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Non-plastic picks

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  • Non-plastic picks

    I was inspired by Hoss' thread about his 20 bucks pick and the discussion that went on there... anyone here using non-plastic picks ? I know they make some of metal, bone/ivory, even wood or something.

    What else than plastic do you use, why, advantages and inconvenients ?
    There's so much gear I want that the whole list would make a highway to hell if it was ever written down.
    Don't ask.

  • #2
    Re: Non-plastic picks

    I bought one of those brass teckpicks one day, for sh!ts n giggles.

    hated using it. I was in constant fear of my strings breaking, because the thing had no give whatsoever and would make a horrible scratching sound on the strings.

    I'd be interested to try a bone/ivory one though.

    Aside from that, I'm completely happy sticking to Tortex. It's grippy, widely available, and sounds crisp/great

    Also, don't forget that back in the day, Jazz guitarists used to use picks made from ACTUAL tortoiseshell.


    • #3
      Re: Non-plastic picks

      I read once about George Lynch using a steel washer for some of his slinky type sounds... so I tried it for a while.... it was loud and obnoxious....I did like it....
      but I have always gone back to the USA Jim Dunlops... Nylon rules.
      Go buy my book.


      • #4
        Re: Non-plastic picks

        This one has always piqued my curiosity, but I've never seen one for sale around here:
        Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

        Originally posted by Douglas Adams
        This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


        • #5
          Re: Non-plastic picks

          With metal picks such as steel and brass, there's a high risk of string breakage, right ?

          And wtf is this Jellifish pick ?
          There's so much gear I want that the whole list would make a highway to hell if it was ever written down.
          Don't ask.


          • #6
            Re: Non-plastic picks

            I like to use metal picks for difent types of playing give them a try. But it is easy to scrach your guitar and breaking your strings
            Originally posted by ginormous
            Like all other tonal things, "clean" is relative. Do you want "sparkling drop of spring water", or "scrape some poop off the bottom of your shoe before you walk in"?

            Originally posted by KoreanGuitarMan
            Actually, shedding the blood of an actual white owl upon an altar wouldn't hurt either.


            • #7
              Re: Non-plastic picks

              Originally posted by GuitarStv View Post
              This one has always piqued my curiosity, but I've never seen one for sale around here:
              Didn't even know they still made those. There were some plans floating around on the internet a few years ago detailing how to make one. IIRC it basically came down to cutting up a D string and they gluing them to a pick at an angle.


              • #8
                Re: Non-plastic picks

                Bone would be interesting. I'm pretty much in love with the 2mm Stubby and since it's ultra-rigid and sharp, it could be made out of anything. A B-20 Bronze pick in the shape of a stubby would be neat.


                • #9
                  Re: Non-plastic picks

                  There's always these:
                  StoneWorks is famous for stone guitar picks handcrafted by Mike Stone. One of the best gift idea for guitar players!


                  • #10
                    Re: Non-plastic picks

                    Originally posted by GuitarStv View Post
                    This one has always piqued my curiosity, but I've never seen one for sale around here:
                    Don't waste your time. Doesn't add any unqiue sound to your picking and it feels like you're picking with a rusted butter knife. Bleh...


                    • #11
                      Re: Non-plastic picks

                      Ians post made me lulz : after the 20 bucks custom picks, there's the 75 bucks dinosaur pick !
                      There's so much gear I want that the whole list would make a highway to hell if it was ever written down.
                      Don't ask.


                      • #12
                        Re: Non-plastic picks

                        For most of my band playing years I used a penny that was flattened under a train (Long Train Runnin) and the edges were smoothed out. Played it with my strat for about 15 years. I still have it. It's worn and I no longer use it but I didn't break any more strings than I normally do which is very few.
                        Today, I use mostly V-picks and Dawg picks. I like em thick!


                        • #13
                          Re: Non-plastic picks

                          Originally posted by Beerman View Post
                          I like em thick!

                          I stopped using picks a year or so ago and have just been picking everything with my fingers. I've tried to go back and forth between the two and now using a pick is just awkward.


                          • #14
                            Re: Non-plastic picks

                            I've used rigid metal picks for a couple of decades now.

                            The one on top used to belong to George Lynch. The one on the bottom is my main pick. It's a DR made by some guy in Texas. As for breaking strings, it seldom happens to me. You just have to use common sense and not bash on the strings. The advantages are a thicker, brighter attack, more sustain, pinch harmonics are way easier, and you can get some unique slide and bounce effects as well. I still use Fender mediums for acoustic guitar though


                            • #15
                              Re: Non-plastic picks

                              I use a Dadi aluminum and brass pick. The prefer the aluminum pick. It gives better dynamics, and a brighter sound than plastic does.

