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My Player Strat feels extremely different than my Hendrix Strat

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  • My Player Strat feels extremely different than my Hendrix Strat

    My Player Strats neck feels really different than my Hendrix Strat. I know of course all necks feel different but this is more extreme. I was wondering if what my fingers feel (on the top of the fretboard) is the fact that my Player Strat went through the Plek machine, and my Hendrix Strat had its frets leveled by hand.

    I love 'em both.

  • #2
    Fender's measurements differ pretty wildly across different models, so I'd say to compare the specs of both guitars. I bet the radius of the neck is different, which can contribute to a very different feel.
    Administrator of the SDUGF


    • #3
      Radius is the same on both.


      • #4
        How about the shape of the neck?
        Administrator of the SDUGF


        • #5
          Pleking won't dramatically change the feel of a neck. It's just a quick easy machining process of levelling the frets to reduce manual labor.
          Originally Posted by IanBallard
          Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Napthol View Post
            My Player Strats neck feels really different than my Hendrix Strat. I know of course all necks feel different but this is more extreme. I was wondering if what my fingers feel (on the top of the fretboard) is the fact that my Player Strat went through the Plek machine, and my Hendrix Strat had its frets leveled by hand.

            I love 'em both.
            Its possible that they have significantly different relief or action.

            Which one do you like more? If you honestly like the player strat more, then get the Hendrix one leveled or plekked.


            • #7
              Do the fretboards have different wood? Are the frets more polished on one? What exactly are you feeling that is "extremely" different?
              Originally Posted by IanBallard
              Rule of thumb... the more pot you have, the better your tone.


              • #8
                Neck shape, radius, nut width all make for very different feeling guitars. FWIW, I can happily get along with just about anything except narrow nuts or very thin necks.
                Join me in the fight against muscular atrophy!

                Originally posted by Douglas Adams
                This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.


                • #9
                  The Hendrix Strat has a classic C neck and the Player Strat has a modern C.


                  • #10
                    My Player Strat feels very new and quite stiff. I bought my Hendrix Strat new also. But the Player feels like it was finished yesterday. I suspect the relief is less because when I got it from Sweetwater the action was extremely low. The strings were really close. Maybe before they put the guitar in the Plek machine they have to take the relief out of the neck.


                    • #11
                      Do they have the same gauge strings?
                      Take it to the limit
                      Everybody to the limit
                      Come on Fhqwhgads


                      • #12
                        Yup. Same gauge string and brand.


                        • #13
                          Huh. The Hendrix has a reverse headstock. Maybe that's doing it? I've never felt a difference but I haven't done an apples to apples comparison between two guitars that were otherwise so similar.
                          Take it to the limit
                          Everybody to the limit
                          Come on Fhqwhgads


                          • #14
                            Reverse headstock changes everything. Having the longer bass strings and short top strings totally changes the feel of the strings on the neck.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by beaubrummels View Post
                              Reverse headstock changes everything. Having the longer bass strings and short top strings totally changes the feel of the strings on the neck.
                              I don't particularly care for it.

