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Unbranded JJs in EVH amp?

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  • #16
    An original EVH 5150-III head I bought brand new had the un-marked / un-labeled JJ's preamp tubes and their un-labeled 6L6 GC's as well..sounded great but I replaced them anyway because I was not sure EVH Stealth 50 watt head had un-labeled Shuguang 6L6's in it and they failed within 2 hours of use..that really surprised me.

    And I bough a EVH Iconic 80 watt head and the 2 preamp tubes had the JJ's red logo's on them and 1 of them was cooked..apparently cracked and had the white junk all in it.
    I always just put a Tungsol 12ax7 in first preamp slot and a 12ax7B in the second slot and sometimes the third slot..absolutely crushing harmonics etc...sorry I went off topic but I get what you are saying about the un-labeled tubes.
    Last edited by moshpit817; 07-19-2023, 11:50 AM. Reason: My keyboard is acting up so I re-checked my post and found errors and hopefully corrected them !


    • #17
      Originally posted by AniML View Post

      The retailer I bought from is reaching out to their Fender / EVH rep to find out what is going on. He told me he opened another amp, and also had unlabeled tubes.

      A mentioned, the amp sounds great but I would like to resolve or at least get to the bottom of the "generic" tube mystery.

      In the interim, (because why not?) I have a Tung Sol and Sovtek LPS on their way, and have a couple JJ / Ruby (Shuguang?) and an old RCA 5751 to swap in.

      I completely understand what you're saying. If I was in your position I'd want JJ labeled tubes in my amp also.
      What JJ's did you order?


      • #18
        I didn't order JJs. I got a Sovtek 12ax7lps for the PI and Tung Sol for the remaining preamp spots. Have not done anything with the EL84s so far


        • #19
          Originally posted by AniML View Post
          I didn't order JJs. I got a Sovtek 12ax7lps for the PI and Tung Sol for the remaining preamp spots. Have not done anything with the EL84s so far

          My mistake. The JJ's that you have are they the 83s or the 803's? The Sovtek LPS is a standard tube for the phase inverter. In my experience, the Tung Sol's are going brighten your amp up considerably. I put one in the V1 slot and couldn't pull it out fast enough. I tried it in the V2 slot but didn't like the sound of it there either. They're good tubes. Very clean/clear sounding but too bright for me. Good luck.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Explorer84 View Post

            My mistake. The JJ's that you have are they the 83s or the 803's? The Sovtek LPS is a standard tube for the phase inverter. In my experience, the Tung Sol's are going brighten your amp up considerably. I put one in the V1 slot and couldn't pull it out fast enough. I tried it in the V2 slot but didn't like the sound of it there either. They're good tubes. Very clean/clear sounding but too bright for me. Good luck.
            They are ECC83s. I immediately noticed the difference in changing the PI a nd V1 only - much more open, less grainy and congested, Brighter? not sure but I am still waiting delivery of the other 2 to swap in. I can always dial it out if it gets too spikey, but I am liking what I hear much more now.


            • #21
              v1 and the pi are the most important tonally in 95% of amps. swapping the others wont hurt but wont make as significant a difference


              • #22
                Originally posted by AniML View Post

                They are ECC83s. I immediately noticed the difference in changing the PI a nd V1 only - much more open, less grainy and congested, Brighter? not sure but I am still waiting delivery of the other 2 to swap in. I can always dial it out if it gets too spikey, but I am liking what I hear much more now.

                The 83S and 803S is what I use. They're great tubes. The 803S is, to me, a great sounding tube in V1. Good to hear that you're dialing in your amp. Be careful, tube rolling can get crazy!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Explorer84 View Post

                  My mistake. The JJ's that you have are they the 83s or the 803's? The Sovtek LPS is a standard tube for the phase inverter. In my experience, the Tung Sol's are going brighten your amp up considerably. I put one in the V1 slot and couldn't pull it out fast enough. I tried it in the V2 slot but didn't like the sound of it there either. They're good tubes. Very clean/clear sounding but too bright for me. Good luck.
                  I had a similar experience. RI Mullards hit the sweet spot for me.


                  • #24

                    JJ Le Pew la poo poo .....


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Explorer84 View Post

                      The 83S and 803S is what I use. They're great tubes. The 803S is, to me, a great sounding tube in V1. Good to hear that you're dialing in your amp. Be careful, tube rolling can get crazy!
                      Not in an EVH, though. They are fantastic-sounding, I agree. But the long plate makes them prone to microphonics, ESPECIALLY in something as high-gain as an EVH.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by misterwhizzy View Post

                        I had a similar experience. RI Mullards hit the sweet spot for me.

                        I tried the CV4004 and the 12ax7/ECC 83. I have to say, those are very good tubes as well. They didn't have the tone I was looking for. In a pinch, I wouldn't hesitate to throw one in my amp.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Explorer84 View Post

                          The 83S and 803S is what I use. They're great tubes. The 803S is, to me, a great sounding tube in V1. Good to hear that you're dialing in your amp. Be careful, tube rolling can get crazy!
                          Well as it turns out, the Tung Sol in V2 is way to bright / brittle and made there is no discernable difference in the loop. So I guess for now I will stick with the OE glass in those spots


                          • #28

                            Wat is this va-Jay-Jay you speak of ?


                            • #29
                              i love those amperex tubes, but they are expensive these days. ive had fine luck with jj tubes overall


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by JMP/HBE View Post

                                Wat is this va-Jay-Jay you speak of ?

                                va-Jay-Jay !

