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New Pedal Build day!

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  • New Pedal Build day!

    Well, the tinkering bug didn't stay away for long. I think I managed a solid 4 or 5 months without any tinkering. But now it has come back. And it must be fed!!!

    I am building this:

    This is the third edition and is supposedly the hairiest, most outta control version of the Big Muff. I will be modifying it as I see fit though, cuz I want something that sounds REALLY hairy, sputtery, wooly, thick, and just downright nasty.

    Planning on keeping the budget under $50.

    $30 worth of resistors/capacitors/transistors/jacks/pots/switches already bought.

    Still gotta pick up some diodes, knobs, the perfboard for the final build and the actual enclosure itself. Shouldn't be more than 10 or 15 bucks.


  • #2
    Re: New Pedal Build day!

    What trannies & diodes are you planning on using?
    Warmoth Group @ Flickr : SDUGF group @ SoundCloud : Basic Guitar Setup

    Blog @ : Pics @ Flickr

    I dream of a better world, where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned


    • #3
      Re: New Pedal Build day!

      Not sure about the trannies. I have some 2N3904s, 5088s, 2222As and 4401s.

      I think they're all swappable so I'll probably do some trial and error testing to see which sounds best.

      As for the diodes, I was thinking 1N914s or 1N4148s, since my local electronics store carries both.


      • #4
        Re: New Pedal Build day!

        I'll have to dig around and see what I've got. I think trannies are the only things I'm short of barring a footswitch and a box - I should give it a go. I've only ever done one once about 30 odd years back for someone at work - time to dust off the welders goggles...
        Last edited by Chris of Arabia; 08-19-2012, 10:01 AM.
        Warmoth Group @ Flickr : SDUGF group @ SoundCloud : Basic Guitar Setup

        Blog @ : Pics @ Flickr

        I dream of a better world, where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned


        • #5
          Re: New Pedal Build day!

          go for it! I built an LPB clone ages ago, then i built a fuzz face clone. now this. Seems like a pretty simple circuit.


          • #6
            Re: New Pedal Build day!

            and breadboard is nearly complete. Still gotta get those clipping diodes. Then I can hook up the pots and jacks and start experimenting with component values.


            • #7
              Re: New Pedal Build day!

              That looks like fun, I've built a fair number of BYOC kits lately but I haven't laid a circuit out like that on a breadboard since I was in high school.


              • #8
                Re: New Pedal Build day!

                I could definitely be on for one of these. It turns out I've got a couple of boxes and foot switches . All I need is some trannies and I should be off to Bahrain this weekend, where there's Radio Shack.
                Warmoth Group @ Flickr : SDUGF group @ SoundCloud : Basic Guitar Setup

                Blog @ : Pics @ Flickr

                I dream of a better world, where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned


                • #9
                  Re: New Pedal Build day!

                  Well I went and got all the other parts I need and spent the afternoon fidgeting and making sure I had the circuit laid out correctly. Please excuse my temporary "Crunchmaster" mounting board...I needed to to a mockup so as to test it without things falling off the board.

                  But now I need to troubleshoot. I'm getting very little drive, negligible increase in volume and the tone knob is doing nothing at the moment. Tried swapping the 2N3904's for 5088s and that helped a bit, but it's nowhere near that filthy fuzz that I should be hearing.


                  • #10
                    Re: New Pedal Build day!

                    blargh. Went over the entire circuit from beginning to end, fixed all my wiring problems and I'm still getting virtually no gain, and virtually no sweep from any of the pots.

                    And now my true bypass won't work properly.

                    Epic frustration.

                    I'm gonna have to seek some help from the usual diy effects forums and find out what the hell is going on here.


                    • #11
                      Re: New Pedal Build day!

                      ok now that I worked out the stupid voodoo problems, and everything works as expected, it's time to perfboard that sucker!

                      Made a layout, but I'm not gonna tackle the soldering etc until tomorrow or day after probably.

                      and just for sh!ts 'n' giggles...

                      hahahahahahahaha man, probably 20 years since I last heard this song and it still cracks me up lol


                      • #12
                        Re: New Pedal Build day!

                        blargh. Made a stupid mistake. Laid everything out horizontally there instead of vertically like I had originally planned. Brainfart!

                        Here's the correct one, v2.0. Looks a bit neater too.


                        • #13
                          Re: New Pedal Build day!

                          Which trannies did you settle on in the end?

                          I grabbed some pots and perf board today, but still need to pick up some semi-conductors.
                          Warmoth Group @ Flickr : SDUGF group @ SoundCloud : Basic Guitar Setup

                          Blog @ : Pics @ Flickr

                          I dream of a better world, where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned


                          • #14
                            Re: New Pedal Build day!

                            Originally posted by ConvoysToNothingness View Post
                            blargh. Made a stupid mistake. Laid everything out horizontally there instead of vertically like I had originally planned. Brainfart!

                            Here's the correct one, v2.0. Looks a bit neater too.

                            you've missed the output. lol
                            Ich bin mein führer

                            Originally posted by tiptipono
                            you have a mental problem? Your brain gets screwed? You purchased this stupidity over the years or it runs in your family genes?

                            It's like I tell you to sell your daughter/son to father better than you and buy instead toaster


                            • #15
                              Re: New Pedal Build day!

                              That layout is HUGE. You sure you can't shrink that down a bit? Small layout = more options for enclosures.

                              Read my Seymour Duncan blog posts

