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Retrovalves Review

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  • #31
    Re: Retrovalves Review

    Originally posted by USAPatriot View Post
    "Better" is pretty much subjective in the case of tone though. The volume boost is "better" in the context that I've been playing but I've not even come close to opening up the master volume on either channel. When I do so, will it still be "better"? I won't know until I try it. Overall I tend to believe that you don't get something for nothing and the positives could in some way be negated under some circumstances. The RV's really ARE different and that's something that many players are going to be attracted to, most especially you add in the bonus of a tube that will outlast mos vacuum tubes, not get blown into microphonics by a static discharge or a crappy ballast on a florescent light, nor snap, crackle and pop when the air is too dry or there's a thunderstorm 20 miles away, etc.

    The bottom line for me is that as a lifelong tubehead, I've chased tone like everyone else, never satisfied for very long and have also done the digital modeling bit and found it sterile. I can't sense any natural dynamics in the digital devices (which are present in even the worst tube amps) yet thus far, those dynamics seem to exist in the RV's. It may be that running 5 of them would remove all the preamp dynamics, leaving only the power amp dynamics to add that tube quality...I don't know.

    It may be enough that (in the case of the 22H), that running two RV's in each channel and tubes in the remaining sockets will be the best of both worlds...great tone, some boosts here and there, the natural dynamics of the remaining 3 tubes plus the longevity of the RV's will be JUST the thing to satisfy my constant gassing. The character of these RV's is such that you can mellow out even the OD channel or overdrive the crunch channel which of course means that the OD would be driven even harder. I pushed the OD over all the way this afternoon and just hit chords and let them ring until they died out...the sustain was VERY long and the character of each had that natural difference...different oscillations going on, faster or slower, more or fewer...that we expect from tube amps, and that was just with the blue in V4. The master volume was down...we're still living in an apartment, afterall...but it was loud enough to start the feedback going when I hit hard enough, so, cool for me.

    Maybe what intrigues me most...and I'm cognizant of the fact that I have yet to test drive a red or the amber properly...are the possibilities that the RV's represent versus the money we've all invested in pedals and pedalboards especially. I guess the retail price fora pack of 3, one of each, is about $100, which is less than many of us have paid for a lot of our pedals...especially if we've been buying BOSS. How many OD/DS pedals have we owned and how much did we pay altogether? In some cases, thousands of dollars over the years and we STILL are eager to try something different.
    In their own way, the RV's are right up our alley. They feed the fever of our gas and give us something that's actually new and different too. Some people will like it and adopt it. Some will hate it. Some won't even try. I was pretty close to being in that latter category simply because I'm a tube-bigot and tried the digital stuff and hated it. I own a GT-10 and use it just for the effects. The preamps blow. I'm just too old to hate something just because it's not what I love and here's a curious thing: I'm dying to know what's under the hood! At some point I will surely take a peek but will not be taking photos much less posting them. I figure if Doug wanted that info out there, he would have posted photos himself and while someone will probably post some eventually, it won't be me that will be doing it...but I GOTTA SEE! lol. I think people that play guitar are curious by nature so these RV's appeal to me in that sense. My wish to write a bunch of reviews is due to the fact that a whole bunch of people are also curious. If these make our world a little bit of a better place, I'm all for it. -Rod-
    your like me in away of chasing tone and you tried the digital stuff and messed with enough tubes to know if these are legit. I think you know what your doing and have a good ear for it, really like to hear some miced sound samples sometime
    tone slut
    Marshall DSL 40C
    Fender EVH Striped Series
    Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro
    Fender Squier Tele Affinity
    Mogami cables


    • #32
      Re: Retrovalves Review

      Originally posted by ken361 View Post
      your like me in away of chasing tone and you tried the digital stuff and messed with enough tubes to know if these are legit. I think you know what your doing and have a good ear for it, really like to hear some miced sound samples sometime
      I appreciate that. The best I'll be able to do as far as samples will be a camcorder set up with no external mic or anything. I've got no recording gear or software and in general, the compression of videos pretty much makes the audio trash so while the differences will be obvious, the specifics and quality will not, and that's a problem even for me. Since I closed down my youtube account I also have the challenge of finding place to post a video. Facebook does I guess but I have no idea what size limitations they put on videos. Time will tell.

      While I have everyone's attention, last August 2nd we got burned out of our townhouse here in Bryan, Texas and lost everything except each other and the cats. Finally, they are wrapping up the rebuilding! The carpeting, tile and wood floor is in, most of the cabinets are stained and poly'd, Tuesday the appliances come in, Wednesday the plumbing goes in, Thursday final cleanup is done and with luck, Friday the city inspectors issue an occupancy permit, which means that if nothing else gets screwed up, we'll be moving back home over the weekend. After living in an apartment with less-than-desirable people for neighbors for a year, we're definitely looking forward to this. It may be a week or so before we get settled in. The computers will be online right away but I'm not so sure about my gear yet. I may be too worn out to want to deal with it but that won't last long. The FIRST thing I had our contractor do when the rebuild on the second floor started was run a dedicated ground wire from an isolated wall socket in the room, down the inside wall and out into the backyard. All I need to do is get a pipe into the ground and hook up the other end to my gear. Hopefully I'm done with the hum! -Rod-
      2014 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Heritage Cherry Sunburst
      Gibson 2010 Flood Anniversary Les Paul, Blue Swirl

      Jet City JCA22H Full Stack
      BOSS GT-10 effects


      • #33
        Re: Retrovalves Review

        Mesa Engineering used to sell what they called a FET-tron back in the 80's with thier Mark Is; you put it in V1 and the amp got a LOT more aggressive.
        Now operating part time: Glassman Tube Amps...repairs, rebuilds, restorations & modifications of tube equipment.

        Still building: GlassMan Amplifiers (25 watt, all tube, single channel w/reverb, single 12" combo) and some more designs in the works.

        Located in Fort Wayne, IN

        Note: I've "parked" my website in case anyone has been looking for it. I moved locations and haven't updated the site to reflect this.


        • #34
          Re: Retrovalves Review

          Looking at the patent info on this, as much as I can surmise, it's an opamp based device, with some added controls of it's own internal bias and such to simulate tube response. I may grab one someday soon and tear it open and show what's really going on in there, but $35 just to destroy one is a bit much for me at the moment. That would cut into my beer money!
          Originally posted by crusty philtrum
          ...Gimme a call when it's time to take 'em out. I don't have a gun, but i have a very sharp pointy stick and enough negativity to take out a small country...
          Originally posted by Securb
          The only blackmachine I care about is sitting in my jeans.


          • #35
            Re: Retrovalves Review

            Originally posted by trevorus View Post
            Looking at the patent info on this, as much as I can surmise, it's an opamp based device, with some added controls of it's own internal bias and such to simulate tube response. I may grab one someday soon and tear it open and show what's really going on in there, but $35 just to destroy one is a bit much for me at the moment. That would cut into my beer money!
            I wish I knew what you just said lol. Opamp? Do you happen to have the link to the patent? I'd thought about that earlier in the week but just got busy with stuff. -Rod-
            2014 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Heritage Cherry Sunburst
            Gibson 2010 Flood Anniversary Les Paul, Blue Swirl

            Jet City JCA22H Full Stack
            BOSS GT-10 effects


            • #36

              I guess this is an NRD - New Retrovalve Day! These 3 just arrived in the mail. The blue is a mild gain, the amber is standard gain and the red is high gain. It's going to be a week or so before I can review these as we're packing to start moving (hopefully) tomorrow and my gear is already put up. -Rod-

              2014 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Heritage Cherry Sunburst
              Gibson 2010 Flood Anniversary Les Paul, Blue Swirl

              Jet City JCA22H Full Stack
              BOSS GT-10 effects


              • #37
                Re: Retrovalves Review

                Hokay! I'm almost finished moving. The stuff is in the house but there's boxes everywhere and a LOT of work still to be done. I'm hoping that on Monday I can sit down and plug an Amber RV into the 22H and see what happens, then I'll move to the red, then I'll start trying different combinations. With the red being the highest gain of them, I'm especially curious how it'll behave in the PI (V5) slot. I have tried the red out a little bit over the last 2 days but it's just been a few stolen minutes. It was fun and intriguing but I wasn't taking notes or anything...just trying to tired I slept from midnight to 11am this morning. Anyway, hopefully Monday the 3rd I can sit down and spend some time on this. -Rod-
                2014 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Heritage Cherry Sunburst
                Gibson 2010 Flood Anniversary Les Paul, Blue Swirl

                Jet City JCA22H Full Stack
                BOSS GT-10 effects


                • #38
                  Back in The Saddle Again!

                  Tonight I decided to change my approach a bit. I put a blue RV in V1 and V2, an amber in V3 and a red in V4. The V5 slot has a Tungsol in it.

                  It's kinda purty but I didn't leave it like this very long. I had good volume, excellent clarity on the crunch channel and gobs of overhead and turning that channel up past 6 easily put it into the OD domain, much more than I'd get with glass. And the OD channel was pretty insane, far more than I would ever use. Both channels had good velocity but since I'd essentially turned 4/5's of my preamp into a digital preamp, the result was disappointing. I lost a lot of the touch that comes with glass. It was nearly impossible to soften the higher end crunch or OD into a cleaner tone by reducing the velocity. It was more like on/off and softer/louder. It was pretty good but the tube amp quality was lost with so many slots filled with RV's. It was also very trebly running it this way. I didn't attempt to EQ it out as I'm basically leaving it all set in one place all of the time for reference purposes. It sounded digital, not analog. Bummer.

                  The good news is that once I pulled an RV out of each channel and replaced them with Tungsols, all was well again and I was back to sounding like I was playing a tube amp. The specifics on that will come in upcoming posts. There's still lots to do.

                  Remember too that I've got no toys running at the moment. It's the guitar running into the front of the amp with no effects in the front or in the loop at all. -Rod-
                  2014 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Heritage Cherry Sunburst
                  Gibson 2010 Flood Anniversary Les Paul, Blue Swirl

                  Jet City JCA22H Full Stack
                  BOSS GT-10 effects


                  • #39
                    Re: Retrovalves Review

                    If you ever want to toss one my way, we'll see if we can find out what makes it tick.
                    Originally posted by crusty philtrum
                    ...Gimme a call when it's time to take 'em out. I don't have a gun, but i have a very sharp pointy stick and enough negativity to take out a small country...
                    Originally posted by Securb
                    The only blackmachine I care about is sitting in my jeans.


                    • #40
                      Re: Retrovalves Review

                      those jet citys really sound good over driven, played one yesteray
                      tone slut
                      Marshall DSL 40C
                      Fender EVH Striped Series
                      Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro
                      Fender Squier Tele Affinity
                      Mogami cables


                      • #41
                        Re: Retrovalves Review Part II

                        Hi USAPatriot, I was wondering what the gain difference was between Amber and Red in V1 (which in effect is a buffer stage in in my MTS style amp)?

                        I currently have an Amber RV in my custom Egnater/Randall MTS style amp, and it stiffened the feel a bit, and made the amp 4db quieter in the hiss department, so I'm liking it there personally.

                        I am however considering getting a Red RV to perhaps hit my MTS modules a little harder (vintage Marshall, Fender, Matchless, Vox, and Orange style preamps), looking for that sweet singing tone etc.

                        Thanks for doing all this, much appreciated!

                        Originally posted by USAPatriot View Post
                        Here's the RV's in V2 and V3. with the gainy one in V2, and the Tungsol 12AX7 placed back into V1.

                        This was a very cool configuration to play with. In the previous configuration, the volume was enhanced as was the distortion to some extent, but when I turned the crunch channel up, it didn't seem to have more crunch than before, though definitely more punch and a definite boost in the body of the music.

                        Today's experiment was a whole different animal Not only did I get an additional volume boost but also got a huge boost in the low end. Think of a low E played on a trombone, if you will. Then think of that same note played on a tuba. THAT is pretty much what I got today. The guitar sounded absolutely ponderous. Prehistoric dinosaur, ponderous. Ozzy would LOVE this sound ad it became really ominous sounding when the crunch was turned up to about 7 or 8. Lots of crunch in there, too much for my taste, really, but if I wanted to raise the hairs on people's necks with deep, OMINOUS tones, this is what I'd use to do it and with TONS of sustain as well. And this doesn't sound like digital nonsense either. It's clear as glass, so to speak, pun intended and the sound is THICK. There was a hitch though. When I stepped on the footswitch to go into overdrive, I got nothing in return. Stepping back to the crunch channel, all was well, back to OD, nothing. The OD channel was working previously...though the amp did just get back from Robert Perales about 10 days ago, having had a dead bias pot replaced. So in a few minutes when the tubes have cooled I'll put the glass back in and make sure all is still okay with the OD channel. It may be that putting that underpowered RV in V3 was something the amp didn't like, or...I don't know. There will definitely be an update in just a few minutes. Honestly, so far, I'm liking these. They have brought out tones and volume that the stock 22H simply doesn't have, especially the prehistoric stuff tonight. I could get wood from this! -Rod-

                        Last edited by djd100; 09-19-2012, 12:28 AM.


                        • #42
                          Re: Retrovalves Review

                          Thanks a lot for the post. Very interesting, indeed.
                          These devices took my attention the very first time I saw them.
                          Can they sound as goog as a good tube?
                          If they do, that should be DA BOMB!. Good bye to tube issues. A tube for the rest of amp's life.

                          I never tried them (I guess, someday I have to) but, I didn't hear a video where they sounded me like the real deal.
                          There is some magic in the nuances of a tube that no solid state device seems to be able to reproduce. Is the kind of distortions and the lack of a perfectly linear behavior what makes the tube so musical for the human ear.

                          There are so many "dimensions" to describe a tube and, the most are subjective and depend on the rest of gear and player's goals...

                          But, can you try to describe how those devices work related to?:

                          * output
                          * dynamics
                          * inmediatness
                          * break-up spot (clean headroom, also)
                          * grain and type of distortion (crunchy, creamy, mushy, ...), when cranked
                          * dimensionality (jump notes out the speaker in a wide or narrow angle?)
                          * definition
                          * frequential content (EQ)
                          * harmonical richness

                          You know, all that things that make us to choose one or other tube and that we smartly short saying: it sounds damn good!.

                          I am wondering what Myles Rose thinks about these, if he even tried them.
                          My blog:
                          My Youtube channel:


                          • #43
                            Re: Retrovalves Review

                            I have both the blue and the amber Retrovalves. I've experimented with them in the following amps: (1) B-52AT100 head; (2) Pignose G40; (3) Epiphone Galaxie 25; (4) Fender Hot Rod Deluxe; and (5) Sunn T50C.

                            As a V1 primary tone generator, it does not do what tubes do. Even as a phase inverter, it isn't as impressive as a good GE or JAN Philips 5751 or 12AT7. I wound up using it in V3 and/or V4 of the amps with multiple pre-amp gain stages. It works well in that application where it is not called upon to color the tone much. It also is a great spare to take along as a replacement or trouble shooter.

                            It is an interesting concept that has been tried in various forms since at least the 1970s. Still, nothing can compete with the dynamic, full bodied tones we get from out Sylvanias, GEs, RCAs, Philips, etc. from the golden age of tube production.
                            Last edited by Rick330man; 02-22-2015, 05:35 PM. Reason: Typo

