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Gang of 5 - Chorus

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  • Gang of 5 - Chorus

    I figured this might be a good way to turn folks onto some new pedals by listing your favorites that you own/use. List them up.

    Your 5 heavy hitter CHORUS pedals.

    1. Free The Tone - Tri-Avatar TA2H
    2. Boss - CE2W
    3. Walrus Audio - Julia
    4. Thorpy FX - Deep Oggin
    5. Neunaber - Inspire Tri-Chorus
    The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.

  • #2
    1. Moog Moogerfooger MF-108M Clusterflux
    2. Ibanez CS9 - My main chorus live
    3. DOD Mini Chorus 460
    4. Dunlop Univibe UV-1
    I use the chorus in my JC120 a bit more these days and the H9 here and there.


    • #3
      I'd say first is the chorus in the JC120. Nothing really sounds like it.
      Boss Dimension C
      DOD Dual Stereo Chorus
      ....and I run out of them.
      Administrator of the SDUGF


      • #4
        Though I'm simple, chorus is a very important effect for me that needs to sound great with both cleans and overdrive/distortion. It's on damn near all the time for me.

        MXR - Micro Chorus 80's reissue

        Really loved the stereo chorus in all my Crate GX series amps. 40c 2x8, 130c 2x12 and 140c 2x12.


        • #5
          I've owned a Visual Sound H2O, a CE-2 clone that I'm pretty sure isn't built totally correctly, and an MXR Analog Chorus. By far my favorite is the MXR. I'd have been satisfied with the Visual Sound, but it would still swoosh when I wasn't playing, and I can't have that.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mincer View Post
            I'd say first is the chorus in the JC120. Nothing really sounds like it.
            I can dial in my MF-108M Clusterflux pretty darn close.


            • #7
              Any Boss Chorus, The Eventide H9, and this bad boy

              “For me, when everything goes wrong – that’s when adventure starts.” Yvonne Chouinard


              • #8
                Boss Dimension C is my all-time favorite but they are out of my budget so a TCE 3rd Dimension fills that nicely.
                Boss CH-1 and CE-5 are excellent options. I had both in the past.
                My amp has chorus in it and the 3rd Dimension is on my worship board. I don’t use it much from my amp but the 3rd Dimension is great for creating that wide spectrum sound.
                Last edited by ErikH; 06-08-2022, 04:49 PM.


                • #9
                  Eventide Pitchfactor.

                  Chorus is created by slightly delaying and slightly raising or lowering the pitch with a second copy (or more). Talking miniscule amounts here.

                  Just like a real chorus (singers). Take two singers, have them sing the same line, they're going to be off time with each other by milliseconds as well as off pitch (by cents) with each other.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mincer View Post
                    I'd say first is the chorus in the JC120. Nothing really sounds like it.
                    The chorus circuitry in the Roland JC120 was placed in a pedal format to create the Roland/BOSS CE-1 Chorus Ensemble pedal way back then.


                    • #11
                      MXR M134
                      BOSS CE-3

                      ...or more typically these days I just employ the modulation built-in to all my other delays, Canyon, Alter Ego, Visual Sound Tap Delay, Strymon El Capistan, etc.


                      • #12
                        I have my Quadraverb running with a stereo delay. 40ms on the right, 35ms on the left. 25% regen. It makes for a nice chorus effect.

                        Sent from my SM-A115A using Tapatalk


                        • #13
                          DOD FX65
                          Arion Stereo Chorus
                          Keeley Seafoam+


                          • #14
                            5 Heavy Hitter Chorus Pedals....

                            #1 If I could only have one, I'll take 7: Digitech CF-7 Chorus Factory. 7 Models: Digitech Multi, Voodoo Lab, Boss CE-5, Boss CH-1, TC SC/F+Pitch, EHX CLone, and Choralflange. All with more parameters than the originals. If you can't make the chorus you need with that, it can't be done.

                            #2 TC CHorus Flanger Pitch Modulator - the GOAT in my opinion

                            #3 I love it because it was my first, even though probably the same as many two knob analogs of the era: Washburn Accelerator Series Stereo Chorus; It just has THAT sound

                            #4 Ibanez CF7 CHorus Flanger with Whacked mode

                            #5 Visual Sound H2O V2 Chorus, on Normal or Lush (Bonus it has a delay too!)

                            Honorable Mention: Boss Dimension C and Mooer Ensemble King
                            Originally posted by Bad City
                            He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


                            • #15
                              Oh yeah, the Digitech Chorus Factory is really great. Lots of great models of some of the best Chorus pedals out there. That pedal should have been more popular.
                              Administrator of the SDUGF

