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People who think Blackouts are too hot

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  • People who think Blackouts are too hot

    I have blackouts in my Schecter C-7 standard and with my 6505 I think it's to much output to the point where it's muddy and noisy. Yesterday I put a 300k resistor between the signal wire and the output plug to lower the output. This works perfectly. I would say the Blackouts are now about as hot as a full shred set. They sound like Blackouts with more clarity and articulation IMO. And they are dead silent. I would get buzzing noise before from the insane amount of output before and I couldn't turn the gain on my amp past 2 without excess noise. This allows me to have the sustain and clarity of actives and I could open the gain up on my amp a lot more.

    It's something to consider if u find the blackouts have too much output. I experimented with 100k, 150k, 200k, 400k, and 500k. I settled on 300k because it was just right for me. I'm satisfied with the blackouts now.

  • #2
    Re: People who think Blackouts are too hot

    I did kinda find them too hot. I just went back to the 85.


    • #3
      Re: People who think Blackouts are too hot

      I think they're really hot but it's nothing problematic. I can still get descent cleans so I'm satisfied although I did recently discovered the EMG-85 in the bridge with a 60 in the neck and that's a nice set up. The Blackouts still sound better to me though


      • #4
        Re: People who think Blackouts are too hot

        I would love to hear clips on how they sound with the 300k resistor in place!


        • #5
          Re: People who think Blackouts are too hot

          Hey - I encountered that problem! I really like the tone and I was wondering what else they might be good for besides ta brootulz. The first time I ran it into a clean - WHAM! Not so good. But I came up with a different solution than you. I don't know how you feel about this, it's kind of crazy/extreme, but get this - it SERIOUSLY works! I turned the volume down.

          I know you may not believe that, but somehow it appeared to really lower the output. I liked the results a lot, and now I play all kinds of stuff with the Blackout. Try it if you don't believe me.
          Last edited by Aceman; 04-05-2013, 06:07 AM.
          Originally posted by Bad City
          He's got the crowd on his side and the blue jean lights in his eyes...


          • #6
            Re: People who think Blackouts are too hot

            Isn't there a low/high output jumper on the back? I seem to remember that, but I would have to find the pickups.

