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Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

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  • Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

    As I was reading bungalowbill's thread about 250k and 500k pots, I began to wonder what my SG Classic would sound like with 500k volumes rather than the stock 300k linear volumes. I know I said that I wasn't planning on changing them out but I remembered what my SG Jr sounds like with 500k pots and the P-90. Going between the two earlier this week, I knew I had to try it with the Classic.

    Well, I have 500k volume pots in my SG Classic now and I gotta say, it is a nice improvement in the sound of the P-90's. The sound is still big and full, but now it's a bit more "open". There's a nicer response, a better snarl, a fuller sounding top end. The neck pickup definitely sounds better too. It sounded great before, but now it's clearer, which I knew would happen anyway.

    Very happy with the change. The neck volume is 493k and the bridge volume is 465k. Well within the 10% spec. Going to play it some at tomorrow night's gig. That's the real workout.

  • #2
    Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

    I don't believe you.
    Originally posted by Good Will Hunting
    Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.


    • #3
      Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

      Believe me, Andrew. It is true. I know, this doesn't help you much...LOL.


      • #4
        Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

        I was excited when I got my LP Studio with BB Pro pickups in it. After playing it some, I was dissapointed that the pup wasn't all that I thought it would be... after some research, I found out that it has 250k volume pots... I wonder if thats why I feel like I'm not getting the tone I should. I'll be putting 500k pots in soon.
        If I know I'm going crazy, I must not be insane.

        Originally posted by TheLivingDead


        • #5
          Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

          250k in a LP? Talk about throwing the blanket over it. Yeah, that'll do it. When you get them, measure them and put the higher value pot in the neck.


          • #6
            Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

            It just doesn't make that much difference, and you can find out much more easily than ripping the thing apart.

            A 500 Kohm tone pot will behave like a 250 Kohm pot if you just turn it to where it reads 250 Kohm.

            The same stick doesn't work for volume, but with volume you can use crocodile clips to put a 500 Kohm resistor across hot and for the pot full open you now have the same as a 250 Kohm pot full open.


            • #7
              I disagree that it doesn't make that much of a difference. My ears tell me it does.

              I agree on rolling the tone pot back does the trick there, and my Classic has 500k tone pots which are fine. The volumes were 300k so going to 500k did make a difference.

              I don't like the resistor trick. I've tried it and the taper felt odd to me. Some say they don't hear a difference. I did and prefer the actual pot value.
              Last edited by ErikH; 03-02-2012, 04:41 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

                Originally posted by ErikH View Post
                I don't like the resistor trick. I've tried it and the taper felt odd to me. Some say they don't hear a difference. I did and prefer the actual pot value.
                As I said, the resistor trick only works when full open.


                • #9
                  Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

                  Originally posted by uOpt View Post
                  As I said, the resistor trick only works when full open.
                  I did a tutorial on all this that still resides in The Vault...I like going with the right value and I also don't care for the resistor trick...It does change the taper in a slight way,but I don't care for it...

                  Generally a higher value pot is going to shunt less highend to ground...What that equates to,is a brighter overall output on the volume control...With a tone pot,the cap also shunts a slight bit of highs to ground...The larger the tone cap value,the darker the overall tone as you roll down from 10 towards 0.

                  This is what my ears hear..YMMV?
                  Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

                  Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

                  Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


                  • #10
                    Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

                    Originally posted by STRATDELUXER97 View Post
                    Generally a higher value pot is going to shunt less highend to ground...What that equates to,is a brighter overall output on the volume control...With a tone pot,the cap also shunts a slight bit of highs to ground...The larger the tone cap value,the darker the overall tone as you roll down from 10 towards 0.

                    This is what my ears hear..YMMV?
                    There's nothing to argue with here.
                    "Completely Conceded Glowing Expert."
                    "And Blueman, I am pretty sure you've pissed off a lot of people."
                    "Wait, I know! Blueman and Lew can arm wrestle, and the winner gets to decide if 250K pots sound good or not."


                    • #11
                      Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

                      I found that going from 300k to 500k vol with 50s wiring the tone control can be rolled way down to get that same fatness as the 300k vol wide open. Much more versatility with 500ks + 50s wiring vs 300ks and modern wiring


                      • #12
                        Well, I played the Classic at last night's gig. Much better than with the 300k's. Better cut, better feel, better everything. Everything is just there.


                        • #13
                          Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

                          Originally posted by ErikH View Post
                          Well, I played the Classic at last night's gig. Much better than with the 300k's. Better cut, better feel, better everything. Everything is just there.
                          Excellent...I Like 500k with my humbuckers...Generally I need more highs in a band scenario....I Like having enough highend to start with and then I Like rolling some of it off...I Like the smaller cap(say .015)at the neck..This allows a slower overall highend rolloff and it's not as dark when close to 0 on the tone pot...For the bridge,the .022 is always a very workable value for me for both 250k and 500k values...

                          Normally though it's mids and highs that need to standout in order to cut right,especially for soloing!
                          Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

                          Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

                          Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


                          • #14
                            Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

                            Originally posted by AniML View Post
                            I found that going from 300k to 500k vol with 50s wiring the tone control can be rolled way down to get that same fatness as the 300k vol wide open. Much more versatility with 500ks + 50s wiring vs 300ks and modern wiring
                            There was a time when I favored treble bleed mods on the volume controls and modern wiring...For a long time now though,I actually favor the 50s wiring and sans the treble bleed stuff.
                            Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

                            Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

                            Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.


                            • #15
                              Re: Another: So with all the pot change hoopla

                              Originally posted by blueman335 View Post
                              There's nothing to argue with here.
                              Thanks buddy...Much appreciated!
                              Amps: 66 Fender BF Pro Reverb Combo,1973 50 Watt Marshall Head,Marshall 4x12 A/V Cab,Vox ToneLab LE,Vox VTH Valvetronix 120 Head,Vox AD 2x12 Cab,Roland Cube 20X

                              Guitars: Several Stratocasters,2 Fender Telecasters,Gibson SG Standard,Tokai Love Rock Les Paul,Dean Acoustic.

                              Pickups: SD SSL2,SSL5,Twangbanger,Antiquity Surfers,59N,Seth Lover N/B,Dimarzio Fred,Dimarzio VPAF N,Fender Fat 50s,Fralin SP43 Bridge,Brobucker,Antiquity Texas Hot.

