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NPD: Custom Shop IM1

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  • #31
    Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

    She told me it was the degaussed A5. I slid it out and there was nothing to give an indication. Maybe a more advanced magnet expert might be able to tell. It sounds like a tighter '78, which makes it just a little be more aggressive, but not in a 'modern' voicing...more like a hot vintage. Only spent a little bit of time with it, but it comes across to be about as loud as the '78...maybe because the '78 feels louder than expected.

    Unless you know someone, we don't get that many really good tortillas here in the big city. And many of the places that do make them in large batches so they lack a little character and tend to be on the doughy side. MJ's were much mo better than the garden variety flour tortillas found in TX. She is in town again pretty soon for the next show and I suggested she get the promoters to set her up with a kitchen in her booth, as they will come for the smell of fresh tortillas and leave with their hands full of pickups. I think Scott Olson is going there to, so he can run back and forth to the store for supplies while MJ holds court.

    Sent from my armored space station using Tapatalk on iPad


    • #32
      Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

      Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
      would be interested in hearing more about that one.

      the IM1 definitely seems to have the same DNA as the '78, but with more bite. since I put it in the same guitar that had a '78 in there, I did some recordings of each. I probably won't get back to it until next week, but I think the preliminary results are pretty cool.

      yep. totally unexpected and a real thoughtful way to brighten a day.
      I wouldn't think the IM1 would have more bite than the '78--- I experienced the opposite w/ it and the EVH frankenstein pickup. Then again, I was using it in an alder telecaster. The franky pickup was alot higher output, warmer and a little too bassy with my hardtail. The '78 was chewy, brighter and had more attack. Reminds me-- I need to order a '78 from the Custom Shop-- I miss mine!
      Last edited by appar111; 08-23-2013, 07:19 PM.
      "I shall allow this GAS bubble to pass, a mere fart in time." - Aceman


      • #33
        Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

        Not sure what to tell you on that one. I'm not playing the Frankenstein pickup here. But I did put the IM1 in the same guitar as the 78. It's one of those Kramer 1984 guitars that Gibson sells...maple body, maple neck/board. Not a super bright maple, but is put it at about poplar bright or a little bit more.

        Keep in mind this is only my first impression, but the lows aren't quite as chewy, the mids are as open and the highs aren't quite as rounded. It sounds like the next progression of a '78 model. I would not consider myself a VH expert but didn't his sound get a little less brown as things progressed? That seems to be what I'm hearing here.

        Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


        • #34
          Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

          They need to make a neck version of this and call it the UR2.


          • #35
            Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

            Man, that's a groovy name to match up with. It's also something else that fits into that category of stuff people only hear about when its whispered in the back halls. A comprehensive list of CS offerings would be handy...I already feel like I've reached the end of the line for the pickups I'd like and have started to check out some of the boutique shops this past's be nice to know that the CS might already have something available.

            Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


            • #36
              Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

              Visually, unless there is a marking, there isn't a way to tell if a mag is degaussed or not. You would need to measure it's strength with a gauss meter to tell.

              A degaussed A5 adds in some nice A2 characteristics, such as a little softer high end, more mids and not so tight lows. It's a nice balance between the two.


              • #37
                Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                Just going by what MJ told me. At first she said she would make it with the A2 (I'm assuming so it would be more like the Frankie). I asked is she could send the degaussed A5 as well because I was wanting to record some clips, so she said she wanted to stick with the degaussed A5 so it would be like she normally makes it. I'd rather she sent the it with the degaussed A5, since A2 mags are easier to get if I wanted to try any swapping.

                Not sure where all the confusion about the mags started.

                Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


                • #38
                  Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                  Darth you gave me some good advise on some stk-4s to go in my model 6 with an RTM but it ended up in my Kramer Pacer. This might be the ticket for a replacement.
                  Hamer Centaura
                  Charvel Model 6
                  Kramer Pacer Custom II
                  Schecter Strat


                  • #39
                    Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                    Dude that's awesome. My first thought is that the IM1 is like a 78 with a slightly modern flavor. You get the best of both worlds (VH pun). heh!

                    Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk


                    • #40
                      NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                      Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                      Just going by what MJ told me. At first she said she would make it with the A2 (I'm assuming so it would be more like the Frankie). I asked is she could send the degaussed A5 as well because I was wanting to record some clips, so she said she wanted to stick with the degaussed A5 so it would be like she normally makes it. I'd rather she sent the it with the degaussed A5, since A2 mags are easier to get if I wanted to try any swapping.

                      Not sure where all the confusion about the mags started.

                      Sent from my armored battle station using Tapatalk
                      About right here.LOL You said it's degaussed A5 and then it sounds like it's A2 because you said you'd rather she sent it with the degaussed A5 (which says it's actually not). So which is it? LOL

                      Do you know, curiously, how much degaussed the mag is? It might be written on the box.


                      • #41
                        Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                        I've been clear since the first post that it's the degaussed A5. As for how much, that'd be something to ask MJ.

                        Sent from my armored space station using Tapatalk on iPad


                        • #42
                          Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                          Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                          I've been clear since the first post that it's the degaussed A5. As for how much, that'd be something to ask MJ.

                          Sent from my armored space station using Tapatalk on iPad
                          Oh I know. Just that last one kinda confused me for a minute based on how it was worded near the end there. No worries.

                          Interesting that it's a hot wind like that. How are the dynamics?


                          • #43
                            Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                            Originally posted by ErikH View Post
                            Oh I know. Just that last one kinda confused me for a minute based on how it was worded near the end there. No worries.

                            Interesting that it's a hot wind like that. How are the dynamics?

                            lol! yeah, if you see 'tapatalk' on the bottom, better bet I'm on the phone or tablet and my train of thought is diminished by those dinky keypads and limited visibility. but it's definitely confusing when the CS site shows it with an A2 and MJ keeps saying it's an degaussed A5. I keep wondering if the magnet might be the only difference between the IM1 and the Frankenstein that SD made for Fender. probably won't get an official answer on that one. lol!

                            you know, I can't say that it's really super hot. it's hotter than the 78, but it's not like it's DD hot. I'll be getting back to laying down some samples this next week. although most guys are probably more familiar with the JCM800, I think I'm going to go with some of zen's advice and go toward a Plexi head. any of the tonal differences are pretty subtle...a little tighter lows and a little sharper highs. it seems to settle into a mix pretty well, as does the 78. still trying to wrap my ears around the 'open' factor. my very first initial impression (which should only be taken as that) is that the '78 is open enough that it brings more overall vibe to where it sounds louder...where they IM1 is not compressed (meaning, it doesn't have that modern compressed vibe), but it's a smidge less open. the initial readings on the meter shows the coils are just slightly mis-matched. not sure if that's on purpose or just something within the normal tolerance. so it definitely has a touch of being a little more complex.

                            I've been really busy the past few days and not had much time to get back into the pickup, so I'm hoping to be able to have a better idea here this next week. I'm about to try to simplify it and it might be a dis-service to the IM1, but it's kinda like if someone wants a '78 that's closer to a JB or vice versa. you know, that guy that wants something more than a slightly hot PAF but doesn't want to go to something modern voiced.

                            I did wire it on a p/p for parallel and it's very nice on a clean amp setting.


                            • #44
                              Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                              took some readings of one of the '78 Model pickups today and came up with this:

                              series: 9.07
                              slug coil: 4.54
                              screw coil: 4.54
                              parallel" 2.27

                              compared to the IM1

                              series: 15.28
                              slug coil: 7.76
                              screw coil: 7.54
                              parallel: 3.82


                              • #45
                                Re: NPD: Custom Shop IM1

                                Originally posted by darthphineas View Post
                                took some readings of one of the '78 Model pickups today and came up with this:

                                series: 9.07
                                slug coil: 4.54
                                screw coil: 4.54
                                parallel" 2.27

                                compared to the IM1

                                series: 15.28
                                slug coil: 7.76
                                screw coil: 7.54
                                parallel: 3.82
                                That is very interesting. I am wanting to do a brown sound pickup test between the '78, Frankenstein and now probably the IM1 too. Forget what I ever said about swapping pickups and set-ups... I've been refining my techniques and am getting faster at getting the guitar back to normal after the swap. Great tone description and a very informative thread.
                                Best amp tech I've ever had and hands down one of the best electronic/sound wizards in the NC Piedmont.

