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Quality gear... who knew?

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  • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

    Once, having been invited to a party, I went clothes shopping beforehand and bought a pair of expensive G-Star boots. They were two sizes too small but I wanted them so badly I figured I could just wear them without socks and cut my toenails very short. As the party was only a few blocks from my place I decided to walk. After the first block I lost all feeling in my feet. Arriving at the party I stumbled into a guy named DreX, spilling Malibu & coke onto his white Wham 'Choose Life' t-shirt and he punched me. An hour or so after the incident DreX sat down in a chair already occupied by a cat. The surprised cat clawed and snarled causing DreX to leap out of the chair, slip on a rug and strike his forehead onto the corner of a speaker; resulting in a two inch open gash. In its shock the cat also defecated, leaving DreX with a foul stain down the back of his beige cargo pants.

    I liked that cat.
    || Guitar | Wah | Vibe | Amp ||


    • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

      Originally posted by DreX View Post
      I have MIAs that do not open my eyes to "how crappy" budget guitars are, I have healthy mix of domestic and imports that prove the opposite. There are many causes of dead frets, that's certainly not a quality which is inherent to budget guitars, especially not in this decade. The assertion that it could be is misleading to anyone seeking info to make a purchase decision; you can buy a budget guitar and not have to fight with the set up, you can buy a budget guitar and not have dead frets.
      Damn , I stumbled on to a soap opra!!
      Originally posted by LLL View Post
      Along the usual butthurt lines...

      Ironically enough, Drex reminds me a lot of guys like Edgecrusher or Securb (which itself is ironic because they can't stand Drex). Edgecrusher read my recommendation to use an EQ to boost someone's amp and about had a tantrum over it. Securb took advice of mine to be "snobbish" and launched a coordinated attack, etc...

      I don't think any of them even play guitar... or at best, noodle on the weekends.

      And none of them have a clip of their playing.

      (That's part of the problem with the internet; people can pretend to be something they're not.)

      So, what I'm saying is we wouldn't have half the butthurt going on that we have if the people who don't really play their guitar would stop getting butthurt over the personal experiences and opinions of those who do play theirs.

      This guy states he had been playing what was essentially crap for a while and he finally got something good and now he's happy. If that isn't the feel-good story of the year (so far) then I don't know what is. And there's nothing controversial about it... everyone is a "snob" or "corksniffer" to varying degrees about their own gear; it's called "caring about how you sound and your own personal preferences". It's called "having an opinion about their own preferences and gear based on their own experience". And nothing wrong with that.

      Perpetually offended people need to sack up. Or at least go practice.
      Originally posted by Securb View Post
      You are a freaking joke. My musical resume dwarfs anything you have done with your crappy 80s cover band. I never said your advice was snobbish, I said you are a troll and by the looks of this post you still are one. I am going to cut it off here because I refuse to go back and forth with an idiot.
      Originally posted by Red_Label View Post
      I don't always agree with you on everything Bill... but your post nailed it here! I've stood on stage with guitars that cost me $200 (MIM strats, Squires, etc), and I've stood on stage with guitars that cost me $3,000. And I don't ever remember thinking "I should have gone with the cheap one today". Granted, part of the experience of owning and gigging a $2K+ instrument is the pride of showing-off your "fancy" steed (like owning a Ferrari or something). But it's also the knowledge that it's unlikely that well-crafted guitar is going to let you down. I can't say the same for the cheap guitars that I gigged. Some did let me down, some didn't.

      I was recently discussing my Tom Anderson strat (Drop Top Classic) with a friend (who owns four Andersons) and I told him that one of the greatest things about owning such a flawless guitar is ALWAYS knowing that any weak link in the player-instrument interface is ME. I never have to worry about it letting me down. Some days as a player I'm "on", and some I'm off (not my best). With many lesser brands I would often wonder on those days, "is it me, or is it the guitar that's causing my less-than-satisfactory experience today?" Well... in the nearly six months that I've been playing the Anderson, I NEVER wonder if the guitar is the issue. I have 100% confidence in this tool that I use and I KNOW that if I'm playing less-than-inspired... it's all ME. It removes the question and the distraction of wondering if my guitar needs to be tweaked some (or upgraded altogether). I haven't felt this kind of confidence in over 30 years of playing (despite owning some top tier guitars). I've been very close, but there were always things that bothered me that I would change or wondered if it could be improved a little. In light of this, the high price of Anderson ownership is WELL worth it for me. Worth it enough that my music store manager buddy and I are already talking about my next Anderson (probably a straight Classic -- for a more old school strat tone/feel).

      And just because I adore this guitar... another picture is in order. It's getting to be my "right arm" any more. Seriously, I'd given-up on strats for the past several years and this has turned that upside down. Now I only reach for the LPs when I'm in an LP-specific mood. Otherwise, it's the Anderson every time. Can ya feel the love?

      Originally posted by DreX View Post
      It's only natural that your degree of self consciousness is going to be at it's greatest and most irrational when you're on stage in front of many people you've never met personally and have not had a chance to impress with your personality alone, quite the opposite of when you're on your couch at home, playing for nobody who doesn't already know you very well. I can understand the desire to have a impressive appointments on stage, a clean outfit, "purposefully" groomed hair, etc. As others have pointed out, the "pros" use MIA premium line guitars, and part of you might worry that if you are seen on stage with Epiphone on the headstock instead of Gibson, someone in the crowd might think you're a dilettante who has no business being on stage, and it's precisely because of that irrationality that I'm passionate about defending said Epiphones and imports.

      When you're thinking in these terms, there's a problem, because even a cheap guitar satisfies the requirement of giving you six string spanned across a piece of wood with an ample supply of working frets beneath those strings, the guitar should never ever be the weak link if it has no specific identifiable defect that can be repaired by yourself or a luthier.

      Pretty much the only problem I've come across where an import couldn't be made to play perfectly is/was a special case, neck twist on those single piece Tele necks. My MIA Tele is a rosewood fingerboard two piece, so I'm not sure how the MIA Tele single piece compares in terms of neck twist, but it's a common issue from what I understand since a single piece neck as less lateral stability than two or more piece necks. Otherwise, a home done fret job and nut filing and neck adjustment will make an import as premise where it counts as any MIA, assuming the import wasn't set up well enough to begin with, because a big difference in playability is simply how much attention was paid to the setup of the guitar, and not due to any inherent quality of a domestic versus an import which can't be changed or remedied in a few hours or less.
      Originally posted by Red_Label View Post
      Holy craaaap... this thread just keeps getting more bizzare!!!

      1) You just keep spewing more stuff that you don't know anything about... but doing it like you're a Phd on the subject.

      2) Between that and the whole Berklee side discussion... it's getting to be like a padded white room with nary a "med" in sight.


      • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

        Even though I have a MIA strat, I can honestly say that I have NEVER had issues with medium priced guitars, and own quite a few. I have an LTD guitar that cost $500, and it plays as well as the MIA strat, and I DID NOT have to modify it to stay in tune like I did my MIA strat (even though it IS my desrt island guitar).

        My advice is play what YOU like not what you think others will like to see you play. PERIOD. As for the gear snobs-GET A LIFE. I have seen many a guy with thousands upon thousands of dollars tied up in a rig/guitar that forgot to do the most important thing:PLAY THE DAMNED THING!!!! I have also seen the opposite:A guy with maybe a grand tied up in everything that could just make your jaw drop.
        So red label, I definitely agree with you.


        • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

          Originally posted by DreX View Post
          If no point were being argued, we'd not be at page 10 right now.

          - -
          - -

          Warning: May contain traces of NUTS


          • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

            Originally posted by some_dude View Post
            Once, having been invited to a party, I went clothes shopping beforehand and bought a pair of expensive G-Star boots. They were two sizes too small but I wanted them so badly I figured I could just wear them without socks and cut my toenails very short. As the party was only a few blocks from my place I decided to walk. After the first block I lost all feeling in my feet. Arriving at the party I stumbled into a guy named DreX, spilling Malibu & coke onto his white Wham 'Choose Life' t-shirt and he punched me. An hour or so after the incident DreX sat down in a chair already occupied by a cat. The surprised cat clawed and snarled causing DreX to leap out of the chair, slip on a rug and strike his forehead onto the corner of a speaker; resulting in a two inch open gash. In its shock the cat also defecated, leaving DreX with a foul stain down the back of his beige cargo pants.

            I liked that cat.
            This is exactly why I don't wear boots to parties. Cats deserve better treatment.

            And this is me almost refraining from saying that tight booties are much better than tight boots.
            I am so close to retirement that I could play in a band full time. All I have to do is figure out what to use instead of money, improve my playing, learn some songs, and find some other musicians more talented than me who will do exactly as they're told. .


            • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

              JB from Hell Congrats glad you like your new guitar.You are posting after long and I hope to see you come more often.

              WOW 10 pages long ......
              Ibanez SA 120- Bridge JB Trembucker Neck Jazz
              JFG Flying V,
              "If you hear something you're unable to play, then you have room to grow."-Al Di Meola
              John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."


              • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                I guess the real question after 11 pages is...

                Are you going to put a JB in it?
                Schecter ATX Blackjack C7 BKP Painkiller (B) and Abraxas (N)
                Hagstrom Hj800 Jazzbox stock pickups
                Fender Jazz Bass EMG MJ Set
                Music Man SUB Ray5 stock pickups
                Line 6 Helix
                Dunlop Strings and Picks

                The opinions expressed above are my own and do not reflect normal levels of sanity.


                • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                  Originally posted by Johnny the Kid View Post
                  I guess the real question after 11 pages is...

                  Are you going to put a JB in it?
                  Haha, no
                  “I can play the hell out of a riff. The rest of it’s all bulls**t anyway,” Gary Holt


                  • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                    As you can see, JBFH. This place has gone to hell in a handbasket. It has soured many long time members and it shows in our posting. Myself included. I have far less patience and far more snippy (2 kids doesn't help ). Once in awhile a very old thread gets bumped and I see all these friendly posts and members respectfully offering input even if it's disagreement. A sense of community and respect. I am amazed how reasonable we used to be.

                    Nowadays it's just mostly crap spewage and internet geniuses and tough guys trying to prove they've got a bigger dick than you.

                    I am happy for your NGD, sorry your thread got tanked. Welcome back
                    I'm an internet person. All we do is waste time evaluating things that have next-to-zero real world significance.

                    Remember, it's just a plank of wood. YOU have to find the music in it - The Telecaster Handbook


                    • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                      Wow, what a read! lol From what I got out of this, OP had been using lower priced gear for awhile, got higher priced guitar and was pleased with how the higher priced was better than the lower priced. I went through the same thing–had cheap import gear that got the job done and I was able to learn. I remember getting my first American Fender Strat and having the exact same reaction. I know build/assemble my own guitars and feel Warmoth and Musikraft have exceptional quality gear (made in America.)

                      As to DreX, I see he is up to usually antics...must've been weened off pickle juice or something. I would say don't feed the trolls

                      I think the imports have improved as far as quality; however, I personally can tell a difference in looks, feel, and sound between the imports and the American gear. I have modded a MIM with American electronics and significant fret work. It played and sounded better but wasn't an American. It all comes down to economics...costs with benefits/rewards. Some people want a brand, some people want a specific tone, some go for specific Country, some go for best "bang for the buck", etc.

                      It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks but the individual user. I like songs and buy songs/albums that have guitar sounds I don't care for but like the music. Its not like people are going to get up and walk away from a concert because they are using stock pickups instead of SDs or DiMarzios or


                      • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                        Originally posted by treyhaislip View Post
                        I think the imports have improved as far as quality; however, I personally can tell a difference in looks, feel, and sound between the imports and the American gear. I have modded a MIM with American electronics and significant fret work. It played and sounded better but wasn't an American.
                        Everyone wants to say "this thread is about OP's NGD" (it's not, OP didn't even post of a pic of the guitar), but then everyone has to weigh in on the cheap versus expensive debate, but then claim it's only me who perpetuates it.... LOL, it's tough holding a minority opinion here, but it's worth it.

                        "but wasn't an American"... Note that you said "an American", not "my particular American", revealing a bias. That being said, what specific shortcomings did your modded/improved MIM have in comparison to your "American" Fender?


                        • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                          Originally posted by DreX View Post
                          "but wasn't an American"... Note that you said "an American", not "my particular American", revealing a bias. That being said, what specific shortcomings did your modded/improved MIM have in comparison to your "American" Fender?
                          It literally was not an American–the guitar was made in Mexico and changing the electronics (noisy,) pickups (harsh,) leveling the frets, sanding the edges of the frets to be even with the fretboard, did not change the fact that is was not an American made can't mod a Chinese guitar into a Korean nor a Japanese into a British guitar. lol It has nothing to do with bias man, the guitar was still a Mexican body and neck.

                          The Fender American strats usually have the modern thin contour and a wider string spacing than the MIM, or at least they use to. I prefer the American Standard specs and use those when I build mine. And I have played great and crappy gear from multiple countries. I like buying parts from American companies such as Warmoth and Musikraft because I have had zero issue in quality and attention to detail.


                          • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                            Originally posted by DreX View Post
                            Everyone wants to say "this thread is about OP's NGD" (it's not, OP didn't even post of a pic of the guitar), but then everyone has to weigh in on the cheap versus expensive debate, but then claim it's only me who perpetuates it.... LOL, it's tough holding a minority opinion here, but it's worth it.

                            "but wasn't an American"... Note that you said "an American", not "my particular American", revealing a bias. That being said, what specific shortcomings did your modded/improved MIM have in comparison to your "American" Fender?
                            Actually, this entire thread was definitely about JB_From_Hell's new (to him) guitar. That is exactly what this entire thread was about and should have been about. Anybody who might think otherwise either has the reading comprehension of a 5 year old, is delusional or is hell bent on proving their opinion is the "right" opinion.

                            I am really worried for this forum's future. If this becomes a place where people who love their more expensive guitars feel intimidated by a certain forum member's insistent, bullying responses to their purchases to the point where they no longer post then this place will eventually become lifeless as a ghost town.


                            • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                              Originally posted by treyhaislip View Post
                              It literally was not an American–the guitar was made in Mexico and changing the electronics (noisy,) pickups (harsh,) leveling the frets, sanding the edges of the frets to be even with the fretboard,
                              OK, issues that not every import has, and if by chance it does, is easy to fix.

                              Originally posted by treyhaislip View Post
                              did not change the fact that is was not an American made can't mod a Chinese guitar into a Korean nor a Japanese into a British guitar. lol It has nothing to do with bias man, the guitar was still a Mexican body and neck.
                              So you place value on the guitar's country of origin for it's own sake, apart from quality concerns.. how is that not simply "snob appeal"?

                              Originally posted by treyhaislip View Post
                              The Fender American strats usually have the modern thin contour and a wider string spacing than the MIM, or at least they use to. I prefer the American Standard specs and use those when I build mine.
                              Matter of preference, not of quality.

                              Originally posted by treyhaislip View Post
                              And I have played great and crappy gear from multiple countries. I like buying parts from American companies such as Warmoth and Musikraft because I have had zero issue in quality and attention to detail.
                              All else aside, comparing fully assembled guitars to Warmoth parts is apples and oranges, regardless of country of origin.


                              • Re: Quality gear... who knew?

                                Originally posted by SnakeAces View Post
                                I am really worried for this forum's future. If this becomes a place where people who love their more expensive guitars feel intimidated by a certain forum member's insistent, bullying responses to their purchases to the point where they no longer post then this place will eventually become lifeless as a ghost town.
                                As I said before, this thread has really opened my eyes to how certain forum members bully and troll others into submission and I will seriously take that attitude into account in the future when I get advice from them.
                                Schecter ATX Blackjack C7 BKP Painkiller (B) and Abraxas (N)
                                Hagstrom Hj800 Jazzbox stock pickups
                                Fender Jazz Bass EMG MJ Set
                                Music Man SUB Ray5 stock pickups
                                Line 6 Helix
                                Dunlop Strings and Picks

                                The opinions expressed above are my own and do not reflect normal levels of sanity.

