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Explorer Traditional Pro

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  • #31
    Re: Explorer Traditional Pro

    Originally posted by ItsaBass View Post
    Definitely HSC and factory warranty, or forget it. It shipped with it, so it should go to the customer. Of course playing it is the only test that matters. Just curious what you thought of scratch and dents in general, and the price. Also curious about the body size. I haven't seen any newer Explorers since I started playing guitar again recently.
    Let me know how beat it is and if you pass, pls give me the store contact info!! ID LOVE to have another reg black exp.

    And, I LOVE that black flame top pro posted above!! SPROING!!!!
    Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

    Jol Dantzig


    • #32
      Re: Explorer Traditional Pro

      Played a wine red Trad Pro and a natural standard Explorer today.

      The standard Explorer has the classic look. The wood and finish were beautiful. A real knockout. And it played well enough. But the sound was terrible. Why they have those black open coil ceramic humbuckers in there is beyond me. Complete soulless mud without character. Very thunky with little sustain or discernible "tone." Pretty much so bad that it is difficult to even describe well. Sounds like an Epiphone or a Squier. Major disservice to the beauty and construction quality of the guitar itself to make it sound like such garbage. All easily changed, but still...bad choice of pickups, Gibson. At the very least offer a choice of pickups.

      The Trad Pro is gorgeous in a different way. It looks very sleek and modern. The body is noticeably smaller and slimmer, and only the top and the face of the head are finished in gloss. I liked the smaller body, as I have always thought that scaled-down and tiny guitars are very cool, though I cannot say I liked it more than the traditional body. But THE SOUND. It sounds amazing. Warm and bluesy with crunch. '57 Classic neck, Burstbucker Pro bridge, each with a coil splitter switch built into the volume knobs. It sounds like heaven on the humbucker settings, right out of the box (unlike my Les Paul with BBs 1&2 or my Epi Japan SG with '57 Classics, which needed lots of tuning of the pickups). Split settings sound good too. Really allowed me to get some good tones out of the middle position, which I almost never use on a 2HB guitar.

      They are both the same price.

      So, my mind is clear as to which is the better guitar out of the box. If the traditional Explorer cost enough less to cover what I would have to spend on pickups and pots to get close to the sound of the Trad Pro, maybe I would think about it. And even then, there is no guaranteeing that I could get it sounding like the Trad Pro, given the differences in body size.

      Oh, they also had the black Trad Pro V in stock, and aside from the fact that it's a V, my feelings on it pretty well mirror my feelings on the Explorer. of each?

      Also, I am liking the wine red. Hard decision between that and black. But they are getting a black one in soon, so I will be able to see them side by side.

      ...and there is also the option of that scratch and dent black standard Explorer for $650 at another store.
      Originally posted by LesStrat
      Yogi Berra was correct.
      Originally posted by JOLLY
      I do a few chord things, some crappy lead stuff, and then some rhythm stuff.


      • #33
        Re: Explorer Traditional Pro

        Man, Im wanting one of the black ones sooo bad!! Been molesting a black trad pro v at local GC regularly and am loving it too. they wont get any of the explorers in. prob a good thing.
        Believe me when I say that some of the most amazing music in history was made on equipment that's not as good as what you own right now.

        Jol Dantzig

