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NSD: Eminence Private Jack content!

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  • NSD: Eminence Private Jack content!

    Holy exactly-what-I-wanted!

    I've only sat here for about half an hour playing through it with my JC Amelia since my human Amelia had to take a nap, but DAMN!

    So I pulled apart the JCA24S, which was harder than I thought it should be since some of the tolex on the back panels seems to have fallen madly in love with the tolex on the box and didn't want to let go, even with all the screws removed. Took a little bit of prying with a hammer and my 268.2lbs (as of this morning) of heftiness.

    Had to scrape a tiny bit of the back gasket (for front mounting) off around the upper left screw since it was impeding the screw from making contact with the frame and I didn't want to have uneven pressure on the frame.

    Plugged it in and for literally a minute it seemed quieter than the JC/Eminence 70 watter it's paired with but I imagine that's because it's an absolutely brand new driver. After that minute they seem to balance very well.

    Since the JCA24S is a stereo cab I plugged into the 16ohm output, flipped the switch, and switched back and forth between each side of the cab (of course turning the amp off in between) and then put it back on mono mode in the 8ohm output.

    The JC/Eminence is a bit flatter with a more solid bass response. It's not really scooped in the mids but they're less pronounced. The highs are definitely softer.

    The Eminence Private Jack has a softer bass response but a sparklier top end and snottier mids. If I were running a straight-up Marshall circuit I'd love a quad of these for that snottiness.

    Combined they really complement each other for what I'm doing. The sparkliness isn't subdued at all by the JC/Eminence but the mids of each do this interesting dance with each other. Swirly may be the wrong word since that evokes the idea of a Leslie cabinet or something but there's this complexity to the mids that's added when they're combined that's really sweet.

    As I shouted to my wife, "I has a happy!". This is a nice combo for somebody that needs a versatile rig like I do since I go from '80s synth-based pop rock with my band to my obsession with Van Halen to some straight up heavy stuff.

    Once the summer properly begins I should have more time to do some demo videos of both the Amelia and the cab.

  • #2
    Re: NSD: Eminence Private Jack content!

    I swapped out a Governor and Wizard combo for a pair of Green Berets with my Jet City, and it's a really great match. (JCA50 to Amelia isn't exactly apples to apples, but a similar experience.) Glad you're loving yours.


    • #3
      Re: NSD: Eminence Private Jack content!

      yep those private jacks are excellent speakers.
      "Technique is really the elimination of the unneccessary ... it is a constant effort to avoid any personal impediment or obstacle to acheive the smooth flow of energy and intent"
      Yehudi Menuhin


      • #4
        Re: NSD: Eminence Private Jack content!

        I had a 2x12 loaded with a pair of PJ's and they sounded great with anything I threw in front. They have all the sweetness of a greenback, but also a slight mid-range bark ala Vintage 30's when you dig in to the playing. Add to that their higher power rating and you sir, have a winning speaker! Awesome with a JCM800 btw..

