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celestion vs. eminence

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  • #16
    Re: celestion vs. eminence

    If you play loud and with a lot of gain you won't like the 70/80. It sounds OK at low volumes, but other than that, ffffrrrrrt. Don't waste your money.

    Also stay away from the G12-L35 if you play over 5 watts, ugh.

    K100's are great all around, big low end, nice mids, not too bright. No worries tuned low. T75's are fine with middy amps at loud volumes, nevermind bedroom player haters. No problems tuned low. They sound really ****ing good for metal combined with V30's to me. T100's are allegedly a higher wattage version of the T75, but I can't confirm and I haven't heard them. Seems odd that they are cheaper than T75 new if that's the case.

    Swamps are awesome, big low end and low mids, but seem good for nearly everything. They handle low tunings with ease, LOUD speakers. V12 are great, they're sorta like a V30/G12-65 mash-up. They like bright amps and hold it together well in low tunings. Wizards are cool, but bright and LOUD, they didn't seem to hold up as well in B/A.


    • #17
      Re: celestion vs. eminence

      I love my pair of emience swamp things in my 2x12. Effiecient (loud!), but more so, sweet US high end without being dark for overdrive, and incredible lows--powered by an ampeg V-series amp that is actually a bass amp, it delivers the goods, as well as a vintage 1x12 ampeg combo which has one in there. But they sound good with whatever I've plugged into them.

      The Texas heats seem to be more popular, and swamp thang is a lousy name, but the sound comparisons back and forth on the eminence site, as well as a frequency curves both tell the story of what seems like subtle differences but are prnounced once you get into it. There's a great Rivera demo video on youtube with a bunch of speakers including the swamp thang; you can memorize where the "playback point" is for this vs that speaker and you can a/b that way too for general tonal comparisons.


      • #18
        Re: celestion vs. eminence

        On a more positive note, I have a 2x12 with an Eminence Wizard and Governor paired, and I think they sound great. Probably not the big low-end punch you're after, because that's not at all the tone I go for, but it's a really full sound with plenty of thick, crunchy mids. It's also pretty versatile, although with a single-channel amp, I don't do a whole lot of tonal variations besides what happens with my volume knob.

        I'd love to give a pair of WGS Green Berets a run, though, too, but again, not a real metal type sound like you describe. Forum member metlking may have a different take on that, though.


        • #19
          Re: celestion vs. eminence

          I have a cab with Texas heat and swamp things, also a cab with celstions. They are very different animals for sure.
          All I play is metal so that's the bias I have.

          Imho the eminence are clear, and they move a lot more air, when I use them, I use drop c or similar and get the chugga chugga to shake the ground and they do the job very well. Gritty and punchy with lots of lows and mids.

          But for sizzle, leads, and break up, I use the celestion cab. Gt75 and v30's Its exactly marshallesque.

          Now what really cooks the gooses ass is when I got em both plugged in.
          Go buy my book.

