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Okay.. do we fix this?

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  • #61
    Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

    What we need here is a good old-fashioned duel...


    • #62
      Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

      Originally posted by SJ318 View Post
      To sosomething-Adam,
      You seem like real nice guy and as my Dad used to say, from West Virginia
      no less; " Boy, you sound like a fella with a good head on his shoulders."
      I'm gonna let it go. Not worth it. Adam, it grinds me when people in
      life as in forums of any sort, are rude and disrespectful. It happens. This guy
      called what I spent a lot of time on "an ugly nutsack". O.K.,So my world will not end.
      I can take informed criticism, but if I am to be ridiculed by someone who does not understand my idea at all,
      that is anti-forum. The old "treat someone else like you would want to be treated" is really all I ask. Simple as that. My skin is a little thin for this sh*t. So I will take your advice,
      There won't be a next time. I have way bigger problems.
      Thank You Adam,
      Steve B. 10/4
      Over and out.
      To Mr. Steve,
      Take care.
      Jafar from Aladdin

      Hear or Follow my music:


      • #63
        Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

        I would like to go back and rescend any intarwebs alliance with Mr. Steve, perceived or actual, that may have been implicated by my previous posts. I am officially horrified and embarrassed.


        • #64
          Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

          Allright already.
          I don't think this what Simon F had in mind.
          I get the hint.
          Such love. Oh, the Humanity.
          i'd like to thank the academy.
          From rude to ridicule. Keeps getting better.
          Mr. formula73 officially never had any alliance with me.
          uOpt, a duel is what wev'e been having.
          You have made me feel like s**t all over again.
          Good job. Really, I was just trying to help.
          Keep it coming, I don't care anymore.
          If you'd like to LMAO some more, get this: I can't even tell if Jafar from
          Aladdin is more ridicule or is a friendly statement.?
          Last edited by SJ318; 08-03-2011, 12:04 PM.


          • #65
            Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

            Well. This certainly got...weird.
            I remember calloused hands and paint-stained jeans, and I remember safe-as-houses self-belief.


            • #66
              Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

              A little off topic, I gotta say.
              How about this: How about you all spend your energy and time not
              giving me more guff, but maybe help me on my post about dual overdrive
              pedals I think is in the amplifier section.


              • #67
                Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                Originally posted by SJ318 View Post
                Allright already.
                I don't think this what Simon F had in mind.
                I get the hint.
                Such love. Oh, the Humanity.
                i'd like to thank the academy.
                From rude to ridicule. Keeps getting better.
                Mr. formula73 officially never had any alliance with me.
                uOpt, a duel is what wev'e been having.
                You have made me feel like s**t all over again.
                Good job. Really, I was just trying to help.
                Keep it coming, I don't care anymore.
                If you'd like to LMAO some more, get this: I can't even tell if Jafar from
                Aladdin is more ridicule or is a friendly statement.?
                Attn: Steve
                Well, that's interesting.
                I wouldn't read too much into the Jafar thing.
                It's like the eye at the top of the pyramid on the dollar bill.
                steeped in mystery and symbolism,
                but the road doesn't lead anywhere better than a dusty rec room filled with sweaty old guys who reminisce about the good old days.
                We could have been buddies, but now I see a chum.
                And it's shark week.
                Cordially and respectfully yours,
                Alexander Graham Bell

                Hear or Follow my music:


                • #68
                  Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                  Yes, fine.
                  Again I don't get the chum reference.
                  I would like to kill this as I am definately just a joke for
                  most of you guys.
                  I'll just stick to asking straight ahead questions.
                  Again, I could use some help in the amplifier section
                  on dual OD pedals.
                  It is a straight ahead question that I am sure has been covered
                  many times but couldn't find anything in these forums.


                  • #69
                    Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                    I don't understand where this all went. I still think my Electra was a stupid guitar and I'm glad I sold it. It looked like an SG drawn by a 4 year old. SJ...what?


                    • #70
                      Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                      Originally posted by SJ318 View Post
                      Yes, fine.
                      Again I don't get the chum reference.
                      I would like to kill this as I am definately just a joke for
                      most of you guys.
                      I'll just stick to asking straight ahead questions.
                      Again, I could use some help in the amplifier section
                      on dual OD pedals.
                      It is a straight ahead question that I am sure has been covered
                      many times but couldn't find anything in these forums.
                      I want to stop fooling around now (which is against my nature) and be real with you for a minute, because I see some potential for quality forum contributions in you, and I don't want to scare away someone who could be a knowledgeable person with a different perspective by posting a bunch of BS up in his face.


                      Hi! Welcome to the forum!

                      This forum is a generally lighthearted place with a lot of old regulars and a lot of newer folks who manage to coexist pretty peacefully about 95% of the time. And, like any place full of people brought together on the initial bases of a niche interest, it has its own subculture.

                      I think you're just struggling a little bit with how to interpret that subculture.

                      I wonder if, perhaps, you found this forum, joined, and started posting right away without first lurking about for a while and getting a feel for the place. There's nothing wrong with that, but if that is the case, it would pay to take what you see in stride.

                      We give each other a hard time sometimes, but it's usually in jest or in fun and we'll call each other out when we feel like it, but there is a lot of camaraderie too. Some people have engaged in genuinely selfless acts for other members of this forum. I see it all the time. You know, like a group of guys who hang out and will make fun of each other but are still friends? Same thing.

                      So stick around, chill some, and get to know who you're talking to before you try to read too much into what's being said.

                      And continue to post informative stuff and your questions, too.

                      Hear or Follow my music:


                      • #71
                        Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                        Thanks Adam,
                        Wise beyond your years. Your band looks pretty fierce. Saw some of your
                        pictures and heard you guys play- good and intense!
                        Formula73- I don't know. just had a good mod and was trying to help.
                        I think it went bad when gearjoneser called my info bad. That was rude and
                        contrary to what this forum is supposed to stand for. I should have left
                        it alone.
                        Gonna take Adams' advice.


                        • #72
                          Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                          Don't worry about Gearjoneser. He's cool and he's up front and open. No hidding behind the bushes with him. Hell, he's married to a Latino women if that clears it up for ya any....LOL

                          Anyway, I think the sack reference was towards the device that screws in to the body at the butt end of the guitar, not at the horn, at the link provided.


                          • #73
                            Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                            Thanks. The only woman in all of my 59 years who ever broke my
                            heart was Latino. And I've been married twice and lived with ladies, so
                            many, but only that one woman did it.
                            She was on fire (off topic, for sure).
                            I will maintain an even strain.
                            Yeah, I just like guitars, ya know. passionatly, I don't like trouble.


                            • #74
                              Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                              Jeez, I forgot all about this thread. I had no idea I stunk it up and left.

                              First of all, I probably came off as harsh as I sometimes do when I see jerry rigged remedies being passed as good advise. I assure you that you'll never see a professional luthier use wood screws to attach a sharp piece of metal to the upper horn on a guitar. It's like going on a car forum and seeing a post about filling your tires with sand, so they never pop. Mechanics will disagree.

                              But I'm not here to offend anyone. The "nut sack" comment was referencing the invention linked above. It's a good idea, but it does look odd.
                              Originally posted by Boogie Bill
                              I've got 60 guitars...but 49 trumpets is just...INSANITY! WTF!


                              • #75
                                Re: Okay.. do we fix this?

                                O.K. cool, thanks for that. Next time ,if I feel personally insulted, I will message
                                as was pointed out. Gonna try and have no more next times
                                Gearjoneser, appreciated.
                                Last edited by SJ318; 08-03-2011, 04:03 PM.

