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Which Modeling Practice Amp?

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  • #16
    Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

    Have you got a link to info on that, Dominus? I'm interested but their site says nothing about it.
    Originally posted by Funkfingers
    Music is for life. Without parole.


    • #17
      Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

      I didn't play all of those but I have grown to like the Vox/Korg stuff a lot more than e.g. the Line6 line.


      • #18
        Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

        Originally posted by jon the art guy View Post
        Have you got a link to info on that, Dominus? I'm interested but their site says nothing about it.

        It'll even have an effects loop.

        Director of Arizona Young Voters Initiative



        • #19
          Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

          Nice. I'm still on track for the Mustang V v2, but I may have to look into that one after it lands.
          Originally posted by Funkfingers
          Music is for life. Without parole.


          • #20
            Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

            Loving the 1/1/1/1/1/1 vote ratio on this poll.


            • #21
              Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

              My phone doesn't show the poll either
              I haven't a clue as to the choices

              *(Sent from my durned phone!)*
              Just here surfing Guitar Pron
              RG2EX1 w/ SD hot-rodded pickups / RG4EXFM1 w/ Carvin S22j/b + FVN middle
              SR500 / Martin 000CE-1/Epiphone Hummingbird
              Epiphone Florentine with OEM Probuckers
              Ehdwuld branded Blue semi hollow custom with JB/Jazz
              Reptile Green Gibson Custom Studio / Aqua Dean Shire semi hollow with piezo
              Carvin Belair / Laney GC80A Acoustic Amp (a gift from Guitar Player Mag)
              GNX3000 (yea I'm a modeler)


              • #22
                Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                Why no fender champ xd? If I didn't have a gsp 1101 that'd be my purchase.
                Last edited by DankStar; 07-03-2014, 05:18 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                  Originally posted by DankStar View Post
                  Why no fender champ xd? If I didn't have a gsp 1101 that'd be my purchase.
                  I would agree, but I've heard that the Mustang clean tones dangerously rival their own smaller tube amps. The selling point of having a tube amp that only sounds a little bit better and doesn't have as many uses as the Mustang but costs a lot more doesn't work out for me.
                  Originally posted by Funkfingers
                  Music is for life. Without parole.


                  • #24
                    Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                    I haven't tried them in a while but I haven't been impressed with Roland or Line6. I do have a newer Line 6 bass amp that is ok so maybe the guitar amps are better as well these days.

                    Have you considered a Tech21 amp? They'd be my first choice if I didn't want to go with tubes.

                    Also, are you opposed to the idea of a small tube amp with a dirt pedal driving it? That's my first choice and what I use.
                    There are two kinds of people in this world that go around beardless—boys and women, and I am neither one


                    • #25
                      Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                      Again, it *really* matters what you're looking to get out of it, and what you're using it for. Band practice? Death metal? Recording?

                      I've owned all of those modeling amps.

                      I still have the Line 6 Spider IV because I got it for a silly price. I can get an okay sound out of it, but it's been sitting for a long time.
                      I chopped the original Vypyr 30 down into a head and had an effects loop installed. The Krank channel on it is KILLER.
                      I have the Vypyr VIP 1 and had an effects loop installed. Toss up between the 6505 and XXX on that one.
                      The Blackstar ID sounded the most tube-like, but was a little pricey for what I needed, and I got better high gain from the Vypyr.
                      The Mustang v2 I had was one of the smaller ones, didn't care for it. I just got the pedal version to see if I like it using it as a preamp via the effects loop. (I did like the MH500 head when I had that.) Haven't plugged it in yet.
                      The Roland Cube was a little disappointing, sold it. I do have the previous version of it now (the GC405) that is solid state, I preferred that one over the digital one.
                      I had a few different Vox modelers, some good, some bad.

                      I don't use the speakers, I prefer using them direct for recording, and prefer high gain tones and use IRs on the computer. None of them have been perfect (for me) out of the box as of yet, but with mods the Vypyrs have been my favorite.

                      Director of Arizona Young Voters Initiative




                      • #26
                        Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                        I don't know about all of them, but I love the Mustangs. Even the mustang II, at 40 watts, has a 12" speaker so it can make plenty of sound for small gigs and the right band. I use the Mustang I 20 watt to practice with a bassist and drummer with a small kit, and it's totally loud enough for that.

                        If you play well you can make a digital amp sound fine. The twin reverb and super sonic settings always sound best to me.

                        Fender '03 CIJ Antigua Strat
                        Epi Dot Natural
                        Partscaster blackie
                        Breedlove Passport Mahogany
                        VOX V845 -> MXR Blue Box -> Boss CS-3 -> MXR Phase 90 -> Paul C. Tim OD -> Fulltone Plimsoul -> Boss CE-3 -> EHX Memory Toy -> SD Deja Vu Delay >
                        Marshall Artist 30 4202 or Bugera V5

                        I WORK FOR GC, IF YOU NEED A DEAL PM ME!!!


                        • #27
                          Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                          I voted Blackstar. I have the 60 watt ID head, and I think it sounds killer. I don't play super high gain stuff, but it does 80's stuff just fine for me.

                          I also have a Peavey Vypyr and a Vox. I don't know for sure what model the Vox is, but I think it's a VT20+ if that sounds right. The Peavey is alright. Good high gain and good cleans, but it was kinda flat sounding. I got one distortion tone I liked from the Vox, but it was a nice sound. I wouldn't recommend the Peavey much. For what it's worth, they sounded KILLER in stereo.

                          I'd pass on the Line 6. I've played a Mustang a few times, and dug it.


                          • #28
                            Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                            Go with Blackstar. You'll get the most usable tones out of it, and more versatility and tone.

                            I played a Roland Cube just yesterday, and it reaffirmed my distaste of it. I've heard kids in the music class I used to attend with 10-watt solid-state amplifiers from an Indian brand have better-sounding distortion. That is saying a lot.


                            • #29
                              Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                              Originally posted by idsnowdog View Post
                              I am thinking about buying a modeling amp, but I haven't had a chance to compare them in person. Which amps are you using and what are the pros and cons of each?
                              I own a Peavey Vypyr (the original one) and a Mustang 2 v2. Both have good cleans. I can get a good crunch tone on both, but the Fender sounds more organic to me. I can get a better high gain sound on the Vypyr, but it still sounds kind of "digital" to my ears.

                              I also own the Yamaha THR10 and THR10x. I can get really good tone out of them at really low volumes. They actually get surprisingly loud for the size, but it isn't something that you would use with a band. I really bought them for traveling and playing outdoors, since they can be battery powered.

                              I tried the Vox, and the cleans sounded great on it -- just as good as the Fender. The crunch was also good, but the high gain sounded very bad to me. It was thin and nasally. Granted, this was at a music shop and I didn't have time to really dial in a good sound, but it wasn't what I was looking for.

                              I tried several Blackstar ID TVP and ID Core amps last week. The ID TVP series seems like the best sounding and most versatile of all of the modeling amps that are actually amps. Both the bright clean and warm clean are great, for both clean and low gain distortion. The two crunch channels sound good, and react more like a tube amp than the other modelers that I have played. If you play softly, it cleans up and if you really dig in, it distorts. I really liked the high gain channels as well. Of all of the modelers, the Blackstar and Yamaha sound the most organic to me -- especially on higher gain sounds.

                              The thing that turned me off of the smaller Blackstar IDs is that there is no mid, presence, or resonance controls on the front. I didn't want to hook up a computer to change tones. Also, that ruled out the Core series, even though they sounded good, because you can control almost nothing from the front. I read that, for the ID TVP series, that have been changed in a firmware update. You can use one of the buttons and three of the dials (I forget which ones) to control these settings on the 15 and 30. All of the Blackstars, even the 15, were able to get way louder than I would expect from a solid state amp.

                              I am really considering buying the ID 60 head, and getting a custom made cab for it, but can't really decide on the speakers. It sounded good with the Blackstar 2x12, which I believe has Celestion 70/80s in it, but I am thinking that it would sound even better with some different speakers. I am just not certain if the normal "rock" speakers would color the tone of it too much, being a modeling amp, and if I should go with a more neutral-sounding speaker.


                              • #30
                                Re: Which Modeling Practice Amp?

                                The older AD??VT series Vox amps were good. The newer VT40+ I bought was terrible. It does not sound half as good as the older models. The new Valvetronix Pro is MUCH better, and blows everything else I have heard away. They were on sale for around 400 a while back, but were overpriced initially, at 700. The build quality is not bombproof, but they sound great. The Line 6 stuff is not something I would play myself, and the Roland Cubes are ok, but pretty generic sounding, not very "tubey".
                                Thats my 2cents.

