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radio stations coming through my amp using 1 specific guitar

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  • #46
    Re: radio stations coming through my amp using 1 specific guitar

    Originally posted by Adieu View Post
    Dude, I'm not trying - actually actively trying NOT to... I just draw a crowd of "admirers" who nitpick every word. UNLIKE them, I was actively trying to help the OP, and just happened to mention something Gibson quality hardly being what it used to or smthn like that to justify that the fixes people and myself were suggesting for OP's problem (as well as the problem itself) were generally thought to be from the domain of ultra-economy-class guitars, to the point where 20 years back, you'd get pure incredulity and surprised stares all around if you suggested that a Gibson, of all things, coulda come out of the factory incorrectly wired, ungrounded, or badly potted.

    ...cue in personal attacks.

    ARE YOU PERCHANCE UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT I MIGHT SOMEHOW *LIKE* THIS?? ...nope. This is hella aggravating. And explaining myself to a 15yo, a couple trolls, and a few skimmers or dyslexics who never even READ the posts that they're talking about and are just taking the word of my opponents on - that's preeeetty dang highly unpleasant. You like being in court, talking to highway patrol cops at night, or getting nagged by your gf/wife? SAME FEELING.

    btw, the VERY next thread I click on - two different people are saying exactly what I was, here literally: "" what, when people hear RADIO STATIONS from Gibsons, I can't mention that quality ain't what it used to be (well duh - RADIO STATIONS!!) and prices are still up there (meant it as a veeeeery rhetorical and uncontroversial statement, seeing how it's soo obvious) without drawing all the trolls, but next topic over it's all people talk about, and all's good so long as it ain't me saying it somehow??? THEIR gibsons never picked up no radio. But they didn't like em anyway.
    With your reply to my point you underscored my point.

