic macro economics. You can certainly get quality products made anywhere in the world. The OP is a broad question that can be attacked from any angle. There are pros and cons to each. The point of view from the manufacturer is different then that of the consumer. I think most Chinese made amps can hold up better then many of the old crate voodoo amps lol. The quality of the end product falls heavily on quality control. A company can have efficient quality control anywhere. some do it better in the US. Some in china.
                Ibanez S520-> NS2->TS9 (Monte Allums Modded)->JCA100H->Emi Texas Heat 4x12


                • #38
                  Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                  it really has nothing to do with economics though....all factors aside production just relies on quality control, parts used, etc.

                  We already established that all other parameters including end result were equal, so literally the location doesn't matter. I mean technically we could build it on the moon or another planet entirely, it still wouldn't make a scrap of difference if the parts, qc, and end result were the same. If the product is the same, the product is the same. The 20% cost increase to a US made product is irrelevant and that's where it really stirs up more of the economic/political discussion. If someone wants to pay 20% more for the same product based solely on country of origin than all the power to them, it still doesn't change anything about the product.

                  That has nothing to do with economics this is simply over-analyzing the situation. And many would consider global economics to be political. Seeing as a lot of these global dynamics are controlled by government.


                  • #39
                    Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                    Well that 20% price difference is the crux of the OP. Essentially Economics is what it's all about. When it's china vs any western first world country, China will be cheaper because it has cheap labor and also manipulates its currency. It can be made political but im not arguing one side vs another. Just simple explanations one would get out of an entry level college econ class. my point was that over paying for an identical product because it was made in "x" country is a short sighted argument. You with less money in your pocket doesn't help anything.
                    Ibanez S520-> NS2->TS9 (Monte Allums Modded)->JCA100H->Emi Texas Heat 4x12


                    • #40
                      Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                      Morality, Economy, Philosophy aside, buy "MADE IN CALIFORNIA, USA" :-)

                      IMHO, there is nothing wrong or right about this and that, here and there.

                      At the end of the day, spend the extra, you'll be glad you did, especially down the road when you want to hand it down to your kids or to resell.

                      But then, we are talking about electric guitars and amps mostly, yes?

                      If I'm buying a "Classical Guitar", this question cannot be answered since there are incredible luthiers all over the world, many in USA, many in Europe, even in countries such as Vietnam.


                      • #41
                        Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                        might as well support your own people (assuming youre american) the reason unemployment is so high is that so many jobs are being exported, support local jobs
                        i saw this band, and thought they were really great, until i saw what the guy was playing through........


                        • #42
                          Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                          Originally posted by o.p-i.v View Post
                          might as well support your own people (assuming youre american) the reason unemployment is so high is that so many jobs are being exported, support local jobs
                          your own people? I kinda thought we were all humans. Unemployment is high because people and companies over leveraged themselves during the boom cycle and didn't plan ahead for the recession. Job are exported because India and China are rising countries competing on a global stage to attract business and America hasn't been as competitive. Its like buying a Chrysler cause you feel sorry for Detroit even though a Chrysler is statistically the least reliable car to buy. Thats like being 300lbs overweight and trying to get sex from girls cause they feel sorry for you. In the end I look for the best product at the best price with the best reliability.
                          Ibanez S520-> NS2->TS9 (Monte Allums Modded)->JCA100H->Emi Texas Heat 4x12


                          • #43
                            Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                            I don't know I guess I just don't see the point in asking a question like this if not to stir up hostile feelings from people. Common sense should answer your question for you as NO IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE SAVE YOURSELF SOME MONEY.

                            The reason it becomes such a touchy subject is b/c all the other factors being mentioned are going to stir up people's personal beliefs, politics, etc.

                            I agree that a lot of it is entry level college course material but it doesn't change the fact that people get hostile over these types of issues. I was just pointing out it becomes a touchy subject and that people should be careful with what they say because I've watched discussions like these go south fast.

                            and since this forum is a worldwide forum it could be very easy for things to go south since we have people not only from america, but also these counties that produce a lot of exports for us. China is a vastly expanding nation it's not going to be cheap labor forever that's a fact. Eventually they will start to demand more and have a better living standard. America has a lot of work to do if they want to stay on top or balance out with the rest of these powers.
                            Last edited by PRSfan nym 1985; 02-15-2012, 04:19 PM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                              My answer?

                              It depends.
                              Romans 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; 10:9-10

                              Teknon Theou
                              Complaining that there are hypocrites in church is like complaining that fat people use the gym. Where else would you have them be?


                              • #45
                                Re: Is Made In The USA always better?

                                My answer, from a quality standpoint, would have to The Chinese stuff has gotten better in build quality and many of the previously "premium" brands have reduced themselves to that same, nominal level.
                                Now operating part time: Glassman Tube Amps...repairs, rebuilds, restorations & modifications of tube equipment.

                                Still building: GlassMan Amplifiers (25 watt, all tube, single channel w/reverb, single 12" combo) and some more designs in the works.

                                Located in Fort Wayne, IN

                                Note: I've "parked" my website in case anyone has been looking for it. I moved locations and haven't updated the site to reflect this.

